Salon Implies Secret Service Men "Who Disputed" Hutchinson's "Steering Wheel" Story Are Liars

No MSM is, who all pushed covid vaccines as "safe and effective." But that doesn't mean they don't have influence. Look at how many idiots took an experimental shot now killing millions.

And look how many people are still stupid enough to be taking the boosters; in spite of all the evidence right in front of everyone's faces that the #CoronaHoax2020 was a scam from the beginning.

We live in a world where too many people, faced with an irreconcilable conflict between what they believe to be authorities tell them, and what they can see with their own eyes, will believe the “authorities”.
And look how many people are still stupid enough to be taking the boosters; in spite of all the evidence right in front of everyone's faces that the #CoronaHoax2020 was a scam from the beginning.

We live in a world where too many people, faced with an irreconcilable conflict between what they believe to be authorities tell them, and what they can see with their own eyes, will believe the “authorities”.
Over a million people died in the USA from the scam.
Until they testify under oath their statements could just as easily be lies. It’s not like you haven‘t been shredding Hutchinson’s character and she at least was under oath.

You prefer her worthless HEARSAY claims over already stated denials by the people who were there in the SUV who are willing to state it all under oath, but the Joke 6 Dog and Pony show would not dare let them do it in public as this will destroy the 25-year-old credibility totally.

By the way Hutchinson claimed they were in the BEAST when the SS stated it was the SUV they were in.

You are being badly mislead.
You prefer her worthless HEARSAY claims over already stated denials by the people who were there in the SUV who are willing to state it all under oath, but the Joke 6 Dog and Pony show would not dare let them do it in public as this will destroy the 25-year-old credibility totally.

By the way Hutchinson claimed they were in the BEAST when the SS stated it was the SUV they were in.

You are being badly mislead.
They xay they will under oath...until then...
Until they testify under oath their statements could just as easily be lies. It’s not like you haven‘t been shredding Hutchinson’s character and she at least was under oath.

Is it really necessary to apply logic and critical thinking to any of this?
They already testified twice before the committee.......Schiff didn't mention that?
Looks like her testimony will be taken into account, under oath, unless they testify again to dispute it. You can say anything when not standing and taking an oath to tell the truth.
Looks like her testimony will be taken into account, under oath, unless they testify again to dispute it. You can say anything when not standing and taking an oath to tell the truth.

Hearsay means not a witness to the alleged acts.

The DOJ can't use that "testimony" if by a miracle found a way to prosecute Trump.

How come so many are defending a worthless Hearsay?
Why did Liz Cheny hug Cassidy after her testimony?

Liz likes crooks and liars, that's why she is aways hugging that sort of people....she probably feels very close to them.:)

Hearsay means not a witness to the alleged acts.

The DOJ can't use that "testimony" if by a miracle found a way to prosecute Trump.

How come so many are defending a worthless Hearsay?
Because they are commie scum.
Uglier and nastier. Now MSM jumping in.

We've got a problem. So let's impugn the honor and integrity of men who swear to instantly lay down their lives for the stability of our nation! Let's get to work!

Salon has always been puke personified.Esecially when Joan Walsh
was in charge.She used to have an Internet style Salon Message Board
known as " letters ".I did as I usually do.I poked fun at the silliness of her
confident " letters " flock.My " letters " reply's were lenghty and
stung all the right places of Salons regulars who were little more than
uber left leaning priviledged brats.They relied on other Salon regulars
for support and approval.To,of course a sickening degree.
So I poked fun inn ways they could not counter.Until Joan
Walsh decided to take a break,around the time of her book
and closed down her "letters" board.
This was like 10 years ago.She was a big Major league baseball
fan and kinda buddy buddy with Chris Matthews who still ran
- Hardball - and used her often as a regular.Since both were
San Fransico based writers and both Catholic.
Matthews has not been seen or read in a few years.Probably due to
his criticism of Bernie Sanders when he was leading in the nevada
caucuses and Matthews had the affrontery to use a Nazi Analogy.
Like the way Nazi Germany invaded France.
Every once in a while Matthews would make a snide remark.
Like the night he picked a fight with Zell Miller.Who had just given
a speech at the 2004 RNC.Miller ended up challenging Matthews to a dual.
That night Miss Laura Ingraham was helping host the coverage on
MSNBC.I remember Matthews on air trying to tutor Ingraham as
if what she needs to do in order to make it in this business.Like Matthews
knows a thing er two.Miss Laura was a good sport about it.
They both Catholic.
Now today we have 2 Catholics { the Pope and Pelosi }.
Both Don't know a thing er two.
So the Pope smiles and allows Pelosi to receive the sacrament of
Communion in the Vatican somewhere.I wonder if the hosts { wafers }
have been blessed or merely been brown bagged.
Such is Life.
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You have no idea if it is a fable, nor was that the entirety of her testimony. She was hardly that low level.

They may yet testify if they are willing to under oath.
Hearsay is useless as she isn't a witness and now being contradicted by the men who were there in the SUV (the hearsay woman was wrong about the vehicle)

They will NOT be allowed to testify for a reason you can't understand as you are easily fooled.

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