Salient Points = Food For Thought


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The political culture that evolved out of the great prosperity of the latter half of the 20th Century lacks any concept of a birthright for future generations—any concept that future generations are entitled to reap the benefits of the accomplishments and sacrifices of their forbearers. Much the opposite, this political culture insists that future generations must sacrifice for the sins of their ancestors—quite possibly more than they can afford to lose. In a future with increased scarcity and austerity, younger Whites will bare the brunt of these policies. Long term these trends are not sustainable, and we will likely see a continued rise in populism as well as an increase in those engaging in identity politics and identity-based patronage networks. It will become increasingly clear that anyone who wants to thrive must engage in these identity politics and patronage—even whites—and the culture of identity politics will become less idealistic and more focused on group survival. This is hardly the multicultural harmony Boomers once dreamt of, but it may move us all away from the pernicious individualist values that got us into this predicament.

White Millennials: America’s Sacrificial Lamb

The whole article is full of points to ponder- it is directed mostly at California which is the authors home, but it can easily be extrapolated to the whole Country- I remember when California was a trend setter and things migrated from there to other parts of the Country- my first awareness was window A/C's for cars- I was barely more than 7, I saw it in a 55 or 56 Mercury from California- I became more aware the older I got and my conclusions about trend setting were validated- music, fashion, and hot rods were the tings I paid attention to-
The author lays out his case pretty good-
They were all college students and actors that were waiting for that big gig to set their career off.
The Globalist had offered the students to get rid of their student loans that is if they will help Biden to win. And these desperate actors were given roles to play in movies or commercials. And the rioters were politician's family members and early released convicts that was released during the artificial pandemic.
The walk away movement were liberals who have gotten scared of this newly manufactured political culture that had came from out of nowhere.
And some of the ex-cons are still rioting to exhort money from business owners as a living
I'm not too worried about it. DT already started the process of eliminating this critical race & social justice BS in his first term. he will continue to do so, whether they like it or not.
Personally, IDC what a racist wokester has to say. They have overplayed the racism card for years & the whole "white people are evil" stuff is pretty much the definition of actual racism. They have lost all credibility & should be ignored or laughed at.
Beware, they will attack if they think they can absolutely get away with it but since most are complete pansies, the odds are slim unless you just look like a victim.

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