Saharan Dust Storms May Reduce Hurricanes


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Some places can surely be happy about this.

It means fewer storms and even hurricanes are less likely to strike when the dust is present.

"The Saharan dust will reflect and absorb sunlight, therefore reduce the sunlight at the Earth's surface," said Pan.

"If we have more frequent and severe dust storms, it's likely that we have a cooler sea surface temperature and land surface temperature. The storms have less energy supply from the colder surface therefore will be less severe."

The study goes on to show that dust and storm formation don't mix.

"Our results show significant impacts of dust on the radiative budget, hydrological cycle, and large-scale environments relevant to tropical cyclone activity over the Atlantic," said Zhang.

More @ Sahara dust may make you cough, but it's a storm killer
Not allowing energy into the ocean....

Who would of thought that keeping energy from the oceans would stop storm formation.... LOL.... No thermal gradient change, no storm formation... basic physics of our atmosphere and oceans..
Those of us on a hurricane forum have known this for years. Lol.
I think only once did we see one overcome extreme SAL
Its also the reason the current forecasted El Niño will not come to pass. Thermal recharge of the equatorial oceans is very weak.

Poor Silly Billy, just cannot get reality to agree with his nonsense. Wonder how long it will take him to admit that an El Nino is occurring?
Last year, dust didn't seem to bother the hurricanes.

Well what bothered the hurricanes for 12 years after Katrina? After were one of those guys who jumped right on board with the "real scientists" who all predicted more frequent and bigger Atlantic hurricanes! Cat 5 ones.:113::bye1::bye1:. Collective amnesia is ghey.
Its also the reason the current forecasted El Niño will not come to pass. Thermal recharge of the equatorial oceans is very weak.
Here a real meteorologist demonstrates why a burger flipper should never pretend to be what he is not.


Gawd your funny.... Even your own link shows the lack of solar recharge... I love their assessment... less than 30% sure...
Its also the reason the current forecasted El Niño will not come to pass. Thermal recharge of the equatorial oceans is very weak.

Poor Silly Billy, just cannot get reality to agree with his nonsense. Wonder how long it will take him to admit that an El Nino is occurring?
Silly Old Fraud....

Using this colossally failed modeling program to create fear... And all along cooling is setting in hard...
Its also the reason the current forecasted El Niño will not come to pass. Thermal recharge of the equatorial oceans is very weak.

Poor Silly Billy, just cannot get reality to agree with his nonsense. Wonder how long it will take him to admit that an El Nino is occurring?
Silly Old Fraud....

Using this colossally failed modeling program to create fear... And all along cooling is setting in hard...

Damn, that looks like a real cooling trend. LOL Go back to burger flipping, silly child.

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