Sage Bernie Sanders: "I'm not surprised the American people voted for President Trump!"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
read it and weep, Hillarybots!

"Donald J. Trump won the White House because his campaign rhetoric successfully tapped into a very real and justified anger, an anger that many traditional Democrats feel.

I am saddened, but not surprised, by the outcome. It is no shock to me that millions of people who voted for Mr. Trump did so because they are sick and tired of the economic, political and media status quo."
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"We need a radical shakeup at the Democratic Party," Sanders told ABC. "So instead of doing fundraisers with wealthy people, we're out in the grassroots — in the veterans' halls and the union halls — talking to working class people about how to make positive changes in this country."
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“Do you bear some responsibility in raising some of those concerns? Do you feel any guilt about her loss?” O’Donnell asked.

Sanders let out a chuckle and then responded:

“Well, I guess if we believe somebody who the establishment brings forward has a right to be anointed and nobody should run against, I guess, yes.”
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“I come from the white working class,” Bernie Sanders tweeted on Monday, “and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party cannot talk to the people where I came from.”
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“When you have Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer making the sale for you, that dog don’t hunt. It’s time to reshuffle the deck and get some younger folks in there with some more diverse backgrounds. It’s time for a leadership shakeup." - Sage Bernie
Fuck Bernie. He endorsed all of that bullshit. His credibility is shot
Bernie is correct. Berners were also correct in not voting for Hillary, as voting for her would make the next Bernie's job even harder.
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In 2001, Bernie helped lead the call for abolishing electoral college, expanding voting rights (Hillary didn't join)
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Crazy Bernie: "We don't need white people leading the Dem Party."

That'll help Dems get those white votes huh?

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