In today's heated political climate,a new Lie is born
each day.Then fertilized by guess who.Not ANY Conservatives.
But exponentially by today's hyper-livid Democrat.
- Build Back Better - is like making sure to eat every day
overbreaded chicken wings and expecting to stay healthy.
It ain't gonna hoppen { TV Series - Kung Fu }. In fact - build back better -
is gar-own-teed to help ... guess who.Not even yer garden variety Democrat.
But the New World Order Globalist.Where Covid being introduced with
Lockdowns,mask and social distancing mandates in point of fact
helped create around 500 New Billionaires.Howz them potatoes.
Garden variety Big Liberal urban city's are the ones being denied
any Build Back Better.Under Trump at least some effort was made to
improve the lives of Blacks and Hispanics.Under Biden,these same urban
city's are riddled with bullets,and homicides as Violence is now a
given.They are now true Hellholes.
So like many things the leftists Love to use touchy feely phrases
like " safety net " to indoctrinate their flocks with what George
Orwell called Doublethink.The use of constructed Lies to appear
to Know and also Not know.
Or ...
Big Brother is watching you.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Who controls the past controls the future.
who controls the present controls the past.
each day.Then fertilized by guess who.Not ANY Conservatives.
But exponentially by today's hyper-livid Democrat.
- Build Back Better - is like making sure to eat every day
overbreaded chicken wings and expecting to stay healthy.
It ain't gonna hoppen { TV Series - Kung Fu }. In fact - build back better -
is gar-own-teed to help ... guess who.Not even yer garden variety Democrat.
But the New World Order Globalist.Where Covid being introduced with
Lockdowns,mask and social distancing mandates in point of fact
helped create around 500 New Billionaires.Howz them potatoes.
Garden variety Big Liberal urban city's are the ones being denied
any Build Back Better.Under Trump at least some effort was made to
improve the lives of Blacks and Hispanics.Under Biden,these same urban
city's are riddled with bullets,and homicides as Violence is now a
given.They are now true Hellholes.
So like many things the leftists Love to use touchy feely phrases
like " safety net " to indoctrinate their flocks with what George
Orwell called Doublethink.The use of constructed Lies to appear
to Know and also Not know.
Or ...
Big Brother is watching you.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Who controls the past controls the future.
who controls the present controls the past.