"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

Hello... Art!

Would someone get Art's attention, she seems to have suddenly become fascinated with her shoe strings...

Art... you were making a point regarding fear; and the use of human experience to impart fear... you felt that knowledge was somehow dangerous; and could be a form of corruption; towards misleading an individual.

What would be the up-side to ignoring one's knowledge Art? Perhaps you can shed some light on this from that perspective.
Somebody explain to me why a guy that believes in child-molestation is in our government in the first place.

:lol: I'm still trying to figure out why these people defend this guy...regardless of his views!!!!

Like I said in another thread....the progressives here could care less if Jennings was gassing jews in Auschwitz...as long as he was annointed by The Barry then he's deserving of any and all defensive measures.
Somebody explain to me why a guy that believes in child-molestation is in our government in the first place.


The people presently heading the government, are subversive to the principles which require that such people are not fit for leadership; which is to say that they endorse such behavior; that they feel very certain that while sexuality is a private matter, that it should be taught in public schools and that we've 'outgrown' archain notions of morality which were the underpinnings of the 'old-thinking'; and they intend to 'fix it' through the promotion of debauchery, hedonism and every form of decadence imaginable, through the US 'education system'.
Somebody explain to me why a guy that believes in child-molestation is in our government in the first place.

:lol: I'm still trying to figure out why these people defend this guy...regardless of his views!!!!

Like I said in another thread....the progressives here could care less if Jennings was gassing jews in Auschwitz...as long as he was annointed by The Barry then he's deserving of any and all defensive measures.

I've been told that they have no intention of paying attention to the validity of the charges because they feel that no matter what he does the right is going to attack Obama.

Talk about manipulation to the max. Years and years of false accusations against Bush has manifested itself in a feeling that regardless the opposition is always going to lie about the other side.
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Hello... Art!

Would someone get Art's attention, she seems to have suddenly become fascinated with her shoe strings...

Art... you were making a point regarding fear; and the use of human experience to impart fear... you felt that knowledge was somehow dangerous; and could be a form of corruption; towards misleading an individual.

What would be the up-side to ignoring one's knowledge Art? Perhaps you can shed some light on this from that perspective.

Now "Ravi" would have LOVED to have offered a well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument in response to the above post; but given her stark intellectual limitations, she was limited to offering a flaccid NEG-REP, where she once again; the 2nd Neg Rep in as many days... and approaching a dozen or so over the last month... wherein she imparts her irrational 'feelings' that the post somehow 'hates on woman'.

Now this brings us to something like 3500 neg points that Ravi has hit me with... using the same irrationale... in the last month or 6 weeks.

So kids... Ravi is a BIG Fan of Neg-reps... and she carries a LOT of ass around here apparently; and likely vastly MORE of it is stuffed on whatever unfortunate chair she's crushing.

So where you might feel that a member with 360 reputation points would be wrong to abuse another "Dues-paying" member in good standing, of this board.... a member of only 22 lowly points... who has never fled from a debate of any kind; and is willing to debate any issue... and where that abusive member has repeatedly found her argument lacking on the issue which she is apparently compelled to neg on... thus is using her reputation 'power' as it were... in an attempt to CONTROL SPEECH which is advanced on this board... you would be in keeping with the trend to defend YOUR RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY, by advancing your feelings likewise as you see fit.

For those who would like to do so, I offer the following link to Ravi's posts, to facilitate just such an opportunity:

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Well... at least we've dispatched the advocates of the inspid notion that learned experience; AKA: KNOWLEDGE, OKA: Education, is abused when it's used as a warning to ward off the catastrophe commonly realized by HAVING TO RELEARN IT!

Which is what I like to call: VICTORY... (and before 9:00am)

I love the smell of napalm in the morning!!!
15 or 16 is not a "child". That's an adolescent or a young adult.

I love these Republicans with NO common sense. They think they can just "bully" anyone into anything because they have God on their side.

OK Mr. Caring. This is what I see happening.

KID: I picked up a guy at a men's room.

Mr. Caring: I'm going to have to tell your parents.

KID: If you do that, I will kill you.

Mr. Caring: I'm going to have to tell your parents that to.

Mr. Caring tells kids parents. Parents beat up kid. Throw kid out of house. Kid finds Mr. Caring in parking lot. Mr. Caring says, "Is that a gun? I'm going to have to tell your parents". Kid says, "BAM!"

Or, Mr. Caring is getting into car. Kid walks up to Mr. Caring with an aluminum baseball bat. Next thing Mr. Caring remembers is waking up in the hospital asking, "Who is Mr. Caring?"

Yea, Mr. Caring taught some lesson. Turned out he was the one "schooled".

So I take it rdean is a card carrying member of NAMBLA....:lol:....and advocates man - boy love....:lol:

YOU are a sick mother f***er

Quite an imagination you have there. If you spent as much time studying as you spend imagining sick things about people you disagree with, you might eventually earn that GED.

And on this very blog on another thread is a story about a bunch of, get this, 15 year old "babies" who, get this, set someone on fire for being a, get this, snitch. And you guys are advocating "snitching" on anther 15 year old. Uh huh, not me. Fire does nothing for my complexion and it clashes with everything.

Police: Juveniles laughed after setting 15-year-old on fire - CNN.com

If a kid was getting beat up or attacked, I would step in and try to stop it. I couldn't do any less. If one to me they were picking people up at a men's room, I would try to talk them out of it, but I wouldn't run off screaming, "Run chicken little, the sky is falling! Ruuuuun!"

Therein lies the difference between Jennings and you. It doesn't take some sort of special teacher training to counsel a student on the dangers of such behavior, and is a completely separate issue from "snitching" on the student.
You know what I love, dumb websites that truncate quotes to make them sound completely different. Gullible thy name is conservative:

The quote from their website:
[But] being finished [with our efforts] might some day mean that most straight people, when they would hear that someone was promoting homosexuality, would say “Yeah, who cares?” . . . That is our mission from this day forward.5

The speech:
One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society [the first American homosexual “rights” group]. It took him two years to find one other person who would join. Well, [in] 1993, Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before. Everybody thought Harry Hay was crazy in 1948, and they knew something about him which he apparently did not—they were right, he was crazy. You are all crazy. We are all crazy. All of us who are thinking this way are crazy, because you know what? Sane people keep the world the same [sh*tty] old way it is now. It’s the people who think, ‘No, I can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality?’ Or straight kids say, ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to the prom and try on your tuxes on at my house?’ That if we believe that can happen, we can make it happen. The only thing that will stop us is our lack of faith that we can make it happen. That is our mission from this day forward. To not lose our faith, to not lose our belief that the world can, indeed, be a different place. And think how much can change in one lifetime if in Harry Hay’s one very short life, he saw change from not even one person willing to join him to a million people willing to travel to Washington to join him. You can see the same changed happen in your lifetime if you believe you can.’’

But lets face it, the real reason they don't want Jennings in there is because he is gay. They want to see him shot just for that.
15 or 16 is not a "child". That's an adolescent or a young adult.

I love these Republicans with NO common sense. They think they can just "bully" anyone into anything because they have God on their side.

OK Mr. Caring. This is what I see happening.

KID: I picked up a guy at a men's room.

Mr. Caring: I'm going to have to tell your parents.

KID: If you do that, I will kill you.

Mr. Caring: I'm going to have to tell your parents that to.

Mr. Caring tells kids parents. Parents beat up kid. Throw kid out of house. Kid finds Mr. Caring in parking lot. Mr. Caring says, "Is that a gun? I'm going to have to tell your parents". Kid says, "BAM!"

Or, Mr. Caring is getting into car. Kid walks up to Mr. Caring with an aluminum baseball bat. Next thing Mr. Caring remembers is waking up in the hospital asking, "Who is Mr. Caring?"

Yea, Mr. Caring taught some lesson. Turned out he was the one "schooled".

So I take it rdean is a card carrying member of NAMBLA....:lol:....and advocates man - boy love....:lol:

YOU are a sick mother f***er

Quite an imagination you have there. If you spent as much time studying as you spend imagining sick things about people you disagree with, you might eventually earn that GED.

And on this very blog on another thread is a story about a bunch of, get this, 15 year old "babies" who, get this, set someone on fire for being a, get this, snitch. And you guys are advocating "snitching" on anther 15 year old. Uh huh, not me. Fire does nothing for my complexion and it clashes with everything.

Police: Juveniles laughed after setting 15-year-old on fire - CNN.com

If a kid was getting beat up or attacked, I would step in and try to stop it. I couldn't do any less. If one to me they were picking people up at a men's room, I would try to talk them out of it, but I wouldn't run off screaming, "Run chicken little, the sky is falling! Ruuuuun!"

My GOD!... Can you be serious?

So you will concede your responsibility to defend the right of another, out of fear...

What you see in the burning of another, is pure, unadulterated evil... A direct result of Secular humanism... CHILDREN who have ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES WHICH ARE INHERENT IN THEIR ENDOWED HUMAN RIGHTS... nor of the final judgment which they face, or any regard for those eternal consequences...

And you have testified here that you are frieghtened by such, and would rather concede the responsibility to defend against such, to avoid being the focus of that power... THUS EMPOWERING THAT POWER OVER YOU. Only to offer a flaccid note that you'd 'do the best ya could to contest it...' to avoid the judgment which you had already cast upon yourself. But that would not include 'snitching'...

Friends... this idiot is the emotional equalivilent of a CHILD... she has absolutely NO COMPREHENSION of HER UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OR THE RESPONSBILITIES WHICH SUSTAIN THOSE RIGHTS... and THAT is who we got to where we are... and it's no more complex than THAT.
First of all, who cares what someone says about an "illusionary" God? Does she care? Of course not, because she doesn't exist.

Second, for all of those that say run to the kids parents, I say, "Not so fast".

The highest suicide rate among children is among gay children. I suspect there are many so called, "Christian" parents who would prefer the kid died and spared the family the shame of being gay. After all, no one raises their kids to be gay, they just ARE.

And finally, if the kid can't trust the parents in the first place, many times, there are reasons. First, why is a 15 year old hanging around a men's room? Why don't the parents know where the kid is? Seconds, destructive behaviour usually stems from something, it's doesn't just "happen". Third, does the kid have legitimate fears about the parents? Maybe dad likes to beat the crap out of the kids and mom? Does the kid need to worry for their life? Fourth, well, I could go on for quites some time.

The problem with the right, they are simpletons who speak only "simpleton" and see everything in terms of black and white. Every solution is "simple". "Consequences" is a word much too big and difficult to understand. Empathy, understanding, those are for sissies. They know, "beat the kid". They know, "I will get you fired". They know, "Do what I tell you or else". In other words, they know how to bully, but not how to be a good and understanding parent. Otherwise so many of their kids wouldn't be pregnant and diseased.
So I take it rdean is a card carrying member of NAMBLA....:lol:....and advocates man - boy love....:lol:

YOU are a sick mother f***er

Quite an imagination you have there. If you spent as much time studying as you spend imagining sick things about people you disagree with, you might eventually earn that GED.

And on this very blog on another thread is a story about a bunch of, get this, 15 year old "babies" who, get this, set someone on fire for being a, get this, snitch. And you guys are advocating "snitching" on anther 15 year old. Uh huh, not me. Fire does nothing for my complexion and it clashes with everything.

Police: Juveniles laughed after setting 15-year-old on fire - CNN.com

If a kid was getting beat up or attacked, I would step in and try to stop it. I couldn't do any less. If one to me they were picking people up at a men's room, I would try to talk them out of it, but I wouldn't run off screaming, "Run chicken little, the sky is falling! Ruuuuun!"

My GOD!... Can you be serious?

So you will concede your responsibility to defend the right of another, out of fear...

What you see in the burning of another, is pure, unadulterated evil... A direct result of Secular humanism... CHILDREN who have ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES WHICH ARE INHERENT IN THEIR ENDOWED HUMAN RIGHTS... nor of the final judgment which they face, or any regard for those eternal consequences...

And you have testified here that you are frieghtened by such, and would rather concede the responsibility to defend against such, to avoid being the focus of that power... THUS EMPOWERING THAT POWER OVER YOU. Only to offer a flaccid note that you'd 'do the best ya could to contest it...' to avoid the judgment which you had already cast upon yourself. But that would not include 'snitching'...

Friends... this idiot is the emotional equalivilent of a CHILD... she has absolutely NO COMPREHENSION of HER UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OR THE RESPONSBILITIES WHICH SUSTAIN THOSE RIGHTS... and THAT is who we got to where we are... and it's no more complex than THAT.

Cut that Bible crap. That stuff is nonsense. You can't raise children through fear and that is EXACTLY what you propose. How ignorant.
You know what I love, dumb websites that truncate quotes to make them sound completely different. Gullible thy name is conservative:

The quote from their website:
[But] being finished [with our efforts] might some day mean that most straight people, when they would hear that someone was promoting homosexuality, would say “Yeah, who cares?” . . . That is our mission from this day forward.5

The speech:
One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society [the first American homosexual “rights” group]. It took him two years to find one other person who would join. Well, [in] 1993, Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before. Everybody thought Harry Hay was crazy in 1948, and they knew something about him which he apparently did not—they were right, he was crazy. You are all crazy. We are all crazy. All of us who are thinking this way are crazy, because you know what? Sane people keep the world the same [sh*tty] old way it is now. It’s the people who think, ‘No, I can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality?’ Or straight kids say, ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to the prom and try on your tuxes on at my house?’ That if we believe that can happen, we can make it happen. The only thing that will stop us is our lack of faith that we can make it happen. That is our mission from this day forward. To not lose our faith, to not lose our belief that the world can, indeed, be a different place. And think how much can change in one lifetime if in Harry Hay’s one very short life, he saw change from not even one person willing to join him to a million people willing to travel to Washington to join him. You can see the same changed happen in your lifetime if you believe you can.’’

But lets face it, the real reason they don't want Jennings in there is because he is gay. They want to see him shot just for that.

Yeah... that's right Sis... We don't want people who advocate for the normalization of abnormaility to be in ANY position to influence CHILDREN.

And why is that? Because CHILDREN LACK THE EXPERIENCE, THE EDUCATION; CHILDREN LACK THE KNOWLEDGE AND SUFFICIENT PERSPECTIVE OF EXPERIENCE TO UNDERSTAND THAT A POPULARLY HELD OPINION THAT ABNORMALITY IS NORMAL, DOES NOT MAKE IT NORMAL... They lack the potential to realize that HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A FUNCTION OF GENETICS... that Homosexuals are not a distinct GENDER... and they are inclined to buy into the idiocy that Homosexuals do not have a CHOICE in who what becomes their sexuality...

Children tend to accept what those in positions of leadership tell them is true...

Thus where someone tells them that Homosexuality is OK... A child might, for instance, use that GUIDANCE... to ENGAGE IN HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR...

Which is what we're talking about here... is it not? A child who this individual influenced... a child who this individual TAUGHT that homosexuality is PERFECTLY NORMAL... went about engaging in Homsexuality and when he came to 'confide' in this individual that he had accepted his TEACHING... the 'TEACHER' accepted such... having ENCOURAGED A CHILD TO ACT UPON HIS ABNORMAL SEXUAL CRAVINGS... this TEACHER INFLUENCED THIS CHILD TO ACT UPON THOSE CRAVINGS AND EMBRACE SEXUAL ABNOMRALITY AS NORMALITY...

And to contest this... you bring to us a speech wherein this same idiot is applauding an individual who was highly influential in the NORTH AMERICAN MAN/BOY Love ASSOCIATION... which is an international homosexual advocacy group, that encoruages Pedophilia... which is to say SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ADULT MALES AND BOYS...

Harry Hay on Man/Boy Love

Below is an excerpt which demonstrates PRECISELY how the Hussein regime came to appoint a homosexual as an "Education Czar"... from the above link...

... Harry was a vocal and courageous supporter of NAMBLA and intergenerational sexual relationships, though since his death many of the assimilationists in the gay and lesbian movement, including its most prominent organizations, have already sought to erase that part of his radicalism (not to mention his Communist roots and vocal critiques of their own accommodationist approach to the powers that be). In order to bring truth to the record, I have transcribed these comments.

I first met Harry in early 1983, at the time of the first of these speeches. I was introduced to him and his lovely—I almost said saintly—companion, John Burnside, a lovable gay man if ever there was one, by lesbian activist, self-professed witch, and sometime weed partner Katherine Davenport, a mutual friend and journalist for the New York Native. I knew about Harry’s past as a Communist and labor activist, as well as the central role he had played in efforts to launch a gay movement in the dreary, conformist 1950s—a time when homosexuality was still totally medicalized as a sickness or excoriated as a satanic perversion. I also knew that he had developed a philosophy of same-sex love that seemed inspired by the writings of Edward Carpenter, though without the explicit “intermediate sex” or “third sex” baggage, yet retaining a hint of the idea that gay men were destined to lead society to a higher level of sexual freedom and social justice. ...

Quite an imagination you have there. If you spent as much time studying as you spend imagining sick things about people you disagree with, you might eventually earn that GED.

And on this very blog on another thread is a story about a bunch of, get this, 15 year old "babies" who, get this, set someone on fire for being a, get this, snitch. And you guys are advocating "snitching" on anther 15 year old. Uh huh, not me. Fire does nothing for my complexion and it clashes with everything.

Police: Juveniles laughed after setting 15-year-old on fire - CNN.com

If a kid was getting beat up or attacked, I would step in and try to stop it. I couldn't do any less. If one to me they were picking people up at a men's room, I would try to talk them out of it, but I wouldn't run off screaming, "Run chicken little, the sky is falling! Ruuuuun!"

My GOD!... Can you be serious?

So you will concede your responsibility to defend the right of another, out of fear...

What you see in the burning of another, is pure, unadulterated evil... A direct result of Secular humanism... CHILDREN who have ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES WHICH ARE INHERENT IN THEIR ENDOWED HUMAN RIGHTS... nor of the final judgment which they face, or any regard for those eternal consequences...

And you have testified here that you are frieghtened by such, and would rather concede the responsibility to defend against such, to avoid being the focus of that power... THUS EMPOWERING THAT POWER OVER YOU. Only to offer a flaccid note that you'd 'do the best ya could to contest it...' to avoid the judgment which you had already cast upon yourself. But that would not include 'snitching'...

Friends... this idiot is the emotional equalivilent of a CHILD... she has absolutely NO COMPREHENSION of HER UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OR THE RESPONSBILITIES WHICH SUSTAIN THOSE RIGHTS... and THAT is who we got to where we are... and it's no more complex than THAT.

Cut that Bible crap. That stuff is nonsense. You can't raise children through fear and that is EXACTLY what you propose. How ignorant.

Says the person who CAME TO OPENLY ADVOCATE FOR THE CONSESSION to fear that was being advanced by EVIL...

rdean said:
... on another thread is a story about a bunch of, get this, 15 year old "babies" who, get this, set someone on fire for being a, get this, snitch. And you guys are advocating "snitching" on anther 15 year old. Uh huh, not me. Fire does nothing for my complexion and it clashes with everything.

Anyone need anything else from this imbecile?
Right, we get it, gays are bad and gays are evil. Thats the real message.

Happily, people of that mindset are going the way of hardcore racists, an increasingly ignored group of yahoos.
Second, for all of those that say run to the kids parents, I say, "Not so fast".

The highest suicide rate among children is among gay children. I suspect there are many so called, "Christian" parents who would prefer the kid died and spared the family the shame of being gay. After all, no one raises their kids to be gay, they just ARE.

And finally, if the kid can't trust the parents in the first place, many times, there are reasons. First, why is a 15 year old hanging around a men's room? Why don't the parents know where the kid is?

Now rdean, NAMBLA advocate, says if gay children aren't having sex with older men then they will kill themselves???!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

and then...blames it on the parents!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Right, we get it, gays are bad and gays are evil. Thats the real message.

Happily, people of that mindset are going the way of hardcore racists, an increasingly ignored group of yahoos.

And with them goes the viability of the culture which they sustained...

Understand what this idiot is saying friends...

Homosexuality is perfectly normal... and why is it perfectly normal? Well because 'people' feel that it's normal...

It has nothing to do with 'normality'... despite the implication of such being a scientific assessment, the conclusion is not actually founded in science... it is founded in popularity.

As has been noted many times, the advocacy of homosexuaity is a LIE...

The advocacy of Homosexuality is a function of cultural subversion; a subversion which is advanced by the advocates of the farce known as SOCIAL JUSTICE... AKA: the Socialists... in all of its various facets, through all of the various sub-cultures; the advocacy of homsexuality is a means to an end. That end being the end of the recognition and respect for the high moral standards of the immutable principles which sustain America.

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