Sadly the only way Roy Moore loses the senate is

Indeed. The main defenses against Mooreā€™s rape and pedophelia have been either that the children consented to his sexual advances, or that making out with and groping children is fine. I have no hope that Alabama will break with their stereotype and vote against him.

You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up

She alleged...and by definition under law is it rape, I guess, but can we not call anything sexual negative rape....that kind of minimizes what people have gone through who have actually had someone force themselves on them entirely with, as in how we actually understand rape in our society. Is someone forcing your hand on their junk a terrible act, YES, and if Roy Moore did it heā€™s a piece of shit, but that is waaaay less severe than actual rape. I have actually had someone put their hand on and grope my junk, thatā€™s different sure, but I have a pretty good idea of what that sort of thing feels like, I really did not like it, but I also would never in a million years say I was raped.

Can we let due process have it place??? Please. Letā€™s see what the experts say about the handwriting analysis on the yearbook, and then we still have to recognize that that is in no way evidence of Moore molesting this girl, thatā€™s just evidence of he signed her yearbook. It does lend credence to this persons testimony, absolutely. But itā€™s still not evidence, and weā€™re probably not going to find evidence. And I know that sucks in these cases with sexual predators. Itā€™s very important we weed them out absolutely, but itā€™s not going to help when you wait 40 years to do that. And I feel like I shouldnā€™t have to say this but witch hunts are very very bad, and to be honest Iā€™d rather have 10 guilty people get away with it, vs 1 innocent person get burned at the stake.

Iā€™m not saying we canā€™t look at the Cosby situation and say ā€œweā€™ll its past the statute of limitations, so thereā€™s nothing there.ā€ No, when thereā€™s smoke there is probably fire, and we should do our very best to see whatā€™s causing the smoke. And in this case that smoke could be just as easily leading us to a fire that is a fire of just trying to win a senate seat (thatā€™s extremely valuable). Roy Moore is probably another one of many that I would hate in the senate. But I think at the very least in the wake of Weinstein, Sandusky, and all of these other animals, all of us can agree on that we NEED TO ENCOURAGE POTENTIAL VICTIMS TO START COMING OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND TO NOT BE ASHAMED OR FEARFUL FOR DOING SO. Thatā€™s the actual solution to this disgusting behavior, a witch hunt is not a solution, itā€™s just a mob burning people at the steak because they feel good about doing it. Thatā€™s not justice, if we want this to stop, we need to collectively do this.
Indeed. The main defenses against Mooreā€™s rape and pedophelia have been either that the children consented to his sexual advances, or that making out with and groping children is fine. I have no hope that Alabama will break with their stereotype and vote against him.

You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up


No proof. You know what? If a D was running and an R tried to take them out this way with smear tactics I would whole heartedly defend the Democrat. None of this is believable.

This ginned assault with all the lies included like the fake ban from the mall and the YMCA is beyond the pale and it just shows how sordid politics has become.

I'm running with "innocent until proven guilty" and I don't give a good God damn what side of the aisle the accused is from.
You Ds better pray he wins the seat otherwise he has the time and money to run a defamation suit that will get rid of what little money is left in the D coffers.
Indeed. The main defenses against Mooreā€™s rape and pedophelia have been either that the children consented to his sexual advances, or that making out with and groping children is fine. I have no hope that Alabama will break with their stereotype and vote against him.

You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.
The old rapist doesnā€™t even deny trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old. Take your ā€œfamily valuesā€ and shove them up your ass.

Liar. The two women he dated in their late teens completely contradict your dirty fucking mind asshole. Nothing more than kissing and hugging. Mothers thrilled to death that their daughters were dating the Deputy DA because he was so honorable and trustworthy and such great marriage material.

One of those young ladies happens to b a very prominent Democrat who signed for Hillary Clinton and others. She had nothing but good things to say about Moore.

You are a liar. Calling him a rapist when there hasn't even been an accusation that he raped any one shows what a fucking slimeball you are. All for politics. Disgusting.
Trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old does not make someone ā€œhonorable.ā€ I mean holy shit folks. What the fuck happened to the world where this is even an arguument???

Then again, it IS Alabama, and they earned their stereotypes for a reason.
I don't live in Alabama, if I did, I still wouldn't vote for Moore.

I also wouldn't vote for the democrat in the race.

We need LESS nuts in Congress, not Moore
last I heard, the youngest that has come forward was 14, over the age where it is considered pedophilia.
Libs redefine words to suit them. I doubt he really knows the definition anyway.

An FYI on libs and rape. In Sweden where Assange is accused of rape? It's because the women accuse him of not wearing a condom. The sex was consensual but they claim he didn't wear a rubber.
I don't live in Alabama, if I did, I still wouldn't vote for Moore.

I also wouldn't vote for the democrat in the race.

We need LESS nuts in Congress, not Moore

Somewhat agree but the Ds started this ball rolling without thinking of the downside. I am comfortable with saying that no matter what the outcome the Ds will be most unhappy with the result.
You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.
The old rapist doesnā€™t even deny trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old. Take your ā€œfamily valuesā€ and shove them up your ass.

Liar. The two women he dated in their late teens completely contradict your dirty fucking mind asshole. Nothing more than kissing and hugging. Mothers thrilled to death that their daughters were dating the Deputy DA because he was so honorable and trustworthy and such great marriage material.

One of those young ladies happens to b a very prominent Democrat who signed for Hillary Clinton and others. She had nothing but good things to say about Moore.

You are a liar. Calling him a rapist when there hasn't even been an accusation that he raped any one shows what a fucking slimeball you are. All for politics. Disgusting.
Trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old does not make someone ā€œhonorable.ā€ I mean holy shit folks. What the fuck happened to the world where this is even an arguument???

Then again, it IS Alabama, and they earned their stereotypes for a reason.
Ok leeeets put things into perspective. I know teens who are in relationships with much older doctors, and itā€™s not because the doctors are handsome. There are scores of older wealthy males who are dating/sleeping with teens. But we shrug our shoulders at it and say ā€œhey mick jagger (Seinfeld, billy Joel, pretty much any athlete in existence) is rich, so itā€™s not an issue that they can date someone younger than their grandchildren.ā€ Moore was still in his younger 30s, in a small town in the 70s, after a war, not that conventional sure, but still not at all out of bounds.
last I heard, the youngest that has come forward was 14, over the age where it is considered pedophilia.
Libs redefine words to suit them. I doubt he really knows the definition anyway.

An FYI on libs and rape. In Sweden where Assange is accused of rape? It's because the women accuse him of not wearing a condom. The sex was consensual but they claim he didn't wear a rubber.
Well thatā€™s an obvious case of ones forcing themselves upon you........................................................said no drunk one night stand ever. Iā€™ve apparently committed rape many times. Is it still rape when theyā€™re on birth control?
You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.
The old rapist doesnā€™t even deny trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old. Take your ā€œfamily valuesā€ and shove them up your ass.

Liar. The two women he dated in their late teens completely contradict your dirty fucking mind asshole. Nothing more than kissing and hugging. Mothers thrilled to death that their daughters were dating the Deputy DA because he was so honorable and trustworthy and such great marriage material.

One of those young ladies happens to b a very prominent Democrat who signed for Hillary Clinton and others. She had nothing but good things to say about Moore.

You are a liar. Calling him a rapist when there hasn't even been an accusation that he raped any one shows what a fucking slimeball you are. All for politics. Disgusting.
Trolling for highschool pussy as a 30+ year old does not make someone ā€œhonorable.ā€ I mean holy shit folks. What the fuck happened to the world where this is even an arguument???

Then again, it IS Alabama, and they earned their stereotypes for a reason.

He asked out young women on dates. That's not trolling for pussy. Or hells bells every man on the planet is then a sexual predator asking someone out on a date. I refuse to lower the bar of sexual harassment that low.

You have 3 accusers of sexual misconduct. One has a very bad cred. Second with Gloria is going to go down over the yearbook. Hells' bells even her step son calls her a liar. The third accuser that said he pinched her ass in the presence of her mother no less but Mom apparently didn't see it is a former career criminal

Two he dated praised him. Romantic. Poetry. Playing guitar. Nothing past kissing and hugging. The rest are just women who he asked out for a date.
last I heard, the youngest that has come forward was 14, over the age where it is considered pedophilia.
Libs redefine words to suit them. I doubt he really knows the definition anyway.

An FYI on libs and rape. In Sweden where Assange is accused of rape? It's because the women accuse him of not wearing a condom. The sex was consensual but they claim he didn't wear a rubber.
Well thatā€™s an obvious case of ones forcing themselves upon you........................................................said no drunk one night stand ever. Iā€™ve apparently committed rape many times. Is it still rape when theyā€™re on birth control?

It's Sweden. I think they make it up as they go.

Indeed. The main defenses against Mooreā€™s rape and pedophelia have been either that the children consented to his sexual advances, or that making out with and groping children is fine. I have no hope that Alabama will break with their stereotype and vote against him.

You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up

Nope. You have to have penetration. Doesn't have to be a penis, but you gotta have penetration.
ā€œThe penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.ā€
An Updated Definition of Rape

What you are talking about is
Statutory Rape
Sexual intercourse by an adult with a person below a statutorily designated age.

The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, isincapable of consenting to sex. Minors and physically and mentally incapacitated persons are deemed incapable ofconsenting to sex under rape statutes in all states. These persons are considered deserving of special protection becausethey are especially vulnerable due to their youth or condition.

But Rape itself meaning is

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of thevagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by asex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent ofthe victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
Hey, Roy said he asked the childrenā€™s mothers for permission before he felt them up. Thatā€™s more than good enough for Alabama.

OMG..made me laugh out loud..


That figures.

Listen you either have to laugh about you righties letting this man slide or go crazy.

What we are laughing at is you fools complete refusal to address the issue of no iron clad proof. Yet you keep saying he's guilty. You are insane.
The senate doesn't ave to seat him

Actually, under the SCOTUS ruling of Powell v. McCormack - if elected by the people of Alabama, the Senate can only refuse to seat a member for Constitutionally listed reasons.

What would have to happen is Moore would have to be seated, then the Senate could proceed with an expulsion vote. It would then take a 2/3rds vote to expel him.

Does the Senate Have the Constitutional Authority to Refuse to Seat a Blagojevich Appointee?

SCOTUS Link -->> Powell v. McCormack

You should eat a ban at USMB for flat out lying. You are really one fucked up asshole to continue to lie like this.
Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up

Nope. You have to have penetration. Doesn't have to be a penis, but you gotta have penetration.
ā€œThe penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.ā€
An Updated Definition of Rape

What you are talking about is
Statutory Rape
Sexual intercourse by an adult with a person below a statutorily designated age.

The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, isincapable of consenting to sex. Minors and physically and mentally incapacitated persons are deemed incapable ofconsenting to sex under rape statutes in all states. These persons are considered deserving of special protection becausethey are especially vulnerable due to their youth or condition.

But Rape itself meaning is

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of thevagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by asex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent ofthe victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

" any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force,"
(emphasis mine)

I see the word penetration in your definition.

Did you somehow miss it?
Hey, Roy said he asked the childrenā€™s mothers for permission before he felt them up. Thatā€™s more than good enough for Alabama.

OMG..made me laugh out loud..


That figures.

Listen you either have to laugh about you righties letting this man slide or go crazy.

What we are laughing at is you fools complete refusal to address the issue of no iron clad proof. Yet you keep saying he's guilty. You are insane.

Never said he was guilty, but I believe the woman went through some horror.

You keep defending him without facts either..

Wow. You are on record here saying that itā€™s all good because all Roy Moore did was make out with and grope some children, and you call ME fucked up? Shut the fuck up, Canadian.

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up

Nope. You have to have penetration. Doesn't have to be a penis, but you gotta have penetration.
ā€œThe penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.ā€
An Updated Definition of Rape

What you are talking about is
Statutory Rape
Sexual intercourse by an adult with a person below a statutorily designated age.

The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, isincapable of consenting to sex. Minors and physically and mentally incapacitated persons are deemed incapable ofconsenting to sex under rape statutes in all states. These persons are considered deserving of special protection becausethey are especially vulnerable due to their youth or condition.

But Rape itself meaning is

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of thevagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by asex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent ofthe victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

" any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force,"
(emphasis mine)

I see the word penetration in your definition.

Did you somehow miss it?

Read #3 and #4

You are a fucking liar. You are calling him a pedophile and a rapist. Seriously asshole you are beyond belief to accuse a man of that all over fucking politics douchebag. And I'm not going to shut the fuck up liar.

Tiny he made this girl touch his penis , this is what rape is ..look it up

Nope. You have to have penetration. Doesn't have to be a penis, but you gotta have penetration.
ā€œThe penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.ā€
An Updated Definition of Rape

What you are talking about is
Statutory Rape
Sexual intercourse by an adult with a person below a statutorily designated age.

The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, isincapable of consenting to sex. Minors and physically and mentally incapacitated persons are deemed incapable ofconsenting to sex under rape statutes in all states. These persons are considered deserving of special protection becausethey are especially vulnerable due to their youth or condition.

But Rape itself meaning is

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of thevagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by asex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent ofthe victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

" any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force,"
(emphasis mine)

I see the word penetration in your definition.

Did you somehow miss it?

Read #3 and #4


I did

not pertinent to the subject
No one has ever spun this around either. I remember being young.


Last thing I ever wanted to date was any boy in my class. Or even a senior frat boy. And coming from that generation when I was a baby in the 60's and 70's and hanging with Alice Cooper and others I had no use for some pimple faced 16 year old boy. I liked men. Not boys.

I have no doubt most of the women we are seeing now bitch about some older man wanting to date them are full of shit. I know the area quite well because of bass fishing in Guntersville Lake. And I know south. Even now dating a DDA would be a catch beyond all dreams.

These women are liars saying they found it offensive.

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