Russian hacks into Ukraine power grids a sign of things to come for U.S.?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Russian hacks into Ukraine power grids a sign of things to come for U.S.?

CBS News

Holly Williams

Russian hacking to influence the election has dominated the news. But CBS News has also noticed a hacking attack that could be a future means to the U.S. Last weekend, parts of the Ukrainian capitol Kiev went dark. It appears Russia has figured out how to crash a power grid with a click.

Last December, a similar attack occurred when nearly a quarter of a million people lost power in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine when it was targeted by a suspected Russian attack.

Vasyl Pemchuk is the electric control center manager, and said that when hackers took over their computers, all his workers could do was film it with their cell phones.

“It was illogical and chaotic,” he said. “It seemed like something in a Hollywood movie.”

The hackers sent emails with infected attachments to power company employees, stealing their login credentials and then taking control of the grid’s systems to cut the circuit breakers at nearly 60 substations.

The suspected motive for the attack is the war in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists are fighting against Ukrainian government forces.

But hackers could launch a similar attack in the U.S.


Russian hacks into Ukraine power grids a sign of things to come for U.S.?
I just heard the other day there is a high concern about our power grid. There is also talk how this could be planned to keep O screwball in office for a third term. Create a disaster, make it look like Russia and oh what perfect timing.
Russian hacks into Ukraine power grids a sign of things to come for U.S.?

CBS News

Holly Williams

Russian hacking to influence the election has dominated the news. But CBS News has also noticed a hacking attack that could be a future means to the U.S. Last weekend, parts of the Ukrainian capitol Kiev went dark. It appears Russia has figured out how to crash a power grid with a click.

Last December, a similar attack occurred when nearly a quarter of a million people lost power in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine when it was targeted by a suspected Russian attack.

Vasyl Pemchuk is the electric control center manager, and said that when hackers took over their computers, all his workers could do was film it with their cell phones.

“It was illogical and chaotic,” he said. “It seemed like something in a Hollywood movie.”

The hackers sent emails with infected attachments to power company employees, stealing their login credentials and then taking control of the grid’s systems to cut the circuit breakers at nearly 60 substations.

The suspected motive for the attack is the war in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists are fighting against Ukrainian government forces.

But hackers could launch a similar attack in the U.S.


Russian hacks into Ukraine power grids a sign of things to come for U.S.?
They probably reneged on their energy bill to Russia, since that was basically the reason they opted for closer ties to the US that sparked their internal "civil war" in the first place. When we don't pay our bills in this country the energy companies turn off our service.
Sadly, such a hack is likely to be encouraged by the incoming administration.
Sadly you are falling for that bs. Anything horrible will set up to look like Trump's fault. The only thing left to fk him is assassinate and there are certainly enough lunatic Trump haters out there who are willing to do just that. They already say it all over the media from Hollywood morons, msm etc.

Die hard Democrat's never succeed , and most certainly aren't admired by those they would die for . Your leaders see you as nothing but their pet slave always were and always will. They see all of us as that.
The US shut down Russia several times this week for a minute or two each time, just let Russia know to behave itself.


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Sadly, such a hack is likely to be encouraged by the incoming administration.
Sadly you are falling for that bs. Anything horrible will set up to look like Trump's fault. The only thing left to fk him is assassinate and there are certainly enough lunatic Trump haters out there who are willing to do just that. They already say it all over the media from Hollywood morons, msm etc.

Die hard Democrat's never succeed , and most certainly aren't admired by those they would die for . Your leaders see you as nothing but their pet slave always were and always will. They see all of us as that.
Sadly, such a hack is likely to be encouraged by the incoming administration.
As usual your full of
, he's not like your "boy" obongo ...
Trump asked for them to do more hacks and appointed Putin's buddy as our SOS. So you're right, he's not like Obongo.

From your favorite news source bhahaha
My favorite news source? What's your favorite news source? I'll post the link to the video from them if you'd like.
The US shut down Russia several times this week for a minute or two each time, just let Russia know to behave itself.
And when the NSA turns it's attention to normal United States citizens (thank you Obama) then you can all wack off in private when the lights go out... :smartass:
Obama has backed Putin into a corner this week, and it appears Putin is going to mind his business until after the inauguration.
Well a big heads up people. Last January it was reported that Russians had hacked the Ukrainian grid.


Well the Ukrainians took out some Crimean sub stations. So payback is a bitch. If the Russians did a repeat job on the Ukrainian grid you have to look for the why of it.

And not in any Western or Ukrainian news source. You have to understand the current Ukrainian President owns the media out of Kiev and Hillary Clinton's big Ukrainian donor Pinchuk pretty well owns the rest of the media.
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Well a big heads up people. Last January Russians hacked the Ukrainian grid.


Well the Ukrainians took out some Crimean sub stations. So payback is a bitch. If the Russians did a repeat job on the Ukrainian grid you have to look for the why of it.

And not in any Western or Ukrainian news source. You have to understand the current Ukrainian President owns the media out of Kiev and Hillary Clinton's big Ukrainian donor Pinchuk pretty well owns the rest of the media.
OuCh! You're gonna hurt somebody with that...

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