Russian Collusion, Was No Dellusion!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
Naw,anything that exposes her lies the troll does not read and don’t worry,only one of the other trolls of usmb gave the stupid fuck op a thumbs up. :biggrin: none of the other resident trolls like her has as of yet so far. What’s really comical is the paid shill for China used the msn CIA controlled news for her source,talk about grasping at straws and throwing a Hail Mary desperation pass.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Meanwhile every major corporation including mainstream media shill for China, and do everything in their power to elect Democrats. But that’s not “election interference” to idiots like Bulldog.
It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
True. Those who believe in "Collusion" also believe the Moon landing was fake. The REAL Collusion was the MEDIA and Biden in 2020. Who OWNS the Media? Bezos and gang. The REAL President.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

The true believers always believe, no matter what. Man, why didn't you get this to Mueller? Seems like he could have used a few internet keyboard jockeys to help him.
It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
True. Those who believe in "Collusion" also believe the Moon landing was fake. The REAL Collusion was the MEDIA and Biden in 2020. Who OWNS the Media? Bezos and gang. The REAL President.
Many bed wetters are indeed just mindless drones parroting insipid drivel. The OP usually isn't this stupid, this is Rye Catcher level stupid. Flat earther Weapons Grade Stupid sort of shit.

Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

The only part of this post that's worth discussing is the title. "Russian Collusion, Was No Dellusion" is only correct in the aspect that no one with a frontal lobe was under any delusion the whole bullshit story was anything more than a scam.

I mean I guess if you really insist on believing 9/11 was an "inside job" or that there is a man called Santa Marx living in an abandoned Moscow subway that flies around the world behind 13 gender neutral reindeer handing out free shit to non-white children on secular holidays you can do so.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

And you keep drinking that kool-aid........with both hands.....
Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states...


The only thing more powerful than Russian Facebook memes is targeted memes.
It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
True. Those who believe in "Collusion" also believe the Moon landing was fake. The REAL Collusion was the MEDIA and Biden in 2020. Who OWNS the Media? Bezos and gang. The REAL President.
Actually a much better one would be the ones that believe in collusion also believe the people elect our presidents and we live in a free true what the real collusion was. :thup:

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