Russian Collusion, Was No Dellusion!

It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
Don't trip backpedaling so fast.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

Oh Trump knew alright. To even suggest they he didn't is an insult to anyones intelligence, and you can bet the farm that Ivanka, Jared, and Jr. were neck deep in the middle of it.

I'm surprised the thread is still up. Meister, and the usual suspects of rightards, and mods have done everything they can to make this story disappear on USMB. There must be a concerted effort to post every thread that is related, on this board, and every other board that anyone uses, including Facebook.
It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?

Given that the data Manafort gave the Russians included the Trump campaign strategy in the swing states, and information on how to win the electoral college, we have pretty good idea what the Russians did with that information.

Even worse, the Trump Administration knew this and hid this from the Mueller Investigation. This was the "smoking gun" on collusion that Mueller was looking for. Talk about "obstruction of justice".
Right, as if Russia or anyone else in the world can’t figure out which states are the “battleground” states in any election. It’s only plastered over the news 24/7.

The data included the Trump Campaign plan for the swing states, allowing the Russian disinformation campaign to "co-ordinate" nicely with the Trump Campaign's stategy. The very definition of "collusion".
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

Not a single shred of evidence despite spending a Billion Dollars to try to manufacture some.

Meanwhile the CCP FBI and deep state ignores Biden being owned by Russia, Iran, China & Ukraine.

This is nothing but fear projections of President Trump dethroning illegitimate Faux Joe in 2024, and the GOP winning midterms.
It's also unclear what Russia may have done with the polling and "strategy" information.

Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is. Everybody that gave that a thumbs up... Just as stupid as the OP for posting it.

Do you even fuck'n read what it is you post?
True. Those who believe in "Collusion" also believe the Moon landing was fake. The REAL Collusion was the MEDIA and Biden in 2020. Who OWNS the Media? Bezos and gang. The REAL President.
Many bed wetters are indeed just mindless drones parroting insipid drivel. The OP usually isn't this stupid, this is Rye Catcher level stupid. Flat earther Weapons Grade Stupid sort of shit.


Your personal attack on the OP is typical of your hateful rhetoric. You have no proof that Dumb Donald is not a sexual pervert, a rapist; and soon to be tried in court in a defamation suit by his one of his many victims.

Not only is Dumb Donald corrupt, he faces several other trials and no longer has Barr to protect him. The truth is alien to you, and the other13 Trump Supporters who use emoticons without any evidence to defend Dumb Donald; in your case, and many other trump defenders, the truth is something you vehemently dislike.
Yeah yeah... Collusion. They have no idea how it's collusion... It just is.
Nonsense. They invited amd encouraged Russia's help publicly. Russia obliged. The campaign provided secret internal data to them. That is collusion. No amount of squirming or equivocation is going to get you around these basic facts.
Two plus year investigation by special prosecutor said otherwise.
No it didn't. It detailed collusion. That's why Barr had to lie and make a statement before the report came out. That was damage control, and they knew their audience well.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

I wonder why none of this propaganda is in the Mueller Report.

LMAO at the stupid shit Leftist are so gullible to believe.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

This article explains there is no evidence behind this claim. All it is more bullshit the press treats as fact. The same people are behind it and they have never stopped lying and the MSM still tries to pass it off a fact.

Greenwald is a real journalist.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

Y’all come up with the silliest shit.
she needs to change her user name to idiot4all.
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

I wonder why none of this propaganda is in the Mueller Report.

LMAO at the stupid shit Leftist are so gullible to believe.

thats idiot4all for ya.:2up:
Oh boy oh boy!

Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence has been confirmed.... not that those of us truly paying attention didn't already know Manafort passed TRUMP campaign internal polling for the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Etc off to Kilimnik and he then passed it on to Russian intelligence so they could focus their disinformation campaign on those states... What else was Kilimnik going to do with it, as a known Russian sympathizer agent?

Your guy's campaign team cheated and were traitors to our country back in 2016.... They colluded with the Russian govt, to win.

I'm not so sure TRUMP knew his campaign manager and assistant Gates, did this....It's possible he did not....???

This article explains there is no evidence behind this claim. All it is more bullshit the press treats as fact. The same people are behind it and they have never stopped lying and the MSM still tries to pass it off a fact.

Greenwald is a real journalist.
you handed her ass to her on a platter and checkmated it.


Mueller posted declarations that Trump and his team didn't break the law and didn't collude either.
This is a dead talking point for the Democratic party and it's media.

A useful conversation could be had if any Americans had the minimum amount of intelligence to understand why.

Trump was certainly an evil fascist wanna-be dictator but he at least was well advised on what he could get away with in broad daylight.


New report shows Trump's 2016 campaign shared info with Russian intelligence
That sure sounds like collusion.
Imagine this news flash: the campaign manager of Joe Biden’s presidential bid throughout the 2020 race was in continuous and covert contact with a Chinese intelligence officer whom had once been her business associate.

During these clandestine communications—which included secret meetings—she passed internal Biden campaign polling data to the Chinese operative, and the operative encouraged her to help advance a Chinese proposal that would allow Beijing to succeed in its territorial disputes in the South China Sea and further extend its influence there. And throughout this all, China was running an undercover operation to help Biden win.

Ka-boom! There would be headlines galore. The right-wing media would go bananas. Fox News would explode. Sean Hannity might lose the power of speech. And congressional Republicans would demand investigation upon investigation. There would be talk of impeachment.

Well, this did happen. Just not with Biden and China, but with Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 election. Yet this key piece of the Trump-Russia story never became a major scandal for the former president, who has not stopped claiming (falsely) that all talk about Vladimir Putin’s attack on the 2016 election and the ties between his campaign and Russia is a “hoax.” Nevertheless, on Thursday, another critical and eye-popping element of this part of the Trump-Russia scandal was revealed by the US Treasury Department.

The Treasury announced it was slapping sanctions on “16 entities and 16 individuals who attempted to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election at the direction of the leadership of the Russian Government.” One of the targets on this list was Konstantin Kilimnik, who it identified as a “Russian and Ukrainian political consultant and known Russian Intelligence Services agent implementing influence operations on their behalf.”

The announcement stated that during the 2016 election, Kilimnik provided Russian intelligence with “sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy.” It also declared that Kilimnik “sought to promote the narrative that Ukraine, not Russia, had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

The Treasury Department pointed out that in 2018 Kilimnik was indicted on obstruction of justice charges regarding his unregistered lobbying work related to Ukraine and that he has been assisting Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted corrupt president of Ukraine, who is now hiding in exile in Russia. Kilimnik, according to the department, has been conniving to return Yanukovych to power in Ukraine.

The Treasury announcement explained that Kilimnik was being sanctioned for “having engaged in foreign interference in the U.S. 2020 presidential election” and for “acting for or on behalf” of Yanukovych. It noted that the FBI has offered a reward of up to $250,000 for information leading to his arrest.

What precisely Kilimnik did to try to influence the 2020 race was not detailed. In March, the Office of Director of National Intelligence released an unclassified report that concluded that Putin in 2020 launched a covert assault on American democracy to help Trump retain the White House, and the Treasury statement refers to that document.

What Treasury also did not spell out was that Kilimnik had been in league with Paul Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign chairman for part of 2016. Kilimnik was a former business associate of Manafort; the pair had worked together in Ukraine, when Manafort was making millions of dollars as a consultant for the Putin-friendly Yanukovych.

During the 2016 campaign, Manafort secretly interacted with Kilimnik and handed him internal polling information from the Trump campaign, according to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report and the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the Trump-Russia scandal, which was released last year (and was endorsed by the Republicans on the committee).


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