Russia. The next logical steps


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Some logical steps no one talking about yet.

1. The West and Russia are enemies, a nuclear WWIII is just matter of time, to prolong the time for NATO nukes Russia shall move the capital from Moscow to Novosibirsk.
2. Any agreement with the NATO toilet paper aka Ukrainian government will be immediately broken after Russia moves troops out, so Russia shall stop stupid discussions and negotiations with NATO ( sorry, with Ukraine ) and include all conquered territorials into Russia right now.
3. Either Putin is an idiot or his advisers are corrupted morons and the fifth column. Russia shall break all diplomatic relations with countries of enemies.Can you imagine German embassy in Moscow in 1942?
4. Only patriotic economy can make Russia strong, Putin shall practically apply German economical politic of the years 1933 - 1938
5. Resurrection of death penalty, especially for traitors and corrupted officials.
6. Completely sealing of western border which includes Belarus and parts of Ukraine included in Russia now
7. The precept 'Russia for Russians' where any nation is represented in authorities and medias according national quotes.
8. Improvement of ties with China, Asia and Muslim World

Sure am glad, you are not and will never be a mover and shaker in government influence in this country or any other.
Sure am glad, you are not and will never be a mover and shaker in government influence in this country or any other.


I advise you to read this newspaper by usage of Google, it's the Brain of Russian national resurrection Putin and his government hear in any small detail
By the way. Almost all my predictions of the last few years have been exactly fulfilled now

Some logical steps no one talking about yet.

1. The West and Russia are enemies, a nuclear WWIII is just matter of time, to prolong the time for NATO nukes Russia shall move the capital from Moscow to Novosibirsk.
2. Any agreement with the NATO toilet paper aka Ukrainian government will be immediately broken after Russia moves troops out, so Russia shall stop stupid discussions and negotiations with NATO ( sorry, with Ukraine ) and include all conquered territorials into Russia right now.
3. Either Putin is an idiot or his advisers are corrupted morons and the fifth column. Russia shall break all diplomatic relations with countries of enemies.Can you imagine German embassy in Moscow in 1942?
4. Only patriotic economy can make Russia strong, Putin shall practically apply German economical politic of the years 1933 - 1938
5. Resurrection of death penalty, especially for traitors and corrupted officials.
6. Completely sealing of western border which includes Belarus and parts of Ukraine included in Russia now
7. The precept 'Russia for Russians' where any nation is represented in authorities and medias according national quotes.
8. Improvement of ties with China, Asia and Muslim World

Thank you, Nostradamus
Some logical steps no one talking about yet.

1. The West and Russia are enemies, a nuclear WWIII is just matter of time, to prolong the time for NATO nukes Russia shall move the capital from Moscow to Novosibirsk.
2. Any agreement with the NATO toilet paper aka Ukrainian government will be immediately broken after Russia moves troops out, so Russia shall stop stupid discussions and negotiations with NATO ( sorry, with Ukraine ) and include all conquered territorials into Russia right now.
3. Either Putin is an idiot or his advisers are corrupted morons and the fifth column. Russia shall break all diplomatic relations with countries of enemies.Can you imagine German embassy in Moscow in 1942?
4. Only patriotic economy can make Russia strong, Putin shall practically apply German economical politic of the years 1933 - 1938
5. Resurrection of death penalty, especially for traitors and corrupted officials.
6. Completely sealing of western border which includes Belarus and parts of Ukraine included in Russia now
7. The precept 'Russia for Russians' where any nation is represented in authorities and medias according national quotes.
8. Improvement of ties with China, Asia and Muslim World

50 years from now what we know today as Russia is going to be a few dozen breakaway territories fighting each other over border lines.
Some logical steps no one talking about yet.

1. The West and Russia are enemies, a nuclear WWIII is just matter of time, to prolong the time for NATO nukes Russia shall move the capital from Moscow to Novosibirsk.
2. Any agreement with the NATO toilet paper aka Ukrainian government will be immediately broken after Russia moves troops out, so Russia shall stop stupid discussions and negotiations with NATO ( sorry, with Ukraine ) and include all conquered territorials into Russia right now.
3. Either Putin is an idiot or his advisers are corrupted morons and the fifth column. Russia shall break all diplomatic relations with countries of enemies.Can you imagine German embassy in Moscow in 1942?
4. Only patriotic economy can make Russia strong, Putin shall practically apply German economical politic of the years 1933 - 1938
5. Resurrection of death penalty, especially for traitors and corrupted officials.
6. Completely sealing of western border which includes Belarus and parts of Ukraine included in Russia now
7. The precept 'Russia for Russians' where any nation is represented in authorities and medias according national quotes.
8. Improvement of ties with China, Asia and Muslim World

China will own you soon and you will be begging for the West to save you…
Some logical steps no one talking about yet.

1. The West and Russia are enemies ...

For Putin "the West" is an enemy, because Putin needs enemies and lies to stabilize his rotten political system - but for the West Russia is in the moment only a problem. If Russia leaves the Ukraine the problem "What for heavens sake tries the violent idiot Putin to do and why? It makes absolutelly not any sense what is happening there!" would shrink.
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in ten years the entirely West is gone

Sure. Ever thought about that 3-4 times more Europeans exist than Russians do? We could easily drink out your complete strategical reserve of vodka so you could go lost in loch Drunkless.

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For Putin "the West" is an enemy, because Putin needs enemies

Putin is a corrupted son of a bitch, he decides nothing now.
Hopefully he will get kick in his ass from the high military officers.
Russia and the West are divorced for at least 200 years, a business as usual is impossible.

There are only three realistic outcomes

1. Putin resigns, the war ends. Probability less as 1 % because Putin knows he will die within few hours
2. Military coup, Russia becomes a Fascist state ( Like current Ukraine and Germany 1933 - 1939 ), the war gonna be more harder. The probability around 90%
3. The nuclear war . 10%

Russians have seen since 2014 the true attitude of the West toward them, any normal relations, business as usual are dead
Putin is a corrupted son of a bitch ...

A nice way to try to do suicide. How much money do you think will Putin pay for your scalp now, useful idiot of Donald Trump (who is also a very good friend of Wladimir Putin on his own)?

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A nice way to try to do suicide. How much money do you think will Putin pay for your scalp now, useful idiot of Donald Trump (who is also a very good friend of Wladimir Putin on his own)?

Like Trump, Putin is a weakling and NWO ass-kisser , I don't like both of them.
Like Trump, Putin is a weakling and NWO ass-kisser , I don't like both of them.

Whatever ... whatever your totally weird game might be in reality ... you are not only an enemy of Germany but an enemy of the complete western world, disinformator. And although I do not understand your weird game full of lies and stupidities I guess your absurde propaganda method is much too weird for a single person. You are a perfect anti-American because you give no one else in the world the possibility than only to hate you while you seem to speak in the name of the USA. With "Christian" has for sure nothing to do what you say, challenger.

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Whatever ... whatever your totally weird game might be in reality ... you are not only an enemy of Germany but an enemy of the complete western world, disinformator. And although I do not understand your weird game full of lies and stupidities I guess your absurde propaganda method is much too weird for a single person. You are a perfect anti-American because you give no one else in the world the possibility than only to hate you while you seem to speak in the name of the USA. With "Christian" has for sure nothing to do what you say, challenger.

I'm enemy of folks like you and yours, you swallow my tax money and parasitize spreading your communist BS
You liberals ( commies, satanists, socialists, democrats, LGBTQ etc ) aren't the Western World
You're communist filth which kills it
You subvert it within, rob it, impose cultural Marxism and 24/7 lie to enslaved by you peoples

Read about you and your communist pals
I'm pretty sure together with your comrades soon you start to kill all those whom you disagree with


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