Russia, Radical Islam Behind Caravans: The Monroe Doctrine & War on The American Continent

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Friends, Enemies, Allies and Haters of America:

There will be a war on The American Continent within 20 Years. I read a lot of International Newspapers, and am involved in multiple discussion groups, and do a lot of research. Russia wants a military foothold and alliances in Latin America. They want to expand their influence there economically, and militarily. They want involved in Energy Production, Minerals, and other Raw Materials all across South and Meso America.

Similarily our enemies in Radical Islam have produced a countless number of memos, videos, speeches etc. regarding strategies they can use to infiltrate and weaken America. One of them is to ally with Mexican Drug Cartels, move Afghani Heroin and Asian Fentanyl, Methamphetamine - Wikipedia and other hard drugs in to America, as well as rush our borders with Illegal Immigrants to accomplish this, to put a strain on Law Enforcement, Border Patrol and our communities and to also put political pressure on our politicians to adopt an Open Borders policy so that the flood gates can be opened for a soft invasion of The US and make them more acceptable to Islamic, Russian and other influences.

This is one of the hidden dangers of weak Border Security, and why more than ever why we need a WALL.

We are Under Assault, and in Denial.

If we do not take precautionary measures and pre-emptive action and secure our borders, we will eventually have to cross the Southern Border to protect ourselves in a live fire war.

Let's not let it get to that point.

Russia: Playing a Geopolitical Game in Latin America

Southcom: Iran Has Established 80-Plus Cultural Centers Across Latin America to Promote Shiite Islam | Breitbart

Texas: Muslims from Syria caught sneaking across the border from Mexico

Islamic State operating in Mexico just 8 miles from U.S. border: report

The Golden Age of Drug Trafficking: How Meth, Cocaine, and Heroin Move Around the World
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I've been retired from the military for a while, but I well remember that a major source of the Taliban's income was from heroin.

Drugs have long been a favorite source of money for criminal organizations.

"Just say no!"
Oh, one more thing.

You seem to have missed the fact that China has been poking their nose around South America quite a bit lately.

They have also been making big moves in Africa. Raw materials, you know.
lets be reasonable-----I have NO DOUBT that scum like Russia and
Iran, and Isis wannabees are POISED to exploit the south America
vs USA issue-------but I am not willing to insist that they FOMENTED
Oh, one more thing.

You seem to have missed the fact that China has been poking their nose around South America quite a bit lately.

They have also been making big moves in Africa. Raw materials, you know.
Thank you for your reasonable and CORRECT response. Yes, China too is involved in wanting a greater role in South America. They also want to erode our manufacturing base here.

Example: GM, if you remember, took a Government Bailout, closed several of its US plants while keeping new plants open in China and Mexico. They did this immediately after the midterms and right before Christmas. The Grinch should be their new logo. GM thinks its a good move, but GM leadership is making a YUGE miscalculation!

GM will be forced by China to eventually turn over all of it's patents, intellectual properties and engineering blueprints to China, or China will just steal them.

I will NEVER....NEVER buy a GM vehicle again.

I also will never vote for Tim Ryan or Sherrod Brown again who came out against NAFTA renegotiations and legislation that would have discouraged American Companies exporting our jobs to China and Mexico.
lets be reasonable-----I have NO DOUBT that scum like Russia and
Iran, and Isis wannabees are POISED to exploit the south America
vs USA issue-------but I am not willing to insist that they FOMENTED
You should read the articles, and research Radical Islamic strategies for undermining America. The Southern Border plays a big role in many of their plans. That and Drug Trafficking across The Southern Border.

Russia wants their foothold in individual South and Middle American Countries Economically and Militarily, while ISLAM wants more cultural influences and wants to invade our borders and saturate America in a broth of Heroin, Illegal Immigrants, Meth, Crack, and Human Trafficking.

This makes Russia, China, Islam and Mexican Drug Cartels natural allies in many a South American Nation.
Additional Related Article:

New 'no escape' Meteor missiles boost fighter jets' firepower

Developed by a six-nation European team with MBDA and the U.K. Ministry of Defence taking the lead, the new missiles are now in full production.

And these powerful missiles just made their debut with the United States key ally, the United Kingdom. Carried by British Typhoon fighter jets, the new missiles sent a clear signal of military might when ‘eyeballing’ Russian bomber aircraft this week.

Russian Intercept

This week, British Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons launched to intercept Russian aircraft approaching U.K. airspace.

Armed for the first time with the Meteor, they escorted the Russian aircraft that many believe to be the Russian long-range Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack" strategic bombers.

Before approaching U.K. airspace, the Russian military aircraft were intercepted and escorted by Royal Norwegian Air Force F-16s.

The Tu-160s flew on to Venezuela where they joined other Russian military aircraft in a high-profile show military force. Russian officials announced the bombers were participating in combined operational flights with the Venezuelan Air Force and that they were preparing to defend Venezuela when it is needed.

This is the latest in a pattern of increased Russian military aircraft activity prompting RAF Typhoon fighter jets to intercept.


lets be reasonable-----I have NO DOUBT that scum like Russia and
Iran, and Isis wannabees are POISED to exploit the south America
vs USA issue-------but I am not willing to insist that they FOMENTED
You should read the articles, and research Radical Islamic strategies for undermining America. The Southern Border plays a big role in many of their plans. That and Drug Trafficking across The Southern Border.

Russia wants their foothold in individual South and Middle American Countries Economically and Militarily, while ISLAM wants more cultural influences and wants to invade our borders and saturate America in a broth of Heroin, Illegal Immigrants, Meth, Crack, and Human Trafficking.

This makes Russia, China, Islam and Mexican Drug Cartels natural allies in many a South American Nation.

I do not need the article to know that the criminal drug guys and the
impoverished Hispanics of south America are NATURAL ALLIES
for islamists (and Russian imperialists-----china? no so much.)
Its been going on like this for more than 80 years. In the USA
disenfranchised blacks and incarcerated criminals have been natural
targets for Islamic imperialists too. What else is new? NOI
was invented by middle east oil rich imperialists

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