
  1. The Original Tree

    Schummer took Campaign Donations from Putin and Nordstream

    So not only did Putin purchase Biden through his influence and payments laundered through Burisma, Putin got to Chuck Schummer, and as we know, many others. Remember Kids, The...
  2. The Original Tree

    Let The Memes Begin! The Time Of Ridicule Is At HAND!

    It's over, and now it's time to have fun once again. Most of The Leftist Trolls have fled, and only a few boneheads are still here drunk on the couch not realizing the party is over and that their face and body is covered in Sharpie Cartoons and Messages
  3. The Original Tree

    Pelosi vows to join The Jihad to Defend Iran.

    Iran is a peace loving country, and is not an Existential Threat to America like President Trump is, she said. Trump is an Imminent Threat to our Republic, and a Danger to our Constitution. Islam "the religion of peace" is not a threat to our National Security, but The President is. So today...
  4. The Original Tree

    America Needs To Demand Transparency From The DemNazi Party

    This is America. If you want to be a Nazi without a Nazi uniform and have Secret Warrants, Secret Subpoenas, Secret Accusers, and Secret Transcripts, we are not going to tolerate that. Go be a Nazi-Commie in Venezuela. That's how they do things there. America needs to demand The Transcripts...
  5. The Original Tree

    Nancy Pelosi is being BLACKMAILED by Pakistan

    Hillary Rotten Clinton and WashHerDirtyAss Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers to pry in to the Congressional Files of your Congressmen and Congresswomen in the hopes it would give them an edge in the 2016 election. Never mind that the FBI at the time really didn't give a shit and tried to help...
  6. The Original Tree

    Batman & The Rule of Law: Political Relevance

    Many people watch a movie like Batman Begins, and gloss right over some of the truths spoken in such a film, or in the comic books. Batman is the way he is, because of injustice, and not because of cruelty or a desire for vengeance, but because of the weak resolve of others who fail to act, and...
  7. The Original Tree

    DemNazi Party Just Weaponized Congress against The President with an eye on 2020.

    Secret Depositions, Secret Courts, and more Unconstitutional Nonsense. The DemNazi party is out for blood even if The Mueller report completely exonerates The President. An Army of Inquisitors will soon be running Washington DC. It's McCarthyism all over again, only darker and much uglier...
  8. The Original Tree

    What is Schummer & Pelosi's Plan to deal with Fentanyl, Heroin, and Illegal Immigration Epidemic?

    Along with these issues is an Epidemic of sex slavery, and human trafficking that is occurring in Sanctuary Cities and Border states. Does Pelosi and Schummer have a plan at all other than continuing to with hold appropriation for border security barriers that were approved clear back in 2006...
  9. The Original Tree

    The 1860s Called and they want their Social Policy Back!

    Here is The Democrat Platform in a Nutshell. They are still practicing The Politics of Slavery 160 years after The Civil War is over. What are they raging about now? A Damn Wall to limit the flood of Illegal Undocumented Brown People coming in the The US That The Elite Left needs to work on...
  10. The Original Tree

    The Democrat Party's Problematic Alliances With Radical Islam and Illegal Aliens

    The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump. America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all. From their continual insistence in importing...
  11. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...
  12. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...
  13. The Original Tree

    Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

    Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing...
  14. The Original Tree

    $30 Billion A Year Confiscated at The Mexican Border: More to come with More Wall

    The Walls and border defenses and security we already have pays for itself. The Wall we are going to build is a better investment than a toll road. The More we can control the border the more The Wall funds itself and generates revenue, REVENUE that is paid BY MEXICO right now. Some short...
  15. The Original Tree

    Blood Money, Drug Cartels, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer

    So, apparently Chuck and Nancy accept political donations from Mexican and Columbian Shell Corporations here in America, owned by Drug Cartels. Is anyone shocked? A little bit of Heroin never hurt anyone right, Chuck, Nancy? Today drug cartels are playing the political activism game and are...
  16. The Original Tree

    Russia, Radical Islam Behind Caravans: The Monroe Doctrine & War on The American Continent

    Friends, Enemies, Allies and Haters of America: There will be a war on The American Continent within 20 Years. I read a lot of International Newspapers, and am involved in multiple discussion groups, and do a lot of research. Russia wants a military foothold and alliances in Latin America...
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