Rural culture


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I'm sure they would and I am certain in the BIG CITY of 30k, just 35 miles from here, the kids have good service and play all the video games they want....probably not at the fastest speeds though cable is avail to them....but not those who do not live in the city...they've got outdoor chores to do, before they go ice fishing or hunting or skiing.

No video games? I am not saying rural culture is bad I think hunting and skiing is fun but it is good to seek out different experiences. Maybe those kids should do a little less outdoor chores and activities and pick up a controller.


The key for a happy life is balance. There is room for both fun outdoor activities and electronic entertainment.
I'm sure they would and I am certain in the BIG CITY of 30k, just 35 miles from here, the kids have good service and play all the video games they want....probably not at the fastest speeds though cable is avail to them....but not those who do not live in the city...they've got outdoor chores to do, before they go ice fishing or hunting or skiing.

No video games? I am not saying rural culture is bad I think hunting and skiing is fun but it is good to seek out different experiences. Maybe those kids should do a little less outdoor chores and activities and pick up a controller.


The key for a happy life is balance. There is room for both fun outdoor activities and electronic entertainment.

So, you recommend less work and more sitting on their asses playing video games? That would make them more apt to embrace leftist policies later in life, wouldn't it?
Video games are good babysitters and distraction for kids but are you actually hinting that they are better for kids than real world experiences?
I'm sure they would and I am certain in the BIG CITY of 30k, just 35 miles from here, the kids have good service and play all the video games they want....probably not at the fastest speeds though cable is avail to them....but not those who do not live in the city...they've got outdoor chores to do, before they go ice fishing or hunting or skiing.

No video games? I am not saying rural culture is bad I think hunting and skiing is fun but it is good to seek out different experiences. Maybe those kids should do a little less outdoor chores and activities and pick up a controller.


The key for a happy life is balance. There is room for both fun outdoor activities and electronic entertainment.

So, you recommend less work and more sitting on their asses playing video games? That would make them more apt to embrace leftist policies later in life, wouldn't it?

I just said to include new activities not sit on your butt all day. If you never played a video game or watched a movie experience those things but don't let them dominate your life.
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.
What if not everyone wants to? I think people should read more history but that's their decision not mine.
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.
What if not everyone wants to? I think people should read more history but that's their decision not mine.

I love history but that is not all I read. All I am calling for is more diversity in peoples lives. A person can be both a great athlete and play video games.
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.

You didn't say that. You said they should spend less time outdoors doing chores and more time playing video games. No way should they skip chores since that teaches responsibility. We always did chores first, then some fun or relaxation. I think children should spend more time playing outdoors. Amazing that some have no chores at home and I wonder how they will ever be independent if they don't learn to do more on their own. Video games can have some benefits, but should never be a priority. Some games are good for improving hand-eye coordination and there are some children who could really benefit. Parents need to watch what games they allow and limit the time on them and television.

I've seen some kids who are expert at some video games and they are not well-rounded individuals.
I'm assuming that there is a dirty tricks Alinsky thread in this post. Yeah right, kids can play video games in cities and pretty much anywhere that DSL phone service is available. So what?
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.

You didn't say that. You said they should spend less time outdoors doing chores and more time playing video games. No way should they skip chores since that teaches responsibility. We always did chores first, then some fun or relaxation. I think children should spend more time playing outdoors. Amazing that some have no chores at home and I wonder how they will ever be independent if they don't learn to do more on their own. Video games can have some benefits, but should never be a priority. Some games are good for improving hand-eye coordination and there are some children who could really benefit. Parents need to watch what games they allow and limit the time on them and television.

If I did say that then I take back what I said. All I ask for now is for people to have more diversity in their life. I know an airplane pilot who players World of Warcraft but is not addicted to it.
Yeah more time with the video games that will improve the childhood obesity problem. I will let the Individual parents decide whats best for their kids.

I did not say spend more time on them. I said people should try playing one if the haven't. Everything in moderation.
What if not everyone wants to? I think people should read more history but that's their decision not mine.

I love history but that is not all I read. All I am calling for is more diversity in peoples lives. A person can be both a great athlete and play video games.
You can call for anything you want but it's not up to you to decide how other people live their life. How much diversity a person has in their life is up to them. I like playing Call Of Duty but I'm not calling for other people to play it.
I'm sure they would and I am certain in the BIG CITY of 30k, just 35 miles from here, the kids have good service and play all the video games they want....probably not at the fastest speeds though cable is avail to them....but not those who do not live in the city...they've got outdoor chores to do, before they go ice fishing or hunting or skiing.

No video games? I am not saying rural culture is bad I think hunting and skiing is fun but it is good to seek out different experiences. Maybe those kids should do a little less outdoor chores and activities and pick up a controller.


The key for a happy life is balance. There is room for both fun outdoor activities and electronic entertainment.

I lived my entire childhood creating "new experiences" without ever playing a video game and only rarely watching TV. I lived near a wild riverbed where my friends and I would hike for hours searching for rocks or blazing new trails. There was a big rock crushing plant nearby where we would go on the weekends. We'd run up and down this giant pile of fresh sand or climb to the top of the rock crusher, itself (it looked like a huge erector set). We'd play baseball; "smear the queer"; throw a Frisbee; go to the beach; walk around the mall; ride our bikes; etc., etc. The thought of a video game addiction never even entered our minds.
Some entertainment is good but you don't have to let it dominate your life.
I think it's a shame that more city kids don't play outside more or do more things that are common in the country, like hiking, fishing, camping, mushroom hunting, farm chores, horseback riding and just playing in a big yard with friends. Video games alone don't offer up diversity. There are a million things a person can choose to do with their time and they will do what peaks their interest and what they can afford. My mom always told us to play outside and didn't like us sitting in front of the TV. Somehow we survived without cable, internet, cell phones, video games or other modern things. I think our generation has a better work ethic and the ability to make do with things instead of throwing things out. We fixed things instead of replacing them. We didn't sit around on our butts all the time and were better off for it.

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