Rule of law


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.
Do not doubt the oath you took or your belief that you are still standing ready to support it. Not being a trump supporter, but also taking the oath serious, I doubt your judgement. I'll stand my ground right here.
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

go fuk a confederate flag you stinking nazi
trump pisses on the constitution..

you blame obama for wars started by bush

you are a dangerous moron and i spit on you

in your very first paragraph yoy accuse law enforcement of lying to get a conviction. Do you hate the police?

you accuse law enforcement of spitting on their oath

so why should i think your oath is any better?

i think you spit on your oath

you make me sick

were you in the military? law enforcement?

either way you swore an oath to the constitution, the county and ALL the people,

not just to people you approve of you stinkiing piece of disloyal crap

if you were in the military or law enforcement my tax money paid for your training and education.

then you spit on your oath
spit on the constitution
and cheated everyone who paid for your training

you disgust me.

you are dog shit
you are human garbage
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

just so there is no are human garbage
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

go fuk a confederate flag you stinking nazi
trump pisses on the constitution..

you blame obama for wars started by bush

you are a dangerous moron and i spit on you

in your very first paragraph yoy accuse law enforcement of lying to get a conviction. Do you hate the police?

you accuse law enforcement of spitting on their oath

so why should i think your oath is any better?

i think you spit on your oath

you make me sick

were you in the military? law enforcement?

either way you swore an oath to the constitution, the county and ALL the people,

not just to people you approve of you stinkiing piece of disloyal crap

if you were in the military or law enforcement my tax money paid for your training and education.

then you spit on your oath
spit on the constitution
and cheated everyone who paid for your training

you disgust me.

you are dog shit
you are human garbage
Kind of bitter tonight? He is harmless and it was his opinion, no more, no less.
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

I would like to think that our founder's believed that American's would always have the fortitude that they did. An understandable mistake as they had no idea that Gov't would grow into the giant leviathian it did, even overriding the quality of fortitude.
Even to the point that America no longer deserves the Constitution. And we don't!
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

I would like to think that our founder's believed that American's would always have the fortitude that they did. An understandable mistake as they had no idea that Gov't would grow into the giant leviathian it did, even overriding the quality of fortitude.
Even to the point that America no longer deserves the Constitution. And we don't!
Speaking for yourself makes me pity you.:(
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.


Americans are narcotized

The Fake News Media aka The SEE BS Netwok has convinced Americans that the Deep Administrative State and the Demo Rats ' intentions are pure as the white driven snow,

One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

I would like to think that our founder's believed that American's would always have the fortitude that they did. An understandable mistake as they had no idea that Gov't would grow into the giant leviathian it did, even overriding the quality of fortitude.
Even to the point that America no longer deserves the Constitution. And we don't!
Speaking for yourself makes me pity you.:(

Don't need it. I got mine. Now you get yours as you trudge through a deepening techno-state leading to totalitarianism and ultimately bondage.
I wouldn't have traded my journey for the world! Yours, well, good luck.
One thing I never slacked on was government. My parents taught me one fact that has always remained true. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Law enforcement will lie to get a conviction and government agencies are 10 times worse. The checks and balances in our Costitution are there to protect us from unconstitutional laws. So what is an American citizen's duty when those check and balances no longer work. None of you leftist need to apply as you have shown you don't know a rat's ass about the document or show it any respect or honor. But the rest of us it holds true we at one time or another took an oath to the doument. Unlike politicians we were proud of taking that oath and have always believed that oath was for life.

With most politicians the minute they take the oath they start ripping it up Ones as Obama with his enabler congress of repugs commenting genocide after genocide on countries that posed us no threat Mass murder of tens of thousands leveling hospitals, cities, and towns making jokes of 130,000 Libyans along with their leader who armed and weapons have little effect on 60,000 sorties of Bunker Busters and Cluster bombs making jokes about the brutal beating, stabbing and shooting death of Omar Qaddife as the secretary of state cackled like a hen in heat finding 12 inch rooster and these Black Americans supporting these two criminals that should have rotted from the tree years ago are about the sorriest pathtic shits making Kerry, Fonda, and Walter Cronkite look life long patriots.

On top of that we have 4 years filled of the treasonous criminal actions fighting tooth and nail trying to over throw the government of a man that has only showed the document respect and honor and you have only mass stupidity to defend your actions. Oath takers just what do you think our founders would say as to what our duty is to defending our rule of law? What is our duty to react to this criminal assault on our freedom, our liberties, and criminal justice system I THINK OUR FOUNDERS WOULD SCREAM KILL THEM ALL and do what you must to take out the trash. That is what duty is and what will allow our children to enjoy the freedom we once had and you know that is the only way to handle it. Sound off remembering right is might. OR CRAWL UNDER A ROCK WITH THE REST OF THE VERMIN AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.

I would like to think that our founder's believed that American's would always have the fortitude that they did. An understandable mistake as they had no idea that Gov't would grow into the giant leviathian it did, even overriding the quality of fortitude.
Even to the point that America no longer deserves the Constitution. And we don't!
Speaking for yourself makes me pity you.:(

Don't need it. I got mine. Now you get yours as you trudge through a deepening techno-state leading to totalitarianism and ultimately bondage.
I wouldn't have traded my journey for the world! Yours, well, good luck.
I'm good. Thanks.

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