Rudy testified in Michigan yesterday - And he brought witnesses!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This loony bird embarrassed even Rudy - And Rudy does not embarrass easily. :laugh2:

Alleging that she witnessed poll workers running the same ballots through voting machines “thousands of times,” Melissa Carone—noticeably slurring— took issue when a state representative said that she should be “under oath” during her testimony.​
"I have an affidavit!" Carone exclaimed. “I am a mother, I have two children, I have two degrees. I don’t know any woman in the world that would write an affidavit under oath just to write it. You can go to prison for this!”​
The affidavit Carone is referencing was included last month in a Michigan lawsuit that sought to stop the election certification of Wayne County. The request was denied by the judge, who deemed her allegations as “simply not credible.”​
At one point, during an exchange with GOP Rep. Steve Johnson, Carone grew animated and began yelling when the lawmaker questioned how her claim that a batch of 30,000 votes counted multiple times wouldn’t be reflected in the poll book.​
“We’re not seeing the poll book off by 30,000 votes,” Johnson said.​
“What’d you guys do, take it and do something crazy to it?” Carone fired back.​
“I’m just saying the numbers are not off by 30,000 votes,” Johnson calmly replied.​
“I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000 [votes],” she declared with an air of complete confidence. Then she started lecturing the lawmaker, telling him there were “zero registered voters” in the county’s poll book.​
When Johnson tried once more to ask her about her outlandish claims, Carone loudly wondered about the turnout rate being “120 percent,” prompting Giuliani to reach over to calm her down, all while audibly “shushing” her.​
Needless to say, the rest of Carone’s testimony was just as fact-free, unhinged, and jaw-dropping. And she continued to deliver it with an amazing amount of self-confidence.​

White privilege is what enables this clearly insane far rightwing lunatic to be treated w/kid gloves, rather than be hauled out of that court in cuffs for the crimes she's committing right before them.

This country really is in a terrible place and has A LOT of growing to do.

Rudy's star witness stopped at the cantina en route and powered through at least 5 extra dry martinis. :D
Poor Rudy
I guess Borats daughter was not available to testify

All the leaders in the Republican party are a bunch of perverts that love to diddle underage girls.

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