Rudy Giuliani: The gift that keeps on giving

If you're an example of the average voter, I agree. If the government sucks it's because of voters like you.

"Bush 2000."

"Bush sucked."

"That's because he was a RINO."

"McCain 2008."

"McCain lost."

"That's because he was a RINO."

"Romney 2012"

"Romney lost."

"Yeah, but that's because he was a RINO."

Of course I'm the stupid one. :cuckoo:

Hope and Change because, yes we can!

Ah, well, that might be stupidity in more succinct form.
Rudy Giulianis statements questioning Obama's upbringing and declaring that Obama does not love America has given the Democrats a tremendous gift

Democrats get to declare

Look America.....This is how Republicans are
See how Democrats take the high ground while Republicans resort to tactics like this?

But best of all......All GOP candidates will now be asked to take a side.
Do you think President Obama loves America?

When given a chance, Scott Walker punted and refused to answer
How will other Republicans respond?

I think Obama loves talking about America...
Can you dig up a quote from Obama in which he unconditionally praises the American people or the United States?
Can you dig up a quote from Obama where he talks about the greatness of the United States and does so without ambiguity?
I think you give your A HA! moment, far too much credit....
Look, Guliani is not running for President. Obama CAN'T run for president. The point is moot.
As your side LOVES to say...There is no there, there.....
oh boy, they are going to milk this for every drop they can. while the people who put their party into minority statues. just laughs at them

what the who gives a shit what some FORMER mayor had to say. people are worried about finding a job and feeding their families under this Obama regime

You are seeing people and a party that is D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E
This gives the media good cover for Brian Williams....
Actually, the media is already on to other things. Only the lefty tongues are wagging on the blogs....I cannot wait to see the blaring headline in this week's Media Matters email...Yeah, I subscribed....SO I can keep an eye on what the enemy is doing...
Why is the low information left so angry at "America's Mayor", because he criticized the president? Why is the left so sensitive about criticism of Barry Hussein that they would attack a private citizen for voicing his opinion? The question is redundant and the answer is simple. Rudy hit a sensitive nerve and the left was blindsided. Instead of defending the indefensible the low information left does what it does best and searches the blogs for ammunition to use against Americans who dare to insult the king.

Legitimate criticism is one thing. Claiming a president doesn't love his country because you disagree with his policies is another thing.
I think the only thing Obama loves about this country is that it permits him to have the luxury of elitism.
That is the kind of rhetoric that Democrats love to hear. Shows how petty and childish all Republicans are
Now, every candidate can be asked if they agree

Actually, it shows how honest someone can be. Yes, honesty, something you nothing of.

Oh, and at least we haven't had a president who hasn't held interviews with nutcases who bathe in milk and Froot Loops.

Yes it is great to see the honesty to show the hatred you have within

Indeed, it shows how little of an argument you actually have when all you can play is the 'hate' card. No really. You are very intellectually dishonest.
When you sink so low as declaring that the President of the United States does not love his country.......Yes, it shows your hatred

No, that shows you know the truth.
Why is the low information left so angry at "America's Mayor", because he criticized the president? Why is the left so sensitive about criticism of Barry Hussein that they would attack a private citizen for voicing his opinion? The question is redundant and the answer is simple. Rudy hit a sensitive nerve and the left was blindsided. Instead of defending the indefensible the low information left does what it does best and searches the blogs for ammunition to use against Americans who dare to insult the king.
Rudy was appealing to Republicans like you. Those who believe to the bone that Obama is the devil

Now, all Republicans will be asked the same question

Walker punted and refused to answer.......the question will not go away
Just like Benghazi and the IRS scandal?
That is the kind of rhetoric that Democrats love to hear. Shows how petty and childish all Republicans are
Now, every candidate can be asked if they agree

Actually, it shows how honest someone can be. Yes, honesty, something you nothing of.

Oh, and at least we haven't had a president who hasn't held interviews with nutcases who bathe in milk and Froot Loops.

Yes it is great to see the honesty to show the hatred you have within

Indeed, it shows how little of an argument you actually have when all you can play is the 'hate' card. No really. You are very intellectually dishonest.
When you sink so low as declaring that the President of the United States does not love his country.......Yes, it shows your hatred

Let's get one thing straight, liberal. He has done nothing to warrant my respect! I don't respect a man simply out of blind loyalty like you do.
Giuliani's unwarranted, ridiculous hostility toward the president is typical of too many on the right, where conservatives who exhibit similar hostility look just as ridiculous.

Giuliani is neither in the position nor has the authority to question the president's patriotism and love of country.
Wanna bet?.....
We have freedom of speech here. The president is not an elected king.
Therefore we may at any time question and yes, criticize our elected leaders....
Obama has neither stated nor demonstrated anything which is contrary to the words of Giuliani....
In fact, Obama criticizes and apologizes in deference to foreign interests all the time. His criticism of the American people, our culture, Christianity, Judaism and our economic system is well documented.......
oh boy, they are going to milk this for every drop they can. while the people who put their party into minority statues. just laughs at them

what the who gives a shit what some FORMER mayor had to say. people are worried about finding a job and feeding their families under this Obama regime

You are seeing people and a party that is D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E

I's great isn't it

Now EVERY Republican running for president will be asked to declare Obamas loyalty

Do they pander to assholes like we have on this thread or do they take the high ground like McCain did?
Do you ever pay attention to yourself....As far as you are concerned, all who refuse to comply with the lib/progressive ideology are to be insulted and impugned...
As previously stated on numerous occasions, as far as you people on the left are concerned, there IS NO other point of view.....
Scott Walker says he doesn't know if President Obama loves his country

Add that to he doesn't know about evolution

And people say his lack of education doesn't matter

Is there something wrong with being undecided on the issue of evolution? Both creationism and evolution are theories, so why does everyone have to be a true believer of one or the other? You Leftists making a big issue out of Walker not wanting to discuss evolution with flaming Left wing bigots like you only proves him RIGHT.

God is a theory, Evolution is a FACT

A candidate for highest office should know that

No, evolution is not a fact. You're religious beliefs aren't facts, they're just your beliefs. Don't push them on everyone else.

And a candidate for highest office doesn't need to answer that question, or where he stands on contraceptives, or whatever else you Leftwats come up with that have nothing to do with what's going on in this country.

The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.
Why is the low information left so angry at "America's Mayor", because he criticized the president? Why is the left so sensitive about criticism of Barry Hussein that they would attack a private citizen for voicing his opinion? The question is redundant and the answer is simple. Rudy hit a sensitive nerve and the left was blindsided. Instead of defending the indefensible the low information left does what it does best and searches the blogs for ammunition to use against Americans who dare to insult the king.

Legitimate criticism is one thing. Claiming a president doesn't love his country because you disagree with his policies is another thing.

Didn't liberals do that periodically when Dubya was around?
Scott Walker says he doesn't know if President Obama loves his country

Add that to he doesn't know about evolution

And people say his lack of education doesn't matter

Is there something wrong with being undecided on the issue of evolution? Both creationism and evolution are theories, so why does everyone have to be a true believer of one or the other? You Leftists making a big issue out of Walker not wanting to discuss evolution with flaming Left wing bigots like you only proves him RIGHT.

God is a theory, Evolution is a FACT

A candidate for highest office should know that

No, evolution is not a fact. You're religious beliefs aren't facts, they're just your beliefs. Don't push them on everyone else.

And a candidate for highest office doesn't need to answer that question, or where he stands on contraceptives, or whatever else you Leftwats come up with that have nothing to do with what's going on in this country.

The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.
The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

The assertion that he isn't Presidential material is because he simply doesn't support Unions. The people in his state have spoken twice on that issue. Geez, stop pouting, child.

The issue at hand is Walkers disbelief of evolution and overall opposition to education

Worst Governor ever
The first is an assumption, the second political punditry, the third an opinion from the throes of ignorance. You don't even know every governor, much less who might be the worst. Governor Bill Harrison is likely the best candidate for worst governor ever in American history. That's something those of use who are actually educated understand. You are a complete ass.
Is there something wrong with being undecided on the issue of evolution? Both creationism and evolution are theories, so why does everyone have to be a true believer of one or the other? You Leftists making a big issue out of Walker not wanting to discuss evolution with flaming Left wing bigots like you only proves him RIGHT.

God is a theory, Evolution is a FACT

A candidate for highest office should know that

No, evolution is not a fact. You're religious beliefs aren't facts, they're just your beliefs. Don't push them on everyone else.

And a candidate for highest office doesn't need to answer that question, or where he stands on contraceptives, or whatever else you Leftwats come up with that have nothing to do with what's going on in this country.

The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.

No, not really. Still just an interpretation.
God is a theory, Evolution is a FACT

A candidate for highest office should know that

No, evolution is not a fact. You're religious beliefs aren't facts, they're just your beliefs. Don't push them on everyone else.

And a candidate for highest office doesn't need to answer that question, or where he stands on contraceptives, or whatever else you Leftwats come up with that have nothing to do with what's going on in this country.

The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.

No, not really. Still just an interpretation.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and the fossil record is incidental at this point anyway. It's all about our understanding of the genetic code and various genomes - information which is currently being acquired at a tremendous pace in one of the more interesting scientific explosions of knowledge ever.
No, evolution is not a fact. You're religious beliefs aren't facts, they're just your beliefs. Don't push them on everyone else.

And a candidate for highest office doesn't need to answer that question, or where he stands on contraceptives, or whatever else you Leftwats come up with that have nothing to do with what's going on in this country.

The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.

No, not really. Still just an interpretation.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and the fossil record is incidental at this point anyway. It's all about our understanding of the genetic code and various genomes - information which is currently being acquired at a tremendous pace in one of the more interesting scientific explosions of knowledge ever.

Oh, yes, the fossil record. The Precambrian Explosion blows a big hole right through your monkey theory all by itself. The fossil record doesn't prove evolution, it militates against it on a fundamental level. All you have is an interpretation and a religious cult that asserts blind belief in evolution no matter what the evidence says.

Stop pushing your religion on me. I don't want it.
The issue that evolution occurs is supported by biological, fossil and DNA is a fact
How and why it occurs is a theory

The fact that the uneducated Walker doesn't understand that shows he is not Presdential material

Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.

No, not really. Still just an interpretation.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and the fossil record is incidental at this point anyway. It's all about our understanding of the genetic code and various genomes - information which is currently being acquired at a tremendous pace in one of the more interesting scientific explosions of knowledge ever.

Oh, yes, the fossil record. The Precambrian Explosion blows a big hole right through your monkey theory all by itself. The fossil record doesn't prove evolution, it militates against it on a fundamental level. All you have is an interpretation and a religious cult that asserts blind belief in evolution no matter what the evidence says.

Stop pushing your religion on me. I don't want it.

Let me ask you a question. What do you think of our current understanding of DNA? More specifically, what do you think of our understanding of genetic sequencing as it pertains to human diseases and our improved understanding of links between genetics and disease?
Evolution is an interpretation of fossil evidence. That doesn't make it fact. I know you still don't understand.

It's a lot more than interpretation of fossil evidence at this stage of the game.

No, not really. Still just an interpretation.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and the fossil record is incidental at this point anyway. It's all about our understanding of the genetic code and various genomes - information which is currently being acquired at a tremendous pace in one of the more interesting scientific explosions of knowledge ever.

Oh, yes, the fossil record. The Precambrian Explosion blows a big hole right through your monkey theory all by itself. The fossil record doesn't prove evolution, it militates against it on a fundamental level. All you have is an interpretation and a religious cult that asserts blind belief in evolution no matter what the evidence says.

Stop pushing your religion on me. I don't want it.

Let me ask you a question. What do you think of our current understanding of DNA? More specifically, what do you think of our understanding of genetic sequencing as it pertains to human diseases and our improved understanding of links between genetics and disease?

I think it doesn't prove or disprove evolution.

Next question.

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