Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand

Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto is going to run for governor of Texas.

He is busy registering people to vote and campaigning for that office.

That is why he didn't run for the senate this time.

I kinda wish Beto had run for Cornyn's seat in the Senate. :confused:
I do, also. I assume he believed he had a good shot at POTUS. He may in the future, but I admire his integrity in not running for both offices simultaneously.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

So now you're a police hating socialist who supports looting and burning our inner cities, LOL. Republicans just don't stand for anything!

Funny how you never make these comments about Democrats
Here you go you dumb fuck. Hope you can read and comprehend
what you've read. I don't think you can. At least you haven't demonstrated
you can. Read and learn.
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The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

So now you're a police hating socialist who supports looting and burning our inner cities, LOL. Republicans just don't stand for anything!

Funny how you never make these comments about Democrats
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

So now you're a police hating socialist who supports looting and burning our inner cities, LOL. Republicans just don't stand for anything!

Funny how you never make these comments about Democrats

It's not a strawman when you constantly fight for Democrats on message boards. You break it, you bought it
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

So now you're a police hating socialist who supports looting and burning our inner cities, LOL. Republicans just don't stand for anything!

Funny how you never make these comments about Democrats

It's not a strawman when you constantly fight for Democrats on message boards. You break it, you bought it
I defend the truth no matter which party is involved. The fact that Trump and pseudocons lie every time they speak is not my fault.
TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese! I weigh a trim 250 pounds. Obama was born in Kenya. I passed the biggest tax cut in history. Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.

G5000: Um, no.

The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.
Does that mean you are a RINO Neo Con war monger? Because that is what we seem to have voted in over the years. Two Repubs did not get us in war since I first voted in the 1976 election. Reagan and Trump. Election after election we are forced RINO and Neo Cons war mongers as the Repub candidate. I have voted D, I, and R. But the RINO Neo Con war monger has got to go.
  • Thanks
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The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.
Does that mean you are a RINO Neo Con war monger? Because that is what we seem to have voted in over the years. Two Repubs did not get us in war since I first voted in the 1976 election. Reagan and Trump. Election after election we are forced RINO and Neo Cons war mongers as the Repub candidate. I have voted D, I, and R. But the RINO Neo Con war monger has got to go.
When the voters keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", we keep getting more and more evil.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

I was born into a Democratic family, but had no problem voting for a republican in the past! With the way they've lowered their standards over the years I wouldn't punch the ticket for anyone with the gall to be identified with that party! I disowned by college roommate and best friend of 40 years once I found he was delusional enough to support Trump! These people have collectively lost their minds and it really hasn't been anything new; just more evident with the nut at the top!

I once had actual respect for McConnell, Graham, and others, but they're choking on the Trump Kool-Aid and there's nothing they can do in their minds! They need his support with those Georgia runoffs and they're scared $#!t-less that they could lose their majority! Schumer will certainly punish them and I won't have any qualms about it! Dems have been suckers actually coddling Republicans; esp. when they win to keep the idea of cooperation going, but it never seems to happen anymore! "Compromise" is a dirty word in their lexicon and they've admitted it! If they have the nerve to even say something nice about a Dem, the rightwing-nuts will "primary" the idiot! That's why there are no more moderates in either party! The "extremes" are taking over because there's so much animus; it's true civil war! Lucky I'm old and can't GAF anymore or I'll stroke out! o_O
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.
Does that mean you are a RINO Neo Con war monger? Because that is what we seem to have voted in over the years. Two Repubs did not get us in war since I first voted in the 1976 election. Reagan and Trump. Election after election we are forced RINO and Neo Cons war mongers as the Repub candidate. I have voted D, I, and R. But the RINO Neo Con war monger has got to go.
When the voters keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", we keep getting more and more evil.
Well I could have voted for Reagan in 84 after he agreed to the compromise that shored up social security. I only voted down ballot that year because I wasn't enamoured with Mondale's for policy either. IF my vote could possibly have affected who won, I'd have made a choice.

Imo saying less than two evils implies some candidate is "for" everything I'm for. That's never gonna happen. Imo most of us have issues (hopefully more than just a single issue) where we have to see one person as being significantly better than the other. Imo the chances of Biden restoring social sec/medicare and higher educ while reducing the deficits are …. unlikely. I'm more hopeful that he will get something than I think trump would. But Trump didn't set the bar very high. Disapproval of the alt-R and not thinking that America's ticket to prosperity is Smoot-Hawley was a distinct difference in the two men.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

I think Trump is going to be a candidate in the 2024 presidential primaries facing off against many of the same faces we saw in the 2016 primaries, Rubio, Cruz, etc. Rubio is not likely to appeal to the Trump base. If the republicans are not careful, the party could be fractured between traditional republicans and the Trump base.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Defeat Rubio in Florida
I laugh
Your party just got smoked in florida.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.
I can say the same. I have not voted republican since 1980. I think the party lost it's way, welcoming Southern segregationists and religious fanatics dismissing it's roots in traditional and fiscal conservativism. Today the party lead by Donald Trump is mired down in political demagogue.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.
Even some of the never-Trumpers. Maryland governor Larry Hogan felt it was necessary to tell everyone that he wrote it Ronald Reagan for president.

An entire party of cowards.

How is it "cowardly" to tell people who you voted for? It might be stupid, and pointless, but hardly cowardly. The move alienated President Trump and didn't get him any love from the libs either.

It's cowardly and ignorant virtue signaling.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

I think Trump is going to be a candidate in the 2024 presidential primaries facing off against many of the same faces we saw in the 2016 primaries, Rubio, Cruz, etc. Rubio is not likely to appeal to the Trump base. If the republicans are not careful, the party could be fractured between traditional republicans and the Trump base.

Presidents are limited to 2 terms.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

So now you're a police hating socialist who supports looting and burning our inner cities, LOL. Republicans just don't stand for anything!

Funny how you never make these comments about Democrats

It's not a strawman when you constantly fight for Democrats on message boards. You break it, you bought it
I defend the truth no matter which party is involved. The fact that Trump and pseudocons lie every time they speak is not my fault.

Gotcha. It's not your problem if the Democrats happen to be right on every issue
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.
Does that mean you are a RINO Neo Con war monger? Because that is what we seem to have voted in over the years. Two Repubs did not get us in war since I first voted in the 1976 election. Reagan and Trump. Election after election we are forced RINO and Neo Cons war mongers as the Repub candidate. I have voted D, I, and R. But the RINO Neo Con war monger has got to go.

Apparently g5000 is a neocon since he thinks Biden is right on every issue and Biden is a neocon. Trump to your point didn't get us into any new conflicts and drew us down from the ones we were in. Biden never met a war he didn't like

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