Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022-
We are?
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022------now that the cheating is out--its going to be worse. Rubio is right---instead of the religious anti abortion club---being the working man and womans party will be extremely beneficial for them going forward. It will appeal far more to hispanics and blue collar workers.

Also Hispanics like Asians are social Conservatives which mean the Democratic Socialists of America Party that the Democratic Party is heading towards will not be a great option for those communities...
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.
That is Trump and he is as Republican as you are a sane voice...
And it begins.

Next you'll post "I always thought he was a clown. That's why I didn't vote for him".

I have a good amount of threads and posts stating he is a charlatan dating back to 2016 under the Bruce T. Laney name...

You want to keep on going when you are clearly a troll that can’t understand a thing?

It is like retarded fringe leftists who complain that Trump refuses to concede while not understanding he shouldn’t and why?

Simple, doing a recount and having the courts tell him the reality will end any Avenue where he can keep on making his claims but you prefer he does not do this and why?

Simple, then it keep the clown in the news the next four years so you can claim he is the GOP face...

Trump like Nixon will be shun one day like George W. Bush but I like Bush now!
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.

You stupid fucking retard!

Beto register all those voters and how did it benefit the Democratic challenger?

She lost to Cronyn and those voters did not turn out for her!

So no Beto would have not beaten Cronyn this election cycle you simple minded fuck!
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.

I've read smarter writing than MJ from mentally handicapped 4th graders. ;)

Says the assholes making assumptions that are not reality!
I would be a large amount of money that the kung flu comment changed no ones mind about anything, hahahaha
Then you would lose a lot of money. The polling confirmed it. Most people don't vote for people who are bigots against them. Except for White trailer trash. Trump kept telling them at his rallies, basically "if I didn't need your votes I would never visit your shithole towns".
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

I don't know how this happens with the Trumpsters following every Trump tweet and consuming every moment of Trump's new media company.

Rubio is dreaming.

You are hoping that they don't rebrand------into the trumpy workers party.

You assume the Trump voters are even dumber than I do!
I would be a large amount of money that the kung flu comment changed no ones mind about anything, hahahaha
Then you would lose a lot of money. The polling confirmed it. Most people don't vote for people who are bigots against them. Except for White trailer trash. Trump kept telling them at his rallies, basically "if I didn't need your votes I would never visit your shithole towns".

Oh the polling confirmed it? /s

What was the difference in asian voting rates? Unchanged i'm sure

Like i said, your average american chinese person is not a fan of the CCP or they would not be here. And most asian americans are not chinese americans

Stupid racist shit. Like koreans or japanese don't like seeing the chinese shit on, lol
I would be a large amount of money that the kung flu comment changed no ones mind about anything, hahahaha
Then you would lose a lot of money. The polling confirmed it. Most people don't vote for people who are bigots against them. Except for White trailer trash. Trump kept telling them at his rallies, basically "if I didn't need your votes I would never visit your shithole towns".

So all those Hispanic, Black and Asian voters that did vote for Trump are now White Trailer Park Trash?
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.

I've read smarter writing than MJ from mentally handicapped 4th graders. ;)
He is not now, nor has he ever been, a Trump voter. :auiqs.jpg:
I have a good amount of threads and posts stating he is a charlatan dating back to 2016 under the Bruce T. Laney name...
Of course you do.


I do and you are full of shit and just stated only White Trailer Park Trash voted for Trump!

So you are a bigoted asshole that most likely can not vote seeing you are most likely some ex-felon...
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Poor gaybo
Trump beat him to it democrat leaders were blown away by how many new voters and" minority " voters went for Trump
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.

I've read smarter writing than MJ from mentally handicapped 4th graders. ;)
He is not now, nor has he ever been, a Trump voter. :auiqs.jpg:

I voted for Biden in 2020 and Johnson in 2016.

Funny how this thread was about Rubio and rebranding the GOP but all this thread has become you lying and trolling like the miserable twat you are!
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto would have lost and the candidate they ran was not even close to unseat Cronyn...

Hell Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz, so no way that he would have beaten John Cronyn...

But you are delusional so you will disagree until it is proven... If ever proven...
Get back to me when you learn how to read my posts.

I read your asinine post and you proclaimed Beto would have beaten Cronyn which is a damn joke seeing Beto couldn’t beat Cruz!

How retarded are you to make that assumption when a better candidate lost against Cronyn?
I think you may actually be retarded.

Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.
Beto was BARELY beaten by Cruz BEFORE he registered 2 million new voters.

Keep it up and you can be on my Ignore List, too. I'm done with the willfully ignorant on this site.

You stupid fucking retard!

Beto register all those voters and how did it benefit the Democratic challenger?

She lost to Cronyn and those voters did not turn out for her!

So no Beto would have not beaten Cronyn this election cycle you simple minded fuck!
Do I have to hold your hand through each argument? Do I have to explain that a candidate that no one has ever heard of didn't have the mass appeal in Texas that Beto O'Rourke does?

You're inching closer, dumbass. I feel it's inevitable. Now say something else without thinking first.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022------now that the cheating is out--its going to be worse. Rubio is right---instead of the religious anti abortion club---being the working man and womans party will be extremely beneficial for them going forward. It will appeal far more to hispanics and blue collar workers.

Also Hispanics like Asians are social Conservatives which mean the Democratic Socialists of America Party that the Democratic Party is heading towards will not be a great option for those communities...

too broad a brush
I would be a large amount of money that the kung flu comment changed no ones mind about anything, hahahaha
Then you would lose a lot of money. The polling confirmed it. Most people don't vote for people who are bigots against them. Except for White trailer trash. Trump kept telling them at his rallies, basically "if I didn't need your votes I would never visit your shithole towns".

Oh the polling confirmed it? /s

What was the difference in asian voting rates? Unchanged i'm sure

Like i said, your average american chinese person is not a fan of the CCP or they would not be here. And most asian americans are not chinese americans

Stupid racist shit. Like koreans or japanese don't like seeing the chinese shit on, lol
Is your Google broken, or are you just a lazy dumbass?

Asian American group once for Trump now says 'we made a mistake'
'Asian GOP' makes 11th hour endorsement for Biden

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