Rubio And Kasich Don't Be So Pure As The Driven Snow!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
John Kasich and Marco Rubio are making a big mistake in not being emphatic with their supporters in the respective other candidates home state to vote for the home state candidate there is nothing unfair about it and nothing unethical about it! For the Ohioan that wants Rubio to be President because he or she thinks Rubio is the best candidate and the Floridian that wants Kasich to be President it ain't going to happen if Donald Trump gets 1237 delegates by convention day and the 66 delegates in the take all Ohio primary and the 99 delegates in the take all Florida primary at this juncture in the race hold critical importance and likely if lost to Trump will deny these citizens' hope in the election. Yes for the candidates to do this it is not wholesome, it is cunning and teacherous, it is not acting with impeccable character it is not the way we teach our children to compete but the stakes in this Tuesday contests are nation changing. Donald Trump is a super dangerous candidate on multiple fronts he is not a bad man but neither was Richard Nixon a bad man but they both are, or more accurately in Nixon's case since he is now dead was an, alarmingly character flawed human beings. Nixon shattered Americans faith in their government and shattered the line that politicians should be decent people and this shattering to this day in America has never been repaired. Donald Trump because he is such an off-the-chart instigating figure I am certain he will cause much unnecessary violence and grid lock in America if elected President and also in the process of becoming President. The bottom line here the stakes call for the Rubio and Kasich camps to throw away their squeeky clean images, and their personas where they could fit right in as a character on the Walton's or "Ozzie and Harriet" TV shows and bring about the optimally good or virtuous result that being not having their supporters throw away their valuable vote in the other candidates home state primary!

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