Routine care being cancelled

Is anyone else encountering this? My yearly eval was just cancelled by my provider. The message began with "due to a high volume of respiratory problems". ..... Hopefully it won't last long. No phone call nothing. Just a text. Can't make a new appt. Either as of now.
Nope. I'm 60 years old.

I have a yearly physical, usually around April.
I called my 'medical provider' and asked about my next appointment.
Yup, still on schedule.

Same day, I called my dental office, made an appointment for a checkup and cleaning, two weeks out. I'll be there.

Also, just recently had my checkup for eyes. (Jan 4th.)
On time, all good.
Had exam, check for glaucoma and cataracts.
Got new contacts.

Not sure where you live, but things work well around here. WA.
I know elective surgery has been canceled at the Cleveland Clinic until the end of January. I also know patient admissions are way down because of it.
Do you want me to go there? Im high risk. The businesses here aren't worthy of my $. My health comes first over helping the economy.
I'm just curious. Have you seen recordings of either the ER or their ICU unit?

I've seen a lot, and I mean "A LOT" of claims like full ICU units and overrun ER's. Yet, not a single second of footage to back up the claims.

I don't expect, nor would I encourage you to put yourself at risk if you are in the high-risk category.

I was just curious about taking their word for it.

After all, the number of dead listed for this virus is a lie, perpetrated by just such facilities.
You can believe what you want. You see the fact is there are those that don't believe this. You can also accept the fact there are those if us who want to be careful and do not believe businesses are worthy of our $ just like the so called FAKE labor shortage. That is a massive lie.
I will take their word for it over a right or left Winget who I have zero respect or have anything in common with. I share no ideals with either.
I'm just curious. Have you seen recordings of either the ER or their ICU unit?

I've seen a lot, and I mean "A LOT" of claims like full ICU units and overrun ER's. Yet, not a single second of footage to back up the claims.

I don't expect, nor would I encourage you to put yourself at risk if you are in the high-risk category.

I was just curious about taking their word for it.

After all, the number of dead listed for this virus is a lie, perpetrated by just such facilities.
The TV told them so. How dare you question that? Their TV's would NEVER lie to them! You heretic!
The TV told them so. How dare you question that? Their TV's would NEVER lie to them! You heretic!
I never question others' health choices. Only when they decide they think they know what's best for Me do I start pushing back.

If the OP wants to accept their word for it, that's his business.

I personally think that two things are going on. The hospitals are trying to get support on the taxpayer's dime and they want to gin up some more fear to keep this pandemic going as it has been profitable for them.

But as I said, I hear a lot of noise about overrun hospital ER's and ICU units, but nary a second of footage as proof.

The sheep in American will just follow along and accept what is fed them without question.

Unless, of course, it is from a Republican.
So republicans are healthcare experts. Hilarious. This is why I will never vote for a candidate from either main party. I don't share one, not one thing, they believe in. Does that make me a bad American?
So republicans are healthcare experts. Hilarious. This is why I will never vote for a candidate from either main party. I don't share one, not one thing, they believe in. Does that make me a bad American?
healthcare experts?

Where did that come from?

Simple common sense tells you that the pandemic has been mismanaged by Fauci. The facts back it up.

Simple common sense tells you that the virus, in any variant, is lethal to only a specific sector of human society.

Simple common sense tells you that you protect those who are vulnerable, and keep the economy alive.

Simple common sense tells you that once you are lied to by specific agencies like the CDC and our medical system, that you verify what they say as they are NOW untrustworthy.
I do agree that tens of billions should be GIVEN to the most vulnerable. Those younger that test positive are entitled to at least 7 days off paid without taking sick time. We do agree on that.
Where were the m95 masks? Nowhere. Sad. The nation with the greatest workforce in the world and most money and hardest working people was caught unprepared.
The beds aren’t full, there just isn’t the staff.

And staff being off sick with positive COVID tests is only a small part of it. The bigger issue is people are quitting healthcare in record numbers. We’re not respected and not paid enough. What’s the motivation to stay?

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