Roosevelt: Cold Water Splashed In His Face!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. water.
Awakened by a bucket of ice water!

Well....An analogy...not an actual ice water bath.....but far worse.
The sudden realization that he had been betrayed by his long time love....Joseph Stalin.

But first.....

Let's go waaayyyy prior to 1933, before his election to the presidency. The only explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's bizarre behavior involves both the personal, and the geopolitical.

2. Long before his presidency, and also before the economic downturn engineered by Hoover.....FDR hated capitalists. A personal hatred....petulance....and not based on ideology!

Franklin Roosevelt had a visceral animosity toward businessmen, entrepreneurs, successful capitalists. And he had a way with words, in describing them. "unscrupulous money changers..." the greed and shortsightedness of bankers and businessmen," "..rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence" "we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit." "there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing."

They hurt his feelings.

a. Not the only rejection, but a significant one, was his attempt to join Porcellian, the oldest and most elite social club at Harvard. Theodore Roosevelt and other members of the Roosevelt family belonged to the club, but Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was president of the Harvard Crimson, never managed to be elected a member.
At some time, in his late thirties, he told his relative Sheffield Cowles that this had been "the greatest disappointment in his life".
Frances Richardson Keller, Fictions of U. S. History : A Theory & Four Illustrations, p. 116.

Porcellian members were future entrepreneurs, businessmen, bankers, and corporate lawyers.
And they had rejected Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt seemed to have a desire to punish the ones who rejected him, who could succeed where he failed. As a powerful politician, he could do just that.

b. Brilliant?
Only a 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

Oliver Wendell Holmes observed that Roosevelt had "a second class intellect. But a first-class temperament!"

It was all about smiles, handshakes, and speeches!
Sound like a certain contemporary politician? And FDR was without a teleprompter, no less!

And so...his personal failures and shortcomings fueled his future policies.

But...we've only covered a portion of the motivations of Franklin Roosevelt. he saw himself in the geopolitical realm, and how it determined his anti-American agenda.
3. 1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

4. FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

But learning from his pals....and they were his pals, Mussolini, Stalin, and then Hitler, who offered an iron fist to the burgeoning recession, and it made him.......envious.

After all.....who couldn't be one of the 'big boys'????

'In 1933, Fascism was celebrating its eleventh year in power, in Italy, and the election of the National Socialists in Germany represented an unmitigated defeat for liberal democracy in Europe’s largest industrialized nation.

At the beginning of the same month, FDR was inaugurated as President. And before Congress went into recess it granted powers to Roosevelt unprecedented in peacetime. From Congressional hearings, 1973: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”

Immediately....just months into his first term, FDR showed his.....affection....for dictators in a clear and unambiguous manner: he did what previous Presidents and Sec'y of States refused to do: offer his friendship, and state recognition, to the homicidal murder, Joseph Stalin

That was November of 1933.....well before any hint of WWII, or the need for an ally.
FDR cuddled up to Uncle Joe AFTER his Uncle starved 6MM people, including 3MM children to death in the Ukraine

A sicker, more immoral fuck never existed
FDR cuddled up to Uncle Joe AFTER his Uncle starved 6MM people, including 3MM children to death in the Ukraine

A sicker, more immoral fuck never existed

Met with a shrug by our 'rezidents.'

When I pointed out the iniquity of his antecedents, the communists, who slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
Last edited:
5. A review?

a. FDR hated successful entrepreneurs, because he could not find any way to be successful in business. And.....future capitalists had rejected him in college.

b. In truth, capitalism, after an amazingly successful run, the Roaring Twenties, was falling into disfavor in the face of the growing worldwide recession.

FDR saw the gains by Leftists.....and they all were Leftists: Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. All were immensely popular, and seemingly successful.....and FDR wanted to be just like them.

For whatever reason, perhaps because he was the most ruthless....he chose Stalin as his fav, his BFF.

6. It was through Roosevelt's tireless efforts that Stalin grew in power, thrived on Lend Lease, was bequeathed Eastern Europe, kept the allies away via the Normandy approach rather than the more logical advance on Hitler's kingdom through Italy and the Adriatic, and was given free rein in the creation of the United Nations.

Remember, communism is defined as international socialism.....and that's exactly what the United Nations is.
Roosevelt welcomed Soviet spies into his administration.....and, once they were publically named as such.........promoted at least one!!!

Any doubt where Franklin Roosvelt's interests were to be found???

7. But....lest any imagine some quid pro quo, some benefit America gained from Roosevelt's obsequious behavior toward disabused.

Early on, the hints were available to any who cared to look:

A year and a half after WWII began in Europe, Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease supplied a prodigious amount of war materiel to Russia, ... The temporary congruence of interests was called an alliance, albeit a strange one. For example, when the Americans tried to find a way that long-range American bombers could land in Russia to re-fuel, so as to bomb deep into Germany, the Russians were found to be suspicious, ungrateful, secretive, xenophobic, unfriendly, in short….a great deal of take and very little give.
"The Anti-Communist Manifestos: Four Books That Shaped the Cold War,"

by John V. Fleming

Shouldn't FDR have recognized what this meant????

Even greater revelations to come......that bucket of ice water!
Get ready to learn things you never were taught in government school:

8. June 16, 1992. George Bush at a White House press event with Boris Yeltsin....

Press: "do you think there are any POW's in the Soviet Union, Americans?"
[Americans held as 'prisoners of war' the Soviet 1992!!!!!]

Yeltsin: "An investigating commission is working, led by Mr. Volkogonov. Many things have been revealed after the examination of the archives of the KGB and the Central Committee of the Communist Party. But that work is continuing both in the archives and in the places where the POW's were. We shall try to investigate each individual case."

Bush: "And if any single American is unaccounted for, they will go the extra mile to see that that person is accounted for. And I think that's what the American people need to know. I think that's what President Yeltsin has clearly pledged to do. "
George Bush: Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Boris Yeltsin of Russia

Get that???

Know about whom they are speaking?????

a. "...the plight of hundreds, thousands of GIs - World War II officers and enlisted men, survivors of tank battles, airplane crashes, torpedoed shups, and then German prison camps- at that very moment in history looking around at watchtowers and barbed wire of the Gulag and wondering when the hell Uncle Sam would get them out.

The answer was never."

West, "American Betrayal," p. 313.

Roosevelt's best-friend-forever......held Americans as prisoners??????

Ice water....coming right up.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.

"....historical revisionism...."

OK...I know you're begging for a chance to be relevant..... more chance.

Now....focus like a laser:

Can you find anything in any of my post in this thread, to which you have voluntarily subscribed, that isn't true?

Lot of pressure here...because if you can't do any better than 'is not, issss nootttttttt!!," well, then, you have inadvertently supported everything I've posted.

LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search

Let's pretend you are capable of doing your own analysis, your own thinking, and drawing a conclusion not spoon fed to you by Leftist 'experts.'

I recognize that that pretense is quite a stretch.

But....because I have a guilty pleasure in pummeling dunces like you....
....let's give you the same opportunity I gave the earlier dunce...

Can you find anything in any of my posts in this thread, to which you have voluntarily subscribed, that isn't true?

Lot of pressure here...because if you can't do any better than 'is not, issss nootttttttt!!," well, then, you have inadvertently supported everything I've posted.

A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Welcome to reality


Everything I post is real, accurate, true, documented and sourced.


That's why it irritates fools who have been voluntarily miseducated their entire lives, and only recognize it when they read these threads.

It's really yourself that you are upset with...because you've been lazy and cowardly your whole life....
....not with your little
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Welcome to reality
Politicalchic already introduced you, I had already known for some time how horrible of a president FDR was. He's probably the worst in American history.
According to a tiny minority of people using 70 years of spun information, all created using hindsight, yes he's the worst President ever.

Fun fact... most of those same people think Obama is a secret Muslim who will be declaring martial law any day now.
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Welcome to reality
Politicalchic already introduced you, I had already known for some time how horrible of a president FDR was. He's probably the worst in American history.
According to a tiny minority of people using 70 years of spun information, all created using hindsight, yes he's the worst President ever.

Fun fact... most of those same people think Obama is a secret Muslim who will be declaring martial law any day now.
The only reason you could possibly be this ignorant is if you hadn't actually gone back and looked at his policies, and the effects that they had on the economy. One thing he did was make Unionism compulsory in a time that unemployment was extremely high. If FDR actually improved the economy, tell me how increased cost of employees and increased risk when hiring would help said unemployment problem.
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Welcome to reality
Politicalchic already introduced you, I had already known for some time how horrible of a president FDR was. He's probably the worst in American history.
According to a tiny minority of people using 70 years of spun information, all created using hindsight, yes he's the worst President ever.

Fun fact... most of those same people think Obama is a secret Muslim who will be declaring martial law any day now.

1. So......

....we agree, then, that every single post of mine is 100% true and accurate....

...and recognizing this destroys your most closely held worldviews???


2. "According to a tiny minority of people using 70 years of spun information, all created using hindsight, yes he's the worst President ever."

Let's examine that.
If you believe that expanding the central government far, far beyond the vision of the Founders, and removing the checks and balances of the Constitution are the correct actions of a President, whose oath upon entering the office included...

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
...well, then, he'd be your choice for best President

3. If you would like to make a strong argument in Roosevelt's favor, you might use this:

"Who can now imagine a day when America offered no Social Security, no unemployment compensation, no food stamps, no Federal guarantee of bank deposits, no Federal supervision of the stock market, no Federal protection for collective bargaining, no Federal standards for wages and hours, no Federal support for farm prices or rural electrification, no Federal refinancing for farm and home mortgages, no Federal commitment to high employment or to equal opportunity - in short, no Federal responsibility for Americans who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in economic or social distress?"
The 'Hundred Days' of F.D.R.

One should judge the value of material emoluments against the loss of freedom and liberty envisioned in the Constitution.

4. short....
Which represents the Founders:

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Last edited: 1992, President Bush was interrogating Yeltsin about Americans held prisoner since WWII????

9. But about Roosevelt's special friend, Stalin??
He would have helped his bud, Franklin, to release any Americans held in the Soviet Union......wouldn't he?????

He'd do his pal Franklin a solid.....wouldn't he???

Let's see.....
March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5

FDR......a bucket of ice water right in the kisser!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Wake-up Call!!!

Sooooo.....why should Roosevelt have known?
Because he was warned time and time again!!!!!

a. The top diplomat in Moscow, Ambassador Averell Harriman, knew Stalin was lying: he was interviewing American former POWs who had made their way out of German custody.

"Specifically, Harriman stated in the same cable, "I am outraged" that the Soviet Government has declined to carry out the agreement signed at Yalta in its other aspects, namely, that our contact officers be permitted to go immediately to points where our prisoners are first collected, to evaluate our prisoners, particularly the sick, in our own airplanes, or to send our supplies to points other than Odessa, which is 1,000 miles from the point of liberation, where they are urgently needed.[21]

Furthermore, Harriman in the same cable stated:

For the past ten days the Soviets have made the same statement that Stalin has made to you, [FDR] namely, that all prisoners are in Odessa or entrained thereto, whereas I have now positive proof that this was not repeat not true on February 26, the date on which the statement was first made. This supports my belief that Stalin's statement to you is inaccurate."
National Alliance of Families - Issue Overview

Poor, poor FDR.....his love not returned!


Ice water.

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