Ronald Reagan...the road to serfdom's pied piper


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
The Myth of Ronald Reagan


There are two enemies of a real conservative society, thought Chesterton; one of them “is State Socialism and the other is Big Business.” In other words, the enemy is bigness, no matter on which side of the political spectrum it originates. Hayek, quoted by Kleinknecht, wrote something similar in his highly influential book “The Road to Serfdom” (1944): “... [T]he movement toward totalitarianism comes from two great vested interests: organized capital and organized labor. Probably the greatest menace of all is that the politics of these two most powerful groups point in the same direction.” Such sentiments, Kleinknecht writes, “were swept out of Washington in the 1980s. Relief from government regulation was one of a handful of core beliefs that really mattered to Reagan and his business supporters, and anything that stood in the way of the natural consolidation of the nation’s productive forces was a barrier to be removed.” Or as Reagan’s good friend whom he appointed attorney general, William French Smith, put it, “Bigness doesn’t necessarily mean badness.”

Reagan was the “obvious enemy of the common people he claimed to represent, this empty suit who believed in flying saucers and allowed an astrologer to guide his presidential scheduling. ...”

“He enacted policies that helped wipe out the high-paying jobs for the working class that were the real backbone of the country. ... His legacy—mergers, deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, privatization, globalization—helped weaken the family and eradicate small-town life and sense of community.”

Reaganomics did create fortunes, but mostly for those at the top of the economic ladder; it also brought “a reversal in the slow gains that the working class and the poor had made in the previous two decades.”

During a month when Republicans dug in against Barack Obama’s stimulus plan, Kleinknecht’s words, written last year before the economic crash, ring clear. “Reaganism replaced Enlightenment thinking with the corrupted Romanticism that portrays free-market purism as an article of religious faith that is the real meaning of America. The answer to any of the economic challenges of the twenty-first century is to do nothing. Cut taxes, eviscerate all regulation of private enterprise, and trust the market to guide our fates.” If this sounds like hyperbole, then you weren’t listening to the Republican response to President Obama’s bailout proposal.

Mere parsimony (frugality, stinginess) is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke
Same piece of shit , different hat.


  • $nixon reagen at grove.jpg
    $nixon reagen at grove.jpg
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In a sense you have to feel sorry for republicans. They cling to the myth of Reagan because who else is there. Lincoln was republican, but would the party of NO and the chickenhawks really want to free the slaves today? Hell No! They can't even vote for a small minimum wage increase corporate America has them so controlled. I have been reading the great depression and Coolidge and Hoover were total screw ups too. As a nation we can thank gawd for FDR.

Right now the republicans are killing their own because they must only watch fox and listen to rush, they think the nutcases are really America and not just nutcases. They never learn it seems. For the next election they can save money on campaign signs and have just one: Vote for the our guy, he only says No!

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

Ronald Reagan page

[ame=] The United States since 1980 (The World Since 1980) (9780521677554): Dean Baker: Books[/ame]

The Potomac - Mike Z

[ame=]YouTube - "Hell No! You can't!" . . . "Yes, we can." - Countdown[/ame]
The Myth of Ronald Reagan


There are two enemies of a real conservative society, thought Chesterton; one of them “is State Socialism and the other is Big Business.” In other words, the enemy is bigness, no matter on which side of the political spectrum it originates. Hayek, quoted by Kleinknecht, wrote something similar in his highly influential book “The Road to Serfdom” (1944): “... [T]he movement toward totalitarianism comes from two great vested interests: organized capital and organized labor. Probably the greatest menace of all is that the politics of these two most powerful groups point in the same direction.” Such sentiments, Kleinknecht writes, “were swept out of Washington in the 1980s. Relief from government regulation was one of a handful of core beliefs that really mattered to Reagan and his business supporters, and anything that stood in the way of the natural consolidation of the nation’s productive forces was a barrier to be removed.” Or as Reagan’s good friend whom he appointed attorney general, William French Smith, put it, “Bigness doesn’t necessarily mean badness.”

Reagan was the “obvious enemy of the common people he claimed to represent, this empty suit who believed in flying saucers and allowed an astrologer to guide his presidential scheduling. ...”

“He enacted policies that helped wipe out the high-paying jobs for the working class that were the real backbone of the country. ... His legacy—mergers, deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, privatization, globalization—helped weaken the family and eradicate small-town life and sense of community.”

Reaganomics did create fortunes, but mostly for those at the top of the economic ladder; it also brought “a reversal in the slow gains that the working class and the poor had made in the previous two decades.”

During a month when Republicans dug in against Barack Obama’s stimulus plan, Kleinknecht’s words, written last year before the economic crash, ring clear. “Reaganism replaced Enlightenment thinking with the corrupted Romanticism that portrays free-market purism as an article of religious faith that is the real meaning of America. The answer to any of the economic challenges of the twenty-first century is to do nothing. Cut taxes, eviscerate all regulation of private enterprise, and trust the market to guide our fates.” If this sounds like hyperbole, then you weren’t listening to the Republican response to President Obama’s bailout proposal.

Mere parsimony (frugality, stinginess) is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Yep, trickle up poverty is the way to go, pea brain.........
The Myth of Ronald Reagan


There are two enemies of a real conservative society, thought Chesterton; one of them “is State Socialism and the other is Big Business.” In other words, the enemy is bigness, no matter on which side of the political spectrum it originates. Hayek, quoted by Kleinknecht, wrote something similar in his highly influential book “The Road to Serfdom” (1944): “... [T]he movement toward totalitarianism comes from two great vested interests: organized capital and organized labor. Probably the greatest menace of all is that the politics of these two most powerful groups point in the same direction.” Such sentiments, Kleinknecht writes, “were swept out of Washington in the 1980s. Relief from government regulation was one of a handful of core beliefs that really mattered to Reagan and his business supporters, and anything that stood in the way of the natural consolidation of the nation’s productive forces was a barrier to be removed.” Or as Reagan’s good friend whom he appointed attorney general, William French Smith, put it, “Bigness doesn’t necessarily mean badness.”

Reagan was the “obvious enemy of the common people he claimed to represent, this empty suit who believed in flying saucers and allowed an astrologer to guide his presidential scheduling. ...”

“He enacted policies that helped wipe out the high-paying jobs for the working class that were the real backbone of the country. ... His legacy—mergers, deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, privatization, globalization—helped weaken the family and eradicate small-town life and sense of community.”

Reaganomics did create fortunes, but mostly for those at the top of the economic ladder; it also brought “a reversal in the slow gains that the working class and the poor had made in the previous two decades.”

During a month when Republicans dug in against Barack Obama’s stimulus plan, Kleinknecht’s words, written last year before the economic crash, ring clear. “Reaganism replaced Enlightenment thinking with the corrupted Romanticism that portrays free-market purism as an article of religious faith that is the real meaning of America. The answer to any of the economic challenges of the twenty-first century is to do nothing. Cut taxes, eviscerate all regulation of private enterprise, and trust the market to guide our fates.” If this sounds like hyperbole, then you weren’t listening to the Republican response to President Obama’s bailout proposal.

Mere parsimony (frugality, stinginess) is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Yep, trickle up poverty is the way to go, pea brain.........

It's clear you have been severely traumatized by being called a 'pea brain'...

I am a compassionate person, so I have made a call to get help for you...


There is another cure, but it is still in the experimental stage and could cause you more trauma...stop BEING a pea brain...
No big fan of Reagan, but he was simply a continuation of a process leading us to serfdom.

Government is not the problem BAD government is the problem.
It's amazing how long Libruls can cling to their bitterness and frustration. If you train them right as puppies, they will yelp and bleat and make all the noises they think they're supposed to make.

The Marxists figured out if you get to them early enough and teach them to fear and quake at freedom, prosperity, choice and self reliance they're will be useful idiots their entire life.

I admire their teachers for working this out, how can you not be impressed?
It's amazing how long Libruls can cling to their bitterness and frustration. If you train them right as puppies, they will yelp and bleat and make all the noises they think they're supposed to make.

The Marxists figured out if you get to them early enough and teach them to fear and quake at freedom, prosperity, choice and self reliance they're will be useful idiots their entire life.

I admire their teachers for working this out, how can you not be impressed?
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.
It's amazing how long Libruls can cling to their bitterness and frustration. If you train them right as puppies, they will yelp and bleat and make all the noises they think they're supposed to make.

The Marxists figured out if you get to them early enough and teach them to fear and quake at freedom, prosperity, choice and self reliance they're will be useful idiots their entire life.

I admire their teachers for working this out, how can you not be impressed?
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.

You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

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It's amazing how long Libruls can cling to their bitterness and frustration. If you train them right as puppies, they will yelp and bleat and make all the noises they think they're supposed to make.

The Marxists figured out if you get to them early enough and teach them to fear and quake at freedom, prosperity, choice and self reliance they're will be useful idiots their entire life.

I admire their teachers for working this out, how can you not be impressed?
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.

You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People[/ame]
this merits no response, but I thought I should tell you that regardless.

Bring 'smart' next time and check the nippleclamps at the door.
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.

You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People[/ame]
this merits no response, but I thought I should tell you that regardless.

Bring 'smart' next time and check the nippleclamps at the door.

You're just so totally 100% wrong I don't know how else to deal with you.

You're either stupid or lying or most likely, both.

Americans, real Americans revolt against the creeping Fascism of ObamaCare for its stated end of gaining control over the life and death decision of the people.

Conservatives want to give people freedom of choice, Fascists want government run health care.
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It's amazing how long Libruls can cling to their bitterness and frustration. If you train them right as puppies, they will yelp and bleat and make all the noises they think they're supposed to make.

The Marxists figured out if you get to them early enough and teach them to fear and quake at freedom, prosperity, choice and self reliance they're will be useful idiots their entire life.

I admire their teachers for working this out, how can you not be impressed?
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.

You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People[/ame]

Frank, you continue to exhibit the cognitive ability of a child. Are you a child, or did you have some traumatic event that terminated brain development, like when your mother dropped you out of the 10th floor window?
I guess it depends on ones definition of 'freedom'. If its the freedom to live ones own life as one sees fit, then you're not considering the alternative definition at all.

I see the Conservative definition of 'freedom' as the freedom to exploit and take at will. That's what globalization has wrought. I see the Conservatives define 'freedom' as the freedom of corporate interests to have priority over the freedoms of the individual.

Why else did Conservatives fight health care reform so vigorously? They fought to preserve the freedom of health insurers to continue to erode coverage, deny claims and raise premiums. No consideration was made to the individual American citizens who are abused by the 'freedom' these companies have to exploit them.

You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People[/ame]

Frank, you continue to exhibit the cognitive ability of a child. Are you a child, or did you have some traumatic event that terminated brain development, like when your mother dropped you out of the 10th floor window?

Wussamatta, Danny Dickweed, can't deal explain away what Dingleberry ACTUALLY said?
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You have it totally, 100% wrong, Nancy Nippleclamps

YouTube - Congressman John Dingell: Control The People

Frank, you continue to exhibit the cognitive ability of a child. Are you a child, or did you have some traumatic event that terminated brain development, like when your mother dropped you out of the 10th floor window?

Wussatta, Danny Dickweed, can't deal explain away what Dingleberry ACTUALLY said?

Dingell on: Dingell Statement Clarifying Comments on Paul W. Smith Show | Congressman John D. Dingell - Representing Michigan's 15th District

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