Ron Paul On Obama's Syria WMD Claim...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Preach on Good Doctor. Maybe they'll listen this time. But personally, i'm not optimistic.

[ame=]Ron Paul on Obama's Syria WMD Claim - YouTube[/ame]
Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?
Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?

What countries were invaded?
If your neighbor on a weekly basis fired a couple of rounds into your home, what would you do?
I know, I know, that is simplistic but what would you do?
You'd call the police and you would hope the police would put a stop to it.
But what if the police responded as the UN did in Iraq?

In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait despite warnings from the US and Egypt, and it conquered and annexed Kuwait.
Iraq did not respond to US, Arab country and UN warnings to withdraw from Kuwait.
Accordingly, UN allies led by the USA launched operation Desert Storm in February 1991, successfully reversing the invasion of Kuwait.
However, the US did not try to remove Saddam Hussein from power and allowed him to suppress Kurdish and Shi'a revolts.
Under terms of the UN resolutions terminating the war, Iraq was to have destroyed all stockpiles and development facilities for nonconventional weapons.
A UN inspection mechanism was created to verify the destruction.
A mechanism of economic sanctions against Iraq was put in place in an attempt to get Saddam to comply with the disarmament provisions of previous resolutions.
A long series of UN resolutions cited Iraqi violations and attempted to obtain Iraqi compliance with previous resolutions.
Iraq did not disclose much of its chemical biological and nuclear weapons capabilities voluntarily, but the UN inspections by UNSCOM and reports by defectors did disclose stockpiles of VX and other agents.
In 1998, after the discovery that Iraq was weaponizing VX, Iraq halted cooperation with inspectors. Despite sporadic allied bombing raids, no concerted effort was made to return the inspectors to Iraq (in 1999 UNSCOM was dissolved and replaced by UNMOVIC)

According to critics, the UN-imposed economic sanctions caused extreme hardship and poverty in Iraq.
An oil for food program established in 1995 by UN Security Council Resolution 986 allowed Iraq to export limited quantities of oil to pay for food and medicines.

[NOTE: Who was president in 1995???]

However, Iraq diverted part of the income from this program to weapons development by charging a clandestine surcharge.
Credits for cheap oil were also distributed to foreign politicians and others who could be helpful to Saddam's regime.
Jordan was an active trading partner with Iraq.
According to the dossier released by the British government in 2002, Iraq earned an estimated $3 billion in illicit revenues in 2001 (CIA estimates are much higher), used for developing weapons capabilities and other aggressive activities.
According to the U.S. State department, Iraq has been exporting food received under the oil for food program, and has earned revenues from this program that should have been more than adequate to provide food, clothing and medical supplies for the Iraqi populace
Iraq Crisis and war - A historical overview

So the UN's inability to through "talks" "sanctions", etc. didn't stop Saddam... our neighbor and fellow UN member.

"Iraq continued to fail to account for substantial chemical and biological stockpiles which UNMOVIC inspectors had confirmed as existing as late as 1998.
Iraq claimed that it had disposed of its anthrax stockpiles at a specific site, but UNMOVIC found this impossible to confirm since Iraq had not allowed the destruction to be witnessed by inspectors as required by the pertinent Resolutions. Chemical testing done at the site was unable to show that any anthrax had been destroyed there."
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now our UN neighbor had ANTHRAX at one time..Put into context of the fall of 2001..

The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred
over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks.

Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.
According to the FBI, the ensuing investigation became "one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement".[1]
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without the benefit of HINDSIGHT and with 9/11 just one week earlier now 5 more people dying from ANTHRAX... the Neighbor Iraq becomes even more a perceived threat!

So instead of having the police arrest your neighbor who was lobbying firearms weekly into your house...
the police "talked" to your neighbor over the ensuing years... even though the neighbor didn't stop.
Finally one weekend's lobbing resulted in an injury to your household... you are very tired of the police NOT doing anything... you confront your neighbor who confronts you back!

Obviously you are in the wrong for trying to defend your home as the police had been investigating, sent inspectors, but to no avail... yet you have damages!
What to do???

The FACTS and realities are
1) Iraq our UN Neighbor invaded Kuwait.
2) Was kicked out and agreed to 1991 Cease fire.
3) For 12 years violated the Cease Fire
4) 9/11 occurred and Saddam CHEERED!
5) Anthrax attacks killed 5 people right after 9/11/2001
6) 90% of Americans wanted something done.
7) 30 countries of the "Coalition of the Willing" as a neighborhood action Liberated Iraq.
8) Democrats like Kerry -- calling our troops "terrorists", Obama's statement military methodically planned all the time air-raiding villages killing civilians" helped increase Iraq terrorists attacks.
9) As a result of their collusion with the terrorists by ENCOURAGING the terrorists our troops were methodically killing women children.. 6 years of more deaths because of their help.
Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?
Ungrateful bastard, aren't you?

You should be grateful for that Military Industrial Complex. It not only provides you with the freedom to speak as you do, but also provides hundreds of innovations that make life in this world easier for everyone; and provides good paying jobs so that people can chase their dreams.

Getting tired of the idiots who who go through life with blinders on having nothing but a patella reaction to the United States of America being able to protect itself from a hard world.
Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?
Ungrateful bastard, aren't you?

You should be grateful for that Military Industrial Complex. It not only provides you with the freedom to speak as you do, but also provides hundreds of innovations that make life in this world easier for everyone; and provides good paying jobs so that people can chase their dreams.

Getting tired of the idiots who who go through life with blinders on having nothing but a patella reaction to the United States of America being able to protect itself from a hard world.


It makes life easier for everyone! Except , you know, all those people that are killed and maimed. Well, those dont count, because thats just the way it is.
Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?
Ungrateful bastard, aren't you?

You should be grateful for that Military Industrial Complex. It not only provides you with the freedom to speak as you do, but also provides hundreds of innovations that make life in this world easier for everyone; and provides good paying jobs so that people can chase their dreams.

Getting tired of the idiots who who go through life with blinders on having nothing but a patella reaction to the United States of America being able to protect itself from a hard world.

damn I hope you're being sarcastic
We are entering an incredibly complex and daunting situation. The rebels' motivations are not clearly understood, but one thing is certain they are not secularilists and one of the consequences of their success would be the establishment of a Islamic state that is not going to strengthen American national security or interests in the region.
We are entering an incredibly complex and daunting situation. The rebels' motivations are not clearly understood, but one thing is certain they are not secularilists and one of the consequences of their success would be the establishment of a Islamic state that is not going to strengthen American national security or interests in the region.

Yup interfering is a lose-lose scenario. The "arab spring" is just a shifting of power from one type of evil to another.
We are entering an incredibly complex and daunting situation. The rebels' motivations are not clearly understood, but one thing is certain they are not secularilists and one of the consequences of their success would be the establishment of a Islamic state that is not going to strengthen American national security or interests in the region.

Not only that but how many of our "arms" will end up in Al-Queda store rooms no matter what happens? Lots I'll bet.
The Syrian rebels have the support of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Queda and Obama's White House, but no of the American people.

This administration, like so many other issues, has decided to take actions Americans overwhelmingly disapprove.

What is the WH's motivation?

Americans Oppose U.S. Military Involvement in Syria
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Doesn't Mr Paul know that invading countries around the world provides good, high paying jobs here through the Military Industrial Complex?

Who's talking about invading Syria?

Well. Obama for one... He's just doing it by having others fight his war... All Obama has to do is provide support, weapons, money and a few other things and the death toll somehow magically never get laid at his feet, where it belongs.
The anti war President takes another step to being the biggest war President in US history. And the fanboi left loves him for killing people.
The anti war President takes another step to being the biggest war President in US history. And the fanboi left loves him for killing people.

The Anti-War Left has been proven to be a monumental fraud. Most were never Anti-War, they were merely Anti-Republican Party. There are very few authentic Anti-War Americans out there. Unfortunately, it's still all about that ole R VS. D stuff in America. It's Party before Country. And that's just very sad. You would think people would have moved past that by now.
Shocking, so few even bother to ask where our Government is getting the money to give to these Syrian 'Rebels.'
The left is:

Anti-war - unless there is a Democrat in the White House
Pro-women - unless they are GOP women
Pro-minority - unless they are Republican
Pro-free speech - except for conservative speech
Pro-tolerance - unless it's a conservative
obama's support for al quaeda is part and parcel of obama's war on America. He knows the weapons he is sending the rebels will be used against Americans and used to kill American military. He did the same thing in Afghanistan so he knows what works.
obama's support for al quaeda is part and parcel of obama's war on America. He knows the weapons he is sending the rebels will be used against Americans and used to kill American military. He did the same thing in Afghanistan so he knows what works.

Well i can't be that harsh on the man. To me, he's just a puppet. I believe the NWO Global Elites and MIC want permanent War. He's just one of their tools used to achieve that goal. They need us to be in fear forever. They fund brutal Terrorists because they know it guarantees permanent Warfare. The Blowback is going to be awful. But that's what some want. George Bush and Barack Obama merely work for the same bosses. They're just figureheads.

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