Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
While complaints about a lack of media coverage are typical coming from any struggling candidate, Paul boosters, and even some independent observers, have argued that Paul's media blackout is particularly striking considering his concrete successes on the campaign trail. By our count those successes include:

Winning the Los Angeles Country Straw Poll last week, with more votes than Mitt Romney and Herman Cain combined.

On October 8, winning the Values Voter straw poll in Washington, D.C.

Raising $8.3 million in the third quarter, putting his fundraising clout way ahead of other second-tier candidates such as Herman Cain, who raised $2.8 million in the quarter, Michele Bachmann, who raised $4.1 million, and Rick Santorum, who raised less than $1 million.

Winning the California Republican Party straw poll in September.

Taking a close second in the Ames straw poll in Iowa in August behind Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed - Yahoo! News
While complaints about a lack of media coverage are typical coming from any struggling candidate, Paul boosters, and even some independent observers, have argued that Paul's media blackout is particularly striking considering his concrete successes on the campaign trail. By our count those successes include:

Winning the Los Angeles Country Straw Poll last week, with more votes than Mitt Romney and Herman Cain combined.

On October 8, winning the Values Voter straw poll in Washington, D.C.

Raising $8.3 million in the third quarter, putting his fundraising clout way ahead of other second-tier candidates such as Herman Cain, who raised $2.8 million in the quarter, Michele Bachmann, who raised $4.1 million, and Rick Santorum, who raised less than $1 million.

Winning the California Republican Party straw poll in September.

Taking a close second in the Ames straw poll in Iowa in August behind Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed - Yahoo! News

Just curious...does anyone think the establishment is going to ever allow a man who advocates doing away with the DOE become the president of America? Paul not only wants to fire the more than 100,000 employees of the DOE he also wants to do away with the department of education, IRS and most of the rest of our government.

The DOE works continuously on a world wide basis to ensure that about 40,000 mega nukes are controlled and kept out of the hands of terrorists. It really would be smart to relinquish that interface and that control. I'm not saying that I don't like some of Paul's ideas...I do but some of them are so radical that he could never get over 5%-10% of the popular vote.
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Considering the media has much at stake in keeping the circus going, why would they?

They wont, its up to us to govern and rule ourselves always has been.

Ron Paul is curing peoples apathy.

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