Romney says "First time in four years..President LIKES small businesses"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For the first time in four years,” Romney said, “every entrepreneur, every small business person, every job creator will know that the president and the government of the United States likes them and loves the jobs and higher wages they bring to our fellow Americans.”
Romney Rallies Thousands Of Supporters In Bucks County « CBS Philly

Why is that unusual?
Well Obama has told us in his OWN words....
" "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!" Why would ANY President want companies to go bankrupt?
Why not HELP achieve results without BANKRUPTING???
But Obama doesn't like businesses. Hates capitalism. It was taught him by his father to hate capitalism!

Think you independent undecided voters...
Put your self in Obama's shoes.
Raised by his mother who depended on her mother to pay many of her bills to fly around the world, live in different countries.
Obama's banker grandmother I am sure and you undecided voters... that have had string pulling relatives that put requirements on checks like I am confident Obama's grandmother did on his Mom... I KNOW his mom bitched and moaned about her Mom's financial strings!
I can just imagine Obama growing up hearing his Mom complain about that tight fisted Grandma that pays the bills WITH strings!!

And so Obama with his Father's hatred of capitalism his mother's dependency on her mom... why wouldn't Obama hate the string pulling businesses that funded his education, his job and his campaign! HE HATES them! YET he needs them!

So you undecided voters that have had been in the same position as Obama.. who recently called for his supporters to "vote for revenge."
REVENGE! Is that a reason to vote for Obama???
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?

He is doing his best to make everyone happy. Not just the 47%
People change their minds. especially when they are trying to appeal to 300million+ people.
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?

Hey YOU had NO problem believing Obama when he ran in 2008!
AND HE told you he hated businesses!

On the other hand I and millions of other business people at least KNOW Romney's business acumen! We knew Obama had none!

You just don't tell people companies will go bankrupt with your policies!
You just don't say you want higher gas prices!
You just don't say you want to see 1,300 companies go out of business!
All of these positions are ObAMA's!
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?

Hey YOU had NO problem believing Obama when he ran in 2008!
AND HE told you he hated businesses!

On the other hand I and millions of other business people at least KNOW Romney's business acumen! We knew Obama had none!

You just don't tell people companies will go bankrupt with your policies!
You just don't say you want higher gas prices!
You just don't say you want to see 1,300 companies go out of business!
All of these positions are ObAMA's!

Simple people such as yourself see things this way, and that is fine. Continue to live in the dark ages and never want for America to move forward with energy independence. If you haven't learned the bleak picture of our decrepit energy infrastructure thanks to Sandy, you are too stupid to even vote.
Bank ATMs? Department of Business?

Seriously, Barry, get the fuck out and find something you actually understand
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?

Hey YOU had NO problem believing Obama when he ran in 2008!
AND HE told you he hated businesses!

On the other hand I and millions of other business people at least KNOW Romney's business acumen! We knew Obama had none!

You just don't tell people companies will go bankrupt with your policies!
You just don't say you want higher gas prices!
You just don't say you want to see 1,300 companies go out of business!
All of these positions are ObAMA's!

Simple people such as yourself see things this way, and that is fine. Continue to live in the dark ages and never want for America to move forward with energy independence. If you haven't learned the bleak picture of our decrepit energy infrastructure thanks to Sandy, you are too stupid to even vote.

LOL yea barry is the way to go with energy independence.
Romney has lied about, or flip flopped on just about everything else during this campaign. WHY in hell would you suddenly believe him now?

Hey YOU had NO problem believing Obama when he ran in 2008!
AND HE told you he hated businesses!

On the other hand I and millions of other business people at least KNOW Romney's business acumen! We knew Obama had none!

You just don't tell people companies will go bankrupt with your policies!
You just don't say you want higher gas prices!
You just don't say you want to see 1,300 companies go out of business!
All of these positions are ObAMA's!

Simple people such as yourself see things this way, and that is fine. Continue to live in the dark ages and never want for America to move forward with energy independence. If you haven't learned the bleak picture of our decrepit energy infrastructure thanks to Sandy, you are too stupid to even vote.

Wind mills you want to tilt? Solar panels from china?
I bet YOU are all in favor of 1 million barrels of oil shipped on ocean all under the hand of ONE person at the tiller, per day to china from Canada as an environmental safer method then a pipeline carrying less then 300 barrels in one mile of pipe?

So let's talk about how much Obama HAS cut OIL production on Federal LANDS!
Obama 11% decrease in leases
In 2008 under President Bush, there were a total of 55,085 oil and gas leases in effect on federal land.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 49,174, a decrease of 11 percent.

Obama 19% Decrease in acreage under lease
In 2008 under Bush, there were 47.2 million acres of federal land under lease.
In 2011 under Obama, there were just 38.5 million, a decrease of 19 percent.

Obama 36% reduced new leases
In 2008 under Bush, the federal government approved 6,617 oil and gas permits.
In 2011 under Obama, the federal government approved just 4,244 permits, a decrease of 36 percent.
IF you had listened to the debate, the leases were not being used, so who cares? noted the following about drilling on federal lands: "From 2004-08, well into Bush’s tenure, oil production on federal lands and waters fell in four of five years, for a net decrease of 16.8%. From 2009-11, the Obama years, oil production rose two of three years, for a net increase of 10.6%."

Fact check: Drilling leases down, production up -
IF you had listened to the debate, the leases were not being used, so who cares? noted the following about drilling on federal lands: "From 2004-08, well into Bush’s tenure, oil production on federal lands and waters fell in four of five years, for a net decrease of 16.8%. From 2009-11, the Obama years, oil production rose two of three years, for a net increase of 10.6%."

Fact check: Drilling leases down, production up -

That tired old cliche..."oil companies sitting on unused leases"... IS so ignorant of how oil companies explore, develop and produce oil!

YOU honestly think any "for profit" companies would spend money for federal leases JUST to let them sit there without any exploration?
AND do you know the statistics on oil exploration/development/production? One of 7 holes productive!

Does anyone actually believe that any smart business would go around buying these leases, for a minimum of $26,700 for 670 acres (which is the minimum size), and then never using them? The AP put this out to support this retarded argument. Try clicking on a state to see how much land the oil companies are not using.

Let's think about the entire Oil process. Oil companies must do a whole lot of research. They have geologists telling them the likelihood that oil will be found in a certain area. These geologists are very good at what they do. They can tell a lot from satellite, then they can tell more from seismic tests, even more from core samples. These tests go in order. But they can only do the seismic tests after the lease has been secured. Tell me first why would you lease land just for the fun of it? Do really think that the oil companies are going to lease land that they don't think will ever produce, just because the BLM said they are willing to lease it out.
IF you had listened to the debate, the leases were not being used, so who cares? noted the following about drilling on federal lands: "From 2004-08, well into Bush’s tenure, oil production on federal lands and waters fell in four of five years, for a net decrease of 16.8%. From 2009-11, the Obama years, oil production rose two of three years, for a net increase of 10.6%."

Fact check: Drilling leases down, production up -

That tired old cliche..."oil companies sitting on unused leases"... IS so ignorant of how oil companies explore, develop and produce oil!

YOU honestly think any "for profit" companies would spend money for federal leases JUST to let them sit there without any exploration?
AND do you know the statistics on oil exploration/development/production? One of 7 holes productive!

Does anyone actually believe that any smart business would go around buying these leases, for a minimum of $26,700 for 670 acres (which is the minimum size), and then never using them? The AP put this out to support this retarded argument. Try clicking on a state to see how much land the oil companies are not using.

Let's think about the entire Oil process. Oil companies must do a whole lot of research. They have geologists telling them the likelihood that oil will be found in a certain area. These geologists are very good at what they do. They can tell a lot from satellite, then they can tell more from seismic tests, even more from core samples. These tests go in order. But they can only do the seismic tests after the lease has been secured. Tell me first why would you lease land just for the fun of it? Do really think that the oil companies are going to lease land that they don't think will ever produce, just because the BLM said they are willing to lease it out.

Yes I do. The leases themselves are realtively inexpensive. The exploration is what costs money. However, the oil companies wanted the leases to keep competitor oil companies from having access to them. Simple blocking and tackling so they could sit on them until they were ready and willing to put money into exporation. Since they weren't being actively explored or utilized, what impact did the reduction in leases really have? ZERO.
For the first time in four years,” Romney said, “every entrepreneur, every small business person, every job creator will know that the president and the government of the United States likes them and loves the jobs and higher wages they bring to our fellow Americans.”
Romney Rallies Thousands Of Supporters In Bucks County « CBS Philly

Why is that unusual?
Well Obama has told us in his OWN words....
" "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!" Why would ANY President want companies to go bankrupt?
Why not HELP achieve results without BANKRUPTING???
But Obama doesn't like businesses. Hates capitalism. It was taught him by his father to hate capitalism!

Think you independent undecided voters...
Put your self in Obama's shoes.
Raised by his mother who depended on her mother to pay many of her bills to fly around the world, live in different countries.
Obama's banker grandmother I am sure and you undecided voters... that have had string pulling relatives that put requirements on checks like I am confident Obama's grandmother did on his Mom... I KNOW his mom bitched and moaned about her Mom's financial strings!
I can just imagine Obama growing up hearing his Mom complain about that tight fisted Grandma that pays the bills WITH strings!!

And so Obama with his Father's hatred of capitalism his mother's dependency on her mom... why wouldn't Obama hate the string pulling businesses that funded his education, his job and his campaign! HE HATES them! YET he needs them!

So you undecided voters that have had been in the same position as Obama.. who recently called for his supporters to "vote for revenge."
REVENGE! Is that a reason to vote for Obama???


I have a small business. Very tiny. It has a net worth of under 100k. And last year thanks to Obama, the Democrats in Congress, and a small handful of Republicans, I was able to depreciate half of my business's main capital asset all at once rather than waiting 27.5 years. The tax savings for me were substantial to say the least.

I have no idea how that means Obama doesn't like me.
IF you had listened to the debate, the leases were not being used, so who cares? noted the following about drilling on federal lands: "From 2004-08, well into Bush’s tenure, oil production on federal lands and waters fell in four of five years, for a net decrease of 16.8%. From 2009-11, the Obama years, oil production rose two of three years, for a net increase of 10.6%."

Fact check: Drilling leases down, production up -

You and FACT check are half correct right??? Average for 3 years increase but decreased 14% in 2011!

So if I concede that this is a half truth "cherry picked" by Romney... half right one year decrease out of 3...

I'm be man enough to admit that was wrong!

NOW tell me if YOU will be adult enough to admit when Obama/ use this ONE month out of 96 months as the "cherry picked" number:

Obama use this statement: "After losing about 800,000 jobs a month when I took office, .."
Sounds like 800,000 jobs a month right???

FACTS: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

  • Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
  • 2002 -129 -146 -24 -84 -9 47 -100 -11 -55 121 8 -163
  • 2003 95 -159 -213 -49 -9 0 25 -45 109 197 14 119
  • 2004 162 44 337 249 310 81 46 122 161 348 63 134
  • 2005 137 240 141 360 170 243 374 193 66 80 334 160
  • 2006 283 316 283 181 14 76 209 183 157 -9 204 171
  • 2007 236 93 190 72 139 75 -40 -18 73 79 112 89
  • 2008 41 -84 -95 -208 -190 -198 -210 -274 -432 -489 -803 -661
  • 2009 -818 -724 -799 -692 -361 -482 -339 -231 -199 -202 -42 -171
  • 2010 -40 -35 189 239 516 -167 -58 -51 -27 220 121 120
  • 2011 110 220 246 251 54 84 96 85 202 112 157 223
  • 2012 275 259 143 68 87 45 181 192 148(P) 171(P)
P : preliminary

TELL ME WHEN was there an AVERAGE of 800,000 jobs lost per month EVER?????
The worst month was Obama's first month!!!
So will you admit THERE NEVER WAS AN AVERAGE of 800,000 jobs a month as Obama and all of you keep "CHERRY PICKING"???
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