Romney Robocall Warns Christians: Obama Threatens 'Our Religious Freedom'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's campaign, in a last-minute robocall, warns voters that President Barack Obama is hostile to the Christian faith.

The robocall, paid for by Romney's campaign, is explicitly aimed at Christian voters. A voter in Fairfax, Va. received it on Friday night, and passed it along to Shaun Dakin of

The spot reminds the listener of Obama's controversial comment in 2008 that some Americans, frustrated by their economic situation, "cling to guns or religion."

Script of the robocall:

Christians who are thinking about voting for Obama should remember what he said about people of faith: "They ... cling to guns or religion." And remember when Obama forced Christian organizations to provide insurance coverage that was contrary to their religious beliefs?

That's the real Barack Obama. That's the real threat to our religious freedom. Mitt Romney understands the importance of faith and family. That's why so many leaders of the Christian community are supporting Romney.

They know we can't underestimate the threat Barack Obama poses to our faith, our values, our freedom.​

More (w/audio): Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'
Mitt Romney understands the importance of faith and family. That's why so many leaders of the Christian community are supporting Romney.

That is sadly hilarious coming from possibly the biggest liar on the planet.
I don't care who the call was from..

IT'S THE TRUTH folks...VOTE Obama and his comrades in arms OUT

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