Romney Definitely NOT a food stamp President!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Jesse Jackson said the following and I'm adding comments in response to Jackson's litany:
Say, it's an honor to be a food stamp president.

"Food stamps feed the hungry." ..BUT JESSE think!!! "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

"Food stamps save the children. " Jesse.. Obama wants to CUT donations or charitable giving.. you know a "tax loophole"!!!
"Food stamps help the farmer. " Jesse.. Farmers ARE encouraged to grow food to be burned as fuel by Obama! Ethanol???

"Food stamps help the truck driver. " HOW does moving food lower truck drivers' gas prices when Obama's EPA shuts down a refinery on St. Croix?

"Food stamps help the warehouse." Jesse... the warehouse MAKES money from SELLING food not giving food away!

"Food stamps help the store." Jesse are you sure??? The profit margin is generally lower on food stamp food.. Jesse who pays the food store's taxes??

"It is an Honor to be the Foods Stamp President..." Jesse Jackson Honors the Enslavement of American Citizens | Texas GOP Vote

To YOU smarter yet still undecided voter, do you REALLY think as MORE people become dependent on the government "womb to tomb" there will be enough people to pay the freight, i.e. TAXES that pay for food stamps???

Smart people KNOW it is better to teach a man to fish rather then feed for one DAY!
Jesse Jackson said the following and I'm adding comments in response to Jackson's litany:
Say, it's an honor to be a food stamp president.

"Food stamps feed the hungry." ..BUT JESSE think!!! "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

"Food stamps save the children. " Jesse.. Obama wants to CUT donations or charitable giving.. you know a "tax loophole"!!!
"Food stamps help the farmer. " Jesse.. Farmers ARE encouraged to grow food to be burned as fuel by Obama! Ethanol???

"Food stamps help the truck driver. " HOW does moving food lower truck drivers' gas prices when Obama's EPA shuts down a refinery on St. Croix?

"Food stamps help the warehouse." Jesse... the warehouse MAKES money from SELLING food not giving food away!

"Food stamps help the store." Jesse are you sure??? The profit margin is generally lower on food stamp food.. Jesse who pays the food store's taxes??

"It is an Honor to be the Foods Stamp President..." Jesse Jackson Honors the Enslavement of American Citizens | Texas GOP Vote

To YOU smarter yet still undecided voter, do you REALLY think as MORE people become dependent on the government "womb to tomb" there will be enough people to pay the freight, i.e. TAXES that pay for food stamps???

Smart people KNOW it is better to teach a man to fish rather then feed for one DAY!

Try not eating for 3 days in a row then see how well you can fish.
Try not eating for 3 days in a row then see how well you can fish.

You mean when you are motivated by hunger? Youll move heaven and earth to get that fish.

You know this from personal experience?

I guess when drought hits we should just cut off all food aid, that will make the people so hungry they figure out how to make it rain, right?

If we just starve the poor I'm sure they'll find a way to make the economy produce more jobs, right?
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Sorry but simply have a problem in feeding fat people!
Jesse Jackson said the following and I'm adding comments in response to Jackson's litany:
Say, it's an honor to be a food stamp president.

"Food stamps feed the hungry." ..BUT JESSE think!!! "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

"Food stamps save the children. " Jesse.. Obama wants to CUT donations or charitable giving.. you know a "tax loophole"!!!
"Food stamps help the farmer. " Jesse.. Farmers ARE encouraged to grow food to be burned as fuel by Obama! Ethanol???

"Food stamps help the truck driver. " HOW does moving food lower truck drivers' gas prices when Obama's EPA shuts down a refinery on St. Croix?

"Food stamps help the warehouse." Jesse... the warehouse MAKES money from SELLING food not giving food away!

"Food stamps help the store." Jesse are you sure??? The profit margin is generally lower on food stamp food.. Jesse who pays the food store's taxes??

"It is an Honor to be the Foods Stamp President..." Jesse Jackson Honors the Enslavement of American Citizens | Texas GOP Vote

To YOU smarter yet still undecided voter, do you REALLY think as MORE people become dependent on the government "womb to tomb" there will be enough people to pay the freight, i.e. TAXES that pay for food stamps???

Smart people KNOW it is better to teach a man to fish rather then feed for one DAY!

Try not eating for 3 days in a row then see how well you can fish.

wait arent people on welfare usually fat? so, I not understanding how they are missing a meal.
Welfare recipients used to have a work requirement that led to jobs...which led to an income and food on the table. That's how you stay fed.
Jesse Jackson said the following and I'm adding comments in response to Jackson's litany:
Say, it's an honor to be a food stamp president.

"Food stamps feed the hungry." ..BUT JESSE think!!! "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

"Food stamps save the children. " Jesse.. Obama wants to CUT donations or charitable giving.. you know a "tax loophole"!!!
"Food stamps help the farmer. " Jesse.. Farmers ARE encouraged to grow food to be burned as fuel by Obama! Ethanol???

"Food stamps help the truck driver. " HOW does moving food lower truck drivers' gas prices when Obama's EPA shuts down a refinery on St. Croix?

"Food stamps help the warehouse." Jesse... the warehouse MAKES money from SELLING food not giving food away!

"Food stamps help the store." Jesse are you sure??? The profit margin is generally lower on food stamp food.. Jesse who pays the food store's taxes??

"It is an Honor to be the Foods Stamp President..." Jesse Jackson Honors the Enslavement of American Citizens | Texas GOP Vote

To YOU smarter yet still undecided voter, do you REALLY think as MORE people become dependent on the government "womb to tomb" there will be enough people to pay the freight, i.e. TAXES that pay for food stamps???

Smart people KNOW it is better to teach a man to fish rather then feed for one DAY!

Try not eating for 3 days in a row then see how well you can fish.

No one in this country goes hungry, certainly not for three days. You are a disingenuous punk!
I grew up in the fifties. Kids did not die of hunger although the schools did not provide free lunch.

We did not have Obamacare but I don't recall the streets littered with poor dead people without a hospital to treat them.

People had jobs and many had both mother and father working to provide for their families, but they did it.

The schools did not teach me how to brush my teeth or gay people were my friends and could have families too...(I didn't know who gay people were, I thought it meant happy) I overcame those shortcomings in my education...

My mother took me to the doctor when I was sick instead of seeing the school nurse... there wasn't a nurse at any school. They were there to educate, not medicate.

We weren't 16 Trillion dollars in debt and the National Credit agencies hadn't downgraded us yet, let alone three times.

Where did we go wrong?
A good indication there are still too many families suffering from the 'recession'...
Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation
Nov 2, 2012 • With the latest jobs report, it is now the case that "Under Obama, Food Stamp Growth [Is] 75 Times Greater Than Job Creation," according to statistics compiled by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee. "For Every Person Added to Jobs Rolls Since January 2009, 75 People Added To Food Stamp Rolls."
Here's a chart detailing the growth:


Since January 2009, as the chart shows, a net of 194,000 new jobs have been created. During that same time, 14.7 million have been added to the food stamp rolls. "Simply put, the President’s policies have not produced jobs. During his time in office, 14.7 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Over that same time, only 194,000 jobs were created—thus 76 people went on food stamps for every one that found a job," says Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee. "This is a product of low growth. Post-recession economic growth in 2010 was 2.4%, and dropped in 2011 to 1.8%. This year it has dropped again to 1.77%. Few, if any, net jobs will be created with growth of less than 2%."

The Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee put the job growth into perspective: In January 2009, there were 133.56 million Americans with jobs and 31.98 million on food stamps. Today, there are 133.76 million Americans with jobs and 46.68 million on food stamps. The employment rolls have thus grown by 0.15 percent and the food stamp rolls have grown by 46 percent, meaning that for every one American who found a job, 75 Americans signed up for food stamps. Meanwhile, during that time, our nation’s debt has risen $5.63 trillion. Total spending on food stamps is now more than $80 billion annually, a fourfold increase from 2001. Total spending on federal means-tested welfare—food stamps, public housing, social services, cash aid, etc.—is now approximately $1 trillion. That amount is enough, if converted to cash, to send every household beneath the federal poverty line an annual check for $60,000.

HOW does moving food lower truck drivers' gas prices when Obama's EPA shuts down a refinery on St. Croix?
In January, Hovensa entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department in which the company agreed to invest $700 million on pollution controls after a series of chemical releases affected people living downwind from the refinery.

You think Venezuelan state owned oil companies to be allowed to poison American citizens?

What is wrong with you? Why do you hate your fellow countrymen and favor the commies in Venezuela instead?

BTW, moron the EPA didn't shut the refinery down. They're free to operate so long as the follow the law, just like any other refinery in America. But I guess you think Hugo Chavez should get an exception, right? You fuckin' commie. If you like communism so much move to Venezuela asshole.
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Some people need a lesson in reality of American life. a year or two as a cop in a large city.

THEN you'd know: Welfare and food stamps are NOT meant to "feed the hungry". Our poor people are obese for Gods sake.

Welfare and food stamps are there to prevent violence. Thats a fact. Hungry, uneducated, undisciplined desperate people become violent. See: Iraq, Mexico, etc. We give handouts to our poor, dumb and undisciplined to maintain a civil society where people in gated subdivisions dont have to worry about looters and gangs trying to steal from them.

It sucks. Its not fair. But its reality. We bottle that population up in the hoods. Give them just enough to survive. Watch them from afar and thank God they are contained there by the cops. Bitch about the free handouts. ANd go about our lives without feeling much threat from them.

Thats reality. Thats what handouts are for. We can round 'em up and get rid of them. We can cut off handouts and hope they dont become violent, or, we just deal with the violence. Or...we keep them under control with cops and handouts. Which choice you want?
Some people need a lesson in reality of American life. a year or two as a cop in a large city.

THEN you'd know: Welfare and food stamps are NOT meant to "feed the hungry". Our poor people are obese for Gods sake.

Welfare and food stamps are there to prevent violence. Thats a fact. Hungry, uneducated, undisciplined desperate people become violent. See: Iraq, Mexico, etc. We give handouts to our poor, dumb and undisciplined to maintain a civil society where people in gated subdivisions dont have to worry about looters and gangs trying to steal from them.

It sucks. Its not fair. But its reality. We bottle that population up in the hoods. Give them just enough to survive. Watch them from afar and thank God they are contained there by the cops. Bitch about the free handouts. ANd go about our lives without feeling much threat from them.

Thats reality. Thats what handouts are for. We can round 'em up and get rid of them. We can cut off handouts and hope they dont become violent, or, we just deal with the violence. Or...we keep them under control with cops and handouts. Which choice you want?

A pragmatist. On this board? NO way!

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