Rolling Blackouts in California...the reliance on "green energy," is turning the state into 3rd world ....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Rolling blackouts in our wealthiest state....due to "green" energy........

This is the problem....."green energy," does not work. That it doesn't work is not a problem, it is simply something the democrat party will ignore in it's fantasy world it wants to create.....after all.....the rich democrat party members will simply by gas generators to fuel their mansions.......

One of the mottos of the Democrat Party? "Unintended Consequences"

As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:

According to Deadline Hollywood:

As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'

According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:

One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

“We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” Newsom admitted boldly, “and that’s simply unacceptable.”

He said he took responsibility for the crisis, and for addressing it immediately, so that “we never come back into this position again.”
Newsom said the state would try to address shortfalls through conservation, and through procuring new sources of energy.
Though the state would continue its “transition” to 100% renewable energy, Newsom said, “we cannot sacrifice reliability as we move forward in this transition.”
And sure enough it was the state's greenie energy mandates, which require at least half of all energy produced in the state be from "alternative" energy sources by now, which as can be seen are not only pricier but far less reliable and efficient.

I'm just all otta give a fuck about the pin heads in kullyfornia. That state is seriously FUCKED.

There is no cleaner, more reliable and efficient energy than NUCLEAR.

There's a mass exodus going on out of that state right now. Let's just hope it's the good people that vote republican, and not the trash that voted for the people that screwed the state up.
Rolling blackouts in our wealthiest state....due to "green" energy........

This is the problem....."green energy," does not work. That it doesn't work is not a problem, it is simply something the democrat party will ignore in it's fantasy world it wants to create.....after all.....the rich democrat party members will simply by gas generators to fuel their mansions.......

One of the mottos of the Democrat Party? "Unintended Consequences"

As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:

According to Deadline Hollywood:

As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'

According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:

One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

“We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” Newsom admitted boldly, “and that’s simply unacceptable.”

He said he took responsibility for the crisis, and for addressing it immediately, so that “we never come back into this position again.”
Newsom said the state would try to address shortfalls through conservation, and through procuring new sources of energy.
Though the state would continue its “transition” to 100% renewable energy, Newsom said, “we cannot sacrifice reliability as we move forward in this transition.”
And sure enough it was the state's greenie energy mandates, which require at least half of all energy produced in the state be from "alternative" energy sources by now, which as can be seen are not only pricier but far less reliable and efficient.

The Green spending by the former Premier on massive boondoggles and gifts has essentially bankrupted Ontario. We were $150B in debt in 2003, by 2014 it was nearly $300B, it's now $360B. All this debt, with little economic innovation and "value-add".

The companies, most of them now bankrupt and defunct low ago; all given massive grants to research, develop and build renewals. It was criminal. Yet again, nobody held accountable in creepy Canada.
Rolling blackouts in our wealthiest state....due to "green" energy........

This is the problem....."green energy," does not work. That it doesn't work is not a problem, it is simply something the democrat party will ignore in it's fantasy world it wants to create.....after all.....the rich democrat party members will simply by gas generators to fuel their mansions.......

One of the mottos of the Democrat Party? "Unintended Consequences"

As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:

According to Deadline Hollywood:

As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'

According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:

One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

“We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” Newsom admitted boldly, “and that’s simply unacceptable.”

He said he took responsibility for the crisis, and for addressing it immediately, so that “we never come back into this position again.”
Newsom said the state would try to address shortfalls through conservation, and through procuring new sources of energy.
Though the state would continue its “transition” to 100% renewable energy, Newsom said, “we cannot sacrifice reliability as we move forward in this transition.”
And sure enough it was the state's greenie energy mandates, which require at least half of all energy produced in the state be from "alternative" energy sources by now, which as can be seen are not only pricier but far less reliable and efficient.

..the reliance on "green energy," is turning the state into 3rd world ....

Not exactly.

Leftism has turned California into a 3rd World Shit Hole !!

Leftist Policies ALWAYS lead to Death and Destruction !!!!!
Only a major earthquake and the opening of the San Andreas Fault will things improve.
Well the State elected those knuckleheads so I really cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give.
Only a major earthquake and the opening of the San Andreas Fault will things improve.

Earthquake sequences are currently happening close enough to the fault line that the Dems may actually not get those EC votes.
Well the State elected those knuckleheads so I really cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give.

The people on the Ocean Side of the fault are mostly responsible.
If the fault would just do it's job that state would be bright red.
Rolling blackouts in our wealthiest state....due to "green" energy........

This is the problem....."green energy," does not work. That it doesn't work is not a problem, it is simply something the democrat party will ignore in it's fantasy world it wants to create.....after all.....the rich democrat party members will simply by gas generators to fuel their mansions.......

One of the mottos of the Democrat Party? "Unintended Consequences"

As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:

According to Deadline Hollywood:

As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'

According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:

One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

“We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” Newsom admitted boldly, “and that’s simply unacceptable.”

He said he took responsibility for the crisis, and for addressing it immediately, so that “we never come back into this position again.”
Newsom said the state would try to address shortfalls through conservation, and through procuring new sources of energy.
Though the state would continue its “transition” to 100% renewable energy, Newsom said, “we cannot sacrifice reliability as we move forward in this transition.”
And sure enough it was the state's greenie energy mandates, which require at least half of all energy produced in the state be from "alternative" energy sources by now, which as can be seen are not only pricier but far less reliable and efficient.

Actally I had better electric service in the Philippines, a third world country. And yes thankfully I do have a generator that runs on propane that starts automatically, kicks in automatically then shuts itself down when power is finally restored. We'd be up shits creek without it.
130 degrees was just reached the other day in Death Valley. That is the highest recorded temperature in 100 years. Rolling black outs are nothing new. I don't know how old you are, but they have happened many times before when something like a huge heat wave occurred. When everyone is blasting air conditioners and extra fans, it puts a huge overload on the electrical system that could do serious damage to it. So rolling black outs help to give the system a cool down to prevent that damage.
Aren't there issues with putting up solar mirrors in the desert but not being able to put up power lines due to environmentalist concerns?
The only form of 'green' energy that is reliable is the Thorium Molten Salt reactor, but since it is 'nuclear power' the lefties wont even discuss it.
Rolling blackouts in our wealthiest state....due to "green" energy........

This is the problem....."green energy," does not work. That it doesn't work is not a problem, it is simply something the democrat party will ignore in it's fantasy world it wants to create.....after all.....the rich democrat party members will simply by gas generators to fuel their mansions.......

One of the mottos of the Democrat Party? "Unintended Consequences"

As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:

According to Deadline Hollywood:

As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'

According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:

One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

“We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” Newsom admitted boldly, “and that’s simply unacceptable.”

He said he took responsibility for the crisis, and for addressing it immediately, so that “we never come back into this position again.”
Newsom said the state would try to address shortfalls through conservation, and through procuring new sources of energy.
Though the state would continue its “transition” to 100% renewable energy, Newsom said, “we cannot sacrifice reliability as we move forward in this transition.”
And sure enough it was the state's greenie energy mandates, which require at least half of all energy produced in the state be from "alternative" energy sources by now, which as can be seen are not only pricier but far less reliable and efficient.

The Green spending by the former Premier on massive boondoggles and gifts has essentially bankrupted Ontario. We were $150B in debt in 2003, by 2014 it was nearly $300B, it's now $360B. All this debt, with little economic innovation and "value-add".

The companies, most of them now bankrupt and defunct low ago; all given massive grants to research, develop and build renewals. It was criminal. Yet again, nobody held accountable in creepy Canada.
Ah! They followed the "Obama model".
I wonder if any of the same actors were involved.
Jerry Brown cancelled every infrastructure project in the State during his first two terms as governor and then was rewarded with two more terms when he complained about it. Most Californians are completely divorced from reality. The rest are trying to figure out how to leave. Good weather be damned, the place is turning into a shithole.
Windmills take up a gigantic footprint and they kill migratory birds while contributing a tiny fraction of energy to the grid. Solar panels also take up a gigantic footprint and are manufactured with toxic materials. Solar panels are a fun way to generate a tiny bit of direct current to charge batteries in a cabin but they are useless to power the grid.
They are literally importing people from the garbage holes with ever increasing pace.

Are you sure it's the energy policy?
With all this record heat I say "Let them sweat"

I wonder how many people die from heat strokes as result of the democrat energy policy.

Energy out of human bodies sounds like the democrat way. If they can incorporate baby parts they got the winner.

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