To Russia with Love ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Maybe it's just me but I find visiting a great city like
St.Petersburg would be not merely important but
necessary.And I'm hardly alone.Unless one thinks
Conservatives like Laura Ingraham must have a few
screws loose to take up Russian as a language and
also go to Russia as a student to learn real history.
Not the crap being taught today by woke teachers Unions
throughout our once great Republic.
Sure Learning Russian or even spelling places like
Nizhegorodskaya oblast ain't knowed piece of
cake.Nor is watching the classic - Dr.Zhivago - { 1965 }
or getting ones history correct.
Especially today when histories are being blatantly
reworked to fullfill the Mindsets of Deranged globalist like
Klaus Schwab or George Soros.While simultaneously
knocking our Founders and our American Heritage.
So Trump to the rescue.I doubt he's much of a speller.
Or big reader.So sue him.That's already baked into
whatever American pie is being baked.Why ? Not even
the Great Sigmund Freud would have a clue.
That's how mockingly transformed the U.S. is becoming.
More each day.Not merely content to just touch upon
but vigorously maul.
{ Totem and Taboo } 1912-1913
To touch is the beginning of every act of possession,
of every attempt to make sure of a person or thing.
Sigmund Freud
Of course my overall Numero Uno choice of best
City in the world might be Prague.It's Old World
authentic charm is like watching a Live version of
John Barrymore portraying - Svengali _ { 1931 } where
rooms were small but the huge walls thick { Concrete }
and the floors slightly tilted to give off a sense of
otherwordly.Outside on the thick often thatched roofs
where birds couldn't help but keep from singing
and carousal around.Because sunsets were to die for.

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