Roe Vs Wade is not the issue here


VIP Member
Apr 4, 2022
People need to realize that "This is not about abortion rights, it is about winning elections in the fall".

In 2020, the Billionaire backed DemonRats took a police case (George Floyd ) and sensationalized it by using the MSM and Soros front groups in order to "GET THE VOTE OUT". The ensuing riots and looting weren't enough to get the Moderates / fence sitters out to vote, so they had to resort to Ballot Stuffing. Who won ? The Billionaire class and Wall St. won, that's who, NOT THE PEOPLE.

The Summer of 2020 saw over 570 riots, looting and mayhem,,,,,fast forward 1 year and CRICKETS,,,where is BLM blocking highways, where are the Antifa protests,,,,I guess Police Brutality and Racism was CURED in 2020 ? How come nobody cares about George Floyd anymore ?

Now, expect to see more rioting and looting this Election year summer, but the inciting issue they choose to use now, is ROE VS WADE and of course "Its a war on women". This will mobilize the masstards into voting once again to install another Billionaire sponsored puppet. Trump was an enemy of the RepubliCons and DemonRats so the republicons helped in the election steal to remove Trump because Trump was an enemy to "The Usual Corruption in Washington". After the election ( like George Floyd ) we wont hear another peep about Abortion and the MSM and Left will not talk about it.
Republicans should be proud of finally overturning Roe v Wade

Why won’t they run on it?

Look what we did!
People need to realize that "This is not about abortion rights, it is about winning elections in the fall".

In 2020, the Billionaire backed DemonRats took a police case (George Floyd ) and sensationalized it by using the MSM and Soros front groups in order to "GET THE VOTE OUT". The ensuing riots and looting weren't enough to get the Moderates / fence sitters out to vote, so they had to resort to Ballot Stuffing. Who won ? The Billionaire class and Wall St. won, that's who, NOT THE PEOPLE.

The Summer of 2020 saw over 570 riots, looting and mayhem,,,,,fast forward 1 year and CRICKETS,,,where is BLM blocking highways, where are the Antifa protests,,,,I guess Police Brutality and Racism was CURED in 2020 ? How come nobody cares about George Floyd anymore ?

Now, expect to see more rioting and looting this Election year summer, but the inciting issue they choose to use now, is ROE VS WADE and of course "Its a war on women". This will mobilize the masstards into voting once again to install another Billionaire sponsored puppet. Trump was an enemy of the RepubliCons and DemonRats so the republicons helped in the election steal to remove Trump because Trump was an enemy to "The Usual Corruption in Washington". After the election ( like George Floyd ) we wont hear another peep about Abortion and the MSM and Left will not talk about it.

Americans really do not understand the crux of the issue, and you are correct, it is all political on BOTH sides.

If you read what was leaked------------>it is basically the courts opinion that it is not in their scope to decide upon IF abortion should be the law of the land, or states for that matter, but rather lawmakers. They are NOT outlawing abortion, they are kicking it back to the lawmakers for the decision, as it should be. To be 100% fair, NEITHER party likes this idea, they want SCOTUS to make this decision for them, because while SCOTUS members can be impeached, they can't be unelected like lawmakers can.

Are we all aware that in Europe and across the rest of the free world, abortion is far more regulated than it is here? Do you know why? Because over there, LAWMAKERS passed the bills through their respective governments, not courts. Lawmakers had to compromise to satisfy the will of ALL the people in some fashion, and it is not such a "hot potato" subject because of it.

We must make sure we all understand that the SCOTUS decision does NOT make abortion illegal. All it does is either let the states decide individually, or if they want to make it country wide access, force the congress to bring it to a vote. Isn't that how a democracy/republic is supposed to work? It is neither sides fault that their lawmakers in almost every purple state and the United States congress to boot, do not want to touch this with a ten foot pole. What it really shows is------>the inherent cowardice of the US congress to take a stand on anything important. Oh, they will huff-and puff-and threaten to blow your house down, but bring it to a vote............not likely. Want a perfect parallel? Think illegal immigration. They could bring new laws leaning either way to the floor, and yet they won't! It is not about making their constituents happy, it is about not pi**ing the other side off. Such is the fearlessness of your US congress. They love the political football, but they never want to take a hard stand on either side because they are afraid they will be removed from office. Sad, but true!
It is not about abortion rights or course, it is about an individual's privacy rights. Alito is simply wrong in the draft opinion in that privacy rights have to be enumerated to be upheld by the Constitution.

Your screed on Floyd and the election have nothing to do with the High Court's decision to first ignore the precedent set in RvW, and now apparently to overturn the precedent.

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