How Could North Koreans Be Made So Dumb?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here’s why it is an important question: It’s exactly the same answer for Democrat voters.

1.Whether they are outright dictatorships, or the dictatorships-in-waiting, leftist entities govern as though they were a religion.

The totalitarians love to pretend that real religion, the Judeo-Christian variety of America’s Founders, is built on superstition and faith rather than proof and facts.

Interesting, because that is exactly the same for Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and the Democrat political fantasies and fables.

2. David Mamet puts it thus:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

4. The Hollywood celebrities pledge at to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

5. Need any more of the confluence of North Korea’s worship with the Democrat Party’s????

Here, in pictorial proof.


Their Risen Yahweh.
Is your mental illness still un-diagnosed?

This is the sort of post one writes when the truth of the OP hits home.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

That's you in a nutshell....isn't it.

Fearful of ever insulting your gods.


Here’s why it is an important question: It’s exactly the same answer for Democrat voters.

1.Whether they are outright dictatorships, or the dictatorships-in-waiting, leftist entities govern as though they were a religion.

The totalitarians love to pretend that real religion, the Judeo-Christian variety of America’s Founders, is built on superstition and faith rather than proof and facts.

Interesting, because that is exactly the same for Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and the Democrat political fantasies and fables.

2. David Mamet puts it thus:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

4. The Hollywood celebrities pledge at to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

5. Need any more of the confluence of North Korea’s worship with the Democrat Party’s????

Here, in pictorial proof.

View attachment 642718

Their Risen Yahweh.
Trump compares himself to Jesus. Claims he saved Christianity and Israel.
Here’s why it is an important question: It’s exactly the same answer for Democrat voters.

1.Whether they are outright dictatorships, or the dictatorships-in-waiting, leftist entities govern as though they were a religion.

The totalitarians love to pretend that real religion, the Judeo-Christian variety of America’s Founders, is built on superstition and faith rather than proof and facts.

Interesting, because that is exactly the same for Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and the Democrat political fantasies and fables.

2. David Mamet puts it thus:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

4. The Hollywood celebrities pledge at to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

5. Need any more of the confluence of North Korea’s worship with the Democrat Party’s????

Here, in pictorial proof.

View attachment 642718

Their Risen Yahweh.

There is no question that the non-religious left looks at their Party as a their form of religion.
The Dems have a sense of privilege in all things. They assume that everything they do is right and proper. They make a big f---king mess then sit down in it and celebrate it.
Trump compares himself to Jesus. Claims he saved Christianity and Israel.

Let's see what lying scum you are.......not that it will be a surprise to anyone: It's Democrats.

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

In a commercial preview for the Soul Train Awards, presented on BET, Jamie Foxx said to give thanks to "our Lord and Savior" Barack Obama.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."

Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

“Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’”
Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’
So in other words, your schizophrenia is technically

Well enjoy those long late night discussions with your living room table -- that you think is actually the resurrection of Ronald Reagan..

So in other words, your schizophrenia is technically

Well enjoy those long late night discussions with your living room table -- that you think is actually the resurrection of Ronald Reagan..

You can try to ignore how I've rubbed your face in what you are.....but your whining in these posts proves it.

Accept the role you were born to play: stupid and subservient to your Democrat masters.
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Democrats.....that one in particular......lie about everything.
Yea, America is center right....

Which is why 4 or 5 Supreme court justices had to lie about overturning Roe v Wade because of how popular that position is -- in this "center right" country...

Also why policies like Medicare and Social Security remain the 2 most popular government programs in US history...because of how "center-right" they are...

Yall are clowns
Yea, America is center right....

Which is why 4 or 5 Supreme court justices had to lie about overturning Roe v Wade because of how popular that position is -- in this "center right" country...

Also why policies like Medicare and Social Security remain the 2 most popular government programs in US history...because of how "center-right" they are...

Yall are clowns

"Which is why 4 or 5 Supreme court justices had to lie about overturning Roe v Wade"

What lie?????

The tenth amendment specifes it as a state authority.

Article 1, seciont 8 lists the federal government's authority.....and abortion isn't one.

You'd know that if you were an American.

So the only lie is yours.
Wrong. America is center right.
Why quibble about a nuance when the OP has North Korea on the wrong Frickin side totally? Wanna move the US a hair to the left from where it is? Fine. The OP moved North Korea to the opposite side.

How do you spell disingenuous? P O L I T I C A L C H I C.
Why quibble about a nuance when the OP has North Korea on the wrong Frickin side totally? Wanna move the US a hair to the left from where it is? Fine. The OP moved North Korea to the opposite side.

How do you spell disingenuous? P O L I T I C A L C H I C.

Wait 'til you see the next post I have planned.......

Get the antacids ready.
"Which is why 4 or 5 Supreme court justices had to lie about overturning Roe v Wade"

What lie?????

The tenth amendment specifes it as a state authority.

Article 1, seciont 8 lists the federal government's authority.....and abortion isn't one.

You'd know that if you were an American.

So the only lie is yours.
Lie as in..they went before the Senate confirmation and said Roe is settled law...knowing damn well they were appointed specifically to overturn it...

and whenever Conservatives talk about "federal authority" -- I know they are full of shit....because Conservatives have no problem with using that federal authority to police a woman's pussy and a gay couple's fuck outta here with that bullshit....

I still remember the Terri Schiavo like I said....shut the entire fuck up

Wait 'til you see the next post I have planned.......

Get the antacids ready.
I come here for entertainment. Watching some (most?) of you lose your minds without the concept of nuance is a blast. I get a tingly feeling of superiority every time I step in this place and watch ya’ll yell about something nonsensical.
Lie as in..they went before the Senate confirmation and said Roe is settled law...knowing damn well they were appointed specifically to overturn it...

and whenever Conservatives talk about "federal authority" -- I know they are full of shit....because Conservatives have no problem with using that federal authority to police a woman's pussy and a gay couple's fuck outta here with that bullshit....

I still remember the Terri Schiavo like I said....shut the entire fuck up

Settled law???

Gads, you're a moron.

There's no such thing. Decisions are regularly overturned.

The Supreme Court has overruled itself 125 times in its history, usually after much time had passed and public sentiment changed, or because new appointments to the Court caused an ideological shift on the bench itself.⁴

The Court has also been overruled by Congress passing new (and sometimes clarifying) laws 59 times, in areas widely ranging from tax law to immigration to education and crime.⁵
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_over-ruled_U-ed_States_Supreme_Court_decisions 5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List_of_abro-gat-ed_Ued_States_Supreme_Court_decisions

Or.....did you stand behind the Dred Scott decision???

Bet you did......because you vote for this party:

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. The party of the bullwhip, and plantations and slavery, of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the KKK and Jim Crow, the party of barring black children from schools, has become more efficient today:

"Massive increase in Black Americans murdered was result of defund police movement: experts
Black Americans were disproportionately affected by the skyrocketing murders of 2020"

Massive increase in Black Americans murdered was result of defund police movement: experts

Black Americans saw a greater spike in murders in 2020 compared to years prior, and at a higher rate than the national increase.

But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

I many times must I use you as the semi-human punching bag???????
Hard to tell the difference........

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BTW.......Karl Marx worshipped the Devil.

That may explain the above.
They simply were celebrating in reverence not bowing down and submitting to North Korea. This thread is about North Korea and here is your orange god (little g) with a show of respect and reference to a superior on display for the world to watch in amusement.

Mine is IN CONTEXT. Yours is OUT OF CONTEXT. Bwahahahaha


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