Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The way the question is worded I cannot say for sure that is even a thing, can you cite the specific wording in the constitution? verbatim if ya don't mind.

cuz I'm pro-choice?

I have never seen it, and not just for citizens but for non citizens and babies in the womb also... it just isn't there... but then the constitution doesn't cover voluntarily induced harm of any kind...[time to rework that question again ]:abgg2q.jpg:
You mean narrative.. lol
22JUL25 ¥ ding ¥ #3,867 Legislators are free to decide anything they want. I'm just stating the science that is taught in every embryology textbook.

23MAR08 ¥ Meriweather ¥ #195 • It appears you had to go back a couple of centuries to find an example of Christianity being "shoved down our throats".

23MAR08 NFBW #7,488 “We only have to go back to yesterday to find an example of extremist white nationalist Christianity being shoved down an American woman’s throat in Texas.

35-year-old {Amanda} Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby.
Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday.

Amanda Zurawski, one of the plaintiffs, speaks outside the Texas Capitol on Tuesday. SUZANNE CORDEIRO VIA GETTY IMAGES
Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat, the hospital told her the Texas ban meant there was nothing her doctors could do except wait for her to go into labor. Because there was a possibility she could deliver in the coming hours, doctors told her to stay within 15 minutes of the hospital ― eliminating the option of traveling out of state for an abortion. •••• On her way home from a check-up with her obstetrician days later, Zurawski “developed chills and started shivering, and by the time she got home, she had a temperature of 101 degrees and was not responding to her husband’s questions — all signs of sepsis,” the lawsuit lays out.
It wasn’t until doctors confirmed she was septic ― a life-threatening reaction in the bloodstream to an infection ― that the hospital agreed to induce labor on a baby that would die shortly after birth. •••• Her infection persisted, landing her in the intensive care unit and causing severe scar tissue to develop in her uterus and fallopian tubes. One of her fallopian tubes remains closed and non-functional. Because of the damage to her reproductive organs, her doctors have told her she will likely have to attempt in vitro fertilization to become pregnant again ― a process that’s often invasive, expensive and unsuccessful.

Yes, white extremist Christian’s like Meriweather and ding have caused severe scar tissue to develop in Amanda Zurawski’s uterus and fallopian tubes. Both are aided and abetted by a moral authoritarian atheist CarsomyrPlusSix - none of those three will weigh in on the suffering their political ideology actually causes.
¥ ding ¥ will argue Texas legislators were just following science not religion; {see 03,867 above}

We should all be calling bullshit on that. Science would have saved Amanda’s uterus. White Christian extremism in Texas scarred it.

23SEP26 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #7,937 {to: 07,930} Maybe the Doctor was a leftist that got in on setting the state up by not rendering the proper treatment for this alleged incompetent cervix, and all because he knew what the results would be by not rendering the care she needed ??

23SEP26 NFBW #7,941 {to: 07,837} The “incompetent cervix” diagnosis is not a crime or something that can be faked. •••• Amanda’s fetus was healthy throughout this complication and in Texas every fetus with a heartbeat has the protection of state interest that “forced” Amanda’s doctor to keep the fetus alive until Amanda actually became on the verge of death before her life could be saved by killing a perfectly healthy fetus. •••• It’s what happens when white Republican Trump Christians vote for lawmakers who pass laws since Dobbs that force doctors to make legal decisions instead of medical decisions when the fetus does not have a brain but is alive and healthy. That forces harm, mental and financial cruelty on women whether they want to be pregnant or not. •••• You beagle9 are a white Christian proponent of harming pregnant women through state force. You are not civilized at all. {you have evil in your heart?}
Twist that case all you want, but it still doesn't address the overall issue's at hand in the abortion debate. Her doctor's screwed up, and if they were engaged in some sort of political activism, then they really screwed up. They should be sued by Amanda, because she had a medical condition that excluded her from any bans that otherwise specifically target abusive individuals who want to do bad things to themselves, and worse to another in a very unnecessary way.
23MAR08 NFBW #7,488 35-year-old {Amanda} Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby. •••• Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat.

23APR30 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,602 {to: 07,488} “Her doctor's screwed up, “

23APR30 NFBW #8,603 {to: 08,602} “
That is a lie. Do you see the last ten words in 07,488” ? MS Amanda Zurawski was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat.

Texas law prohibits killing a fetus with a heartbeat if the mother’s life is not in danger.

The law you want passed prevented the doctor from practicing medicine because you, yes you beagle9 put a JESUS loving hillbilly politician on the doctors shoulder saying no no no don’t kill that Texas recognized “person” until the mother is on the verge of death or we take your license to practice medicine aling with anyone who assists you in killing that innocent child.

Do not avoid the facts by going tribal conspiracy theory on me. Conspiracy theories are not arguments.
Last edited:
23MAY01 NFBW: Only here to engage in meaningless tribal culture war banter? Stop reading now!

{{ xx }} NFBW comments added to posts.

Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023 •••• “What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said •••• “Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​

00,001 23Feb09 ¥ Tommy Tainant ¥ #1 “Life under the Taliban {{ after Dobbs & Kacsnaryk}} might kill {{is killing}} conservatism in the longer term.

00,002 23Feb09 ¥ jbrownson0831 ¥ #2 “Life under the Taliban? You mean like mandating the poisonous leftyvirus jab for all citizens? {{ DJT takes credit for Jab - all were free to not get it. / Unwanted to be Pregnant women are not free to refuse harm or death from complications during childbirth }}

00,003 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #3 “Like denying healthcare to women”

00,004 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #4 “You mean a pill to kill babies don't you? Nobody is denying sane women healthcare.” {{FACT: abortion bans and a pill ban are denial of healthcare}}

00,005 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #5 “You need to run on that platform you thick fucker.” {{the OP states: {{life after Dobbs}} might kill conservatism in the longer term.}}

00,006 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #6 “A platform that murder is against the law?” {{When relationship is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible. COMMON LAW has a misdemeanor after quickening or viability Yes I use the word kills ding }}

23Feb09 ¥ struth ¥ #7 “why do people post about stuff that "could" happen?” {{it dies happen In April 2023 }}

23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{When relationships is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

23Feb09 ¥ C_Clayton_Jones ¥ #9 “The right's war on women continues.”

00,011 23Feb09 ¥ whitehall ¥ #11 “It's never a "Biden judge" but it's always a "Trump judge". More fear mongering disguised as "current events". It beats talking about real issues anyway. {{“Life {{ after Dobbs}} is killing MAGA conservatism in the longer term - let’s talk about it because it is a good thing to subset MAGAism}}

In 00,012 23Feb09 ¥ Jessica-stormlover ¥ #12 “The American taliban literally wants to live in the 17th century and we better start fight back against it or life will be hell. We must fight for freedom.” {{prior to Dobbs; un-pregnant persons, male and female had no skin in the religious right’s political game against the 4th Amendment and a pregnant woman’s right to autonomy over her “person” - body mind and soul.}}

00,047 23FEB10 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #47 “There is no constitutional “right to privacy” {{ you have it every moment you breathe USofA air giving oxygen to your functioning brain heart and lungs}}

00,156 21JAN05 ¥ Redfish ¥ #156 “Biden did not win.” •••• “Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide.”

00,198 20MAY02 ¥ dblack ¥ #198 “The question is whether a fetus should be afforded legal rights before it is born. Claiming that it does establishes a precedent that grants government sovereignty over the contents of our bodies. That's taking state power too far.”

00,293 16DEC08 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass” {{not so}}

08,321 23APR15 NFBW #8,321 “As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we?:

(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate {within} a state on a state by state basis?
(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate.

08,322 23APR16 NFBW #8,322 {to: -2231} & {-8029} Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40.

08,326 23APR16 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. {{ EXACTLY! it’s a woman’s right to privacy we must give so she can decide if she is willing to assume the risk of giving live birth and personhood to a new air breathing human being with a functioning life supporting brain and raise herself or give to someone who will.}}

08,330 23APR16 ¥ @Monk-Eye ¥ #8,330 “The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic {{ U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk being one}} •••• States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals . •••• ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

23MAY01 Why do MAGA men believe they will win elections by telling women when they unintentionally get pregnant after giving mutual pleasure to a man thus symbolically, anyway, forces women to dress like that?

MAGA exceptions to Fourth AMENDMENT: The right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizures ends when a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell and becomes a new living human organism dependent upon a female’s “person” for a period of gestation to sustain its life until live birth shall occur.,​

Last edited:
23MAR08 NFBW #7,488 35-year-old {Amanda} Zurawski, an Austin woman who was nearly 18 weeks pregnant last August when her doctor diagnosed her with an “incompetent cervix,” meaning the organ had prematurely dilated and there was no possibility of her pregnancy resulting in a viable baby. •••• Those complications began to make her sick, but because she was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat.

23APR30 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,602 {to: 07,488} “Her doctor's screwed up, “

23APR30 NFBW #8,603 {to: 08,602} “
That is a lie. Do you see the last ten words in 07,488” ? MS Amanda Zurawski was still stable and the fetus had a heartbeat.

Texas law prohibits killing a fetus with a heartbeat if the mother’s life is not in danger.

The law you want passed prevented the doctor from practicing medicine because you, yes you beagle9 put a JESUS loving hillbilly politician on the doctors shoulder saying no no no don’t kill that Texas recognized “person” until the mother is on the verge of death or we take your license to practice medicine aling with anyone who assists you in killing that innocent child.

Do not avoid the facts by going tribal conspiracy theory on me. Conspiracy theories are not arguments.
um there is additional evidence that came to light that needs more forensic investigation, which takes more time…the prosecutor was clear baldwin isn’t out of the water, this didn’t absolve baldwin. The issue was simply getting the lab results before preliminary hearing and they didn’t believe they had enough time
23MAY01 NFBW: Only here to engage in meaningless tribal culture war banter? Stop reading now!

{{ xx }} NFBW comments added to posts.

Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023 •••• “What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said •••• “Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​

00,001 23Feb09 ¥ Tommy Tainant ¥ #1 “Life under the Taliban {{ after Dobbs & Kacsnaryk}} might kill {{is killing}} conservatism in the longer term.

00,002 23Feb09 ¥ jbrownson0831 ¥ #2 “Life under the Taliban? You mean like mandating the poisonous leftyvirus jab for all citizens? {{ DJT takes credit for Jab - all were free to not get it. / Unwanted to be Pregnant women are not free to refuse harm or death from complications during childbirth }}

00,003 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #3 “Like denying healthcare to women”

00,004 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #4 “You mean a pill to kill babies don't you? Nobody is denying sane women healthcare.” {{FACT: abortion bans and a pill ban are denial of healthcare}}

00,005 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #5 “You need to run on that platform you thick fucker.” {{the OP states: {{life after Dobbs}} might kill conservatism in the longer term.}}

00,006 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #6 “A platform that murder is against the law?” {{When relationship is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible. COMMON LAW has a misdemeanor after quickening or viability Yes I use the word kills ding }}

23Feb09 ¥ struth ¥ #7 “why do people post about stuff that "could" happen?” {{it dies happen In April 2023 }}

23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{When relationships is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

23Feb09 ¥ C_Clayton_Jones ¥ #9 “The right's war on women continues.”

00,011 23Feb09 ¥ whitehall ¥ #11 “It's never a "Biden judge" but it's always a "Trump judge". More fear mongering disguised as "current events". It beats talking about real issues anyway. {{“Life {{ after Dobbs}} is killing MAGA conservatism in the longer term - let’s talk about it because it is a good thing to subset MAGAism}}

In 00,012 23Feb09 ¥ Jessica-stormlover ¥ #12 “The American taliban literally wants to live in the 17th century and we better start fight back against it or life will be hell. We must fight for freedom.” {{prior to Dobbs; un-pregnant persons, male and female had no skin in the religious right’s political game against the 4th Amendment and a pregnant woman’s right to autonomy over her “person” - body mind and soul.}}

00,047 23FEB10 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #47 “There is no constitutional “right to privacy” {{ you have it every moment you breathe USofA air giving oxygen to your functioning brain heart and lungs}}

00,156 21JAN05 ¥ Redfish ¥ #156 “Biden did not win.” •••• “Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide.”

00,198 20MAY02 ¥ dblack ¥ #198 “The question is whether a fetus should be afforded legal rights before it is born. Claiming that it does establishes a precedent that grants government sovereignty over the contents of our bodies. That's taking state power too far.”

00,293 16DEC08 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass” {{not so}}

08,321 23APR15 NFBW #8,321 “As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we?:

(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate {within} a state on a state by state basis?
(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate.

08,322 23APR16 NFBW #8,322 {to: -2231} & {-8029} Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40.

08,326 23APR16 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. {{ EXACTLY! it’s a woman’s right to privacy we must give so she can decide if she is willing to assume the risk of giving live birth and personhood to a new air breathing human being with a functioning life supporting brain and raise herself or give to someone who will.}}

08,330 23APR16 ¥ @Monk-Eye ¥ #8,330 “The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic {{ U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk being one}} •••• States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals . •••• ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .
View attachment 781196

23MAY01 Why do MAGA men believe they will win elections by telling women when they unintentionally get pregnant after giving mutual pleasure to a man thus symbolically, anyway, forces women to dress like that?

MAGA exceptions to Fourth AMENDMENT: The right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizures ends when a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell and becomes a new living human organism dependent upon a female’s “person” for a period of gestation to sustain its life until live birth shall occur.,​

Don't have anything better to do with your life, do you? How long did it take just to make this one post?
23MAY01 NFBW: Only here to engage in meaningless tribal culture war banter? Stop reading now!

{{ xx }} NFBW comments added to posts.

Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023 •••• “What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said •••• “Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​

00,001 23Feb09 ¥ Tommy Tainant ¥ #1 “Life under the Taliban {{ after Dobbs & Kacsnaryk}} might kill {{is killing}} conservatism in the longer term.

00,002 23Feb09 ¥ jbrownson0831 ¥ #2 “Life under the Taliban? You mean like mandating the poisonous leftyvirus jab for all citizens? {{ DJT takes credit for Jab - all were free to not get it. / Unwanted to be Pregnant women are not free to refuse harm or death from complications during childbirth }}

00,003 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #3 “Like denying healthcare to women”

00,004 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #4 “You mean a pill to kill babies don't you? Nobody is denying sane women healthcare.” {{FACT: abortion bans and a pill ban are denial of healthcare}}

00,005 23Feb09 ¥tmmytnnt¥ #5 “You need to run on that platform you thick fucker.” {{the OP states: {{life after Dobbs}} might kill conservatism in the longer term.}}

00,006 23Feb09 ¥brnsn0831¥ #6 “A platform that murder is against the law?” {{When relationship is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible. COMMON LAW has a misdemeanor after quickening or viability Yes I use the word kills ding }}

23Feb09 ¥ struth ¥ #7 “why do people post about stuff that "could" happen?” {{it dies happen In April 2023 }}

23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{When relationships is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

23Feb09 ¥ C_Clayton_Jones ¥ #9 “The right's war on women continues.”

00,011 23Feb09 ¥ whitehall ¥ #11 “It's never a "Biden judge" but it's always a "Trump judge". More fear mongering disguised as "current events". It beats talking about real issues anyway. {{“Life {{ after Dobbs}} is killing MAGA conservatism in the longer term - let’s talk about it because it is a good thing to subset MAGAism}}

In 00,012 23Feb09 ¥ Jessica-stormlover ¥ #12 “The American taliban literally wants to live in the 17th century and we better start fight back against it or life will be hell. We must fight for freedom.” {{prior to Dobbs; un-pregnant persons, male and female had no skin in the religious right’s political game against the 4th Amendment and a pregnant woman’s right to autonomy over her “person” - body mind and soul.}}

00,047 23FEB10 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #47 “There is no constitutional “right to privacy” {{ you have it every moment you breathe USofA air giving oxygen to your functioning brain heart and lungs}}

00,156 21JAN05 ¥ Redfish ¥ #156 “Biden did not win.” •••• “Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide.”

00,198 20MAY02 ¥ dblack ¥ #198 “The question is whether a fetus should be afforded legal rights before it is born. Claiming that it does establishes a precedent that grants government sovereignty over the contents of our bodies. That's taking state power too far.”

00,293 16DEC08 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 … “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass” {{not so}}

08,321 23APR15 NFBW #8,321 “As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we?:

(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate {within} a state on a state by state basis?
(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate.

08,322 23APR16 NFBW #8,322 {to: -2231} & {-8029} Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40.

08,326 23APR16 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. {{ EXACTLY! it’s a woman’s right to privacy we must give so she can decide if she is willing to assume the risk of giving live birth and personhood to a new air breathing human being with a functioning life supporting brain and raise herself or give to someone who will.}}

08,330 23APR16 ¥ @Monk-Eye ¥ #8,330 “The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic {{ U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk being one}} •••• States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals . •••• ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .
View attachment 781196

23MAY01 Why do MAGA men believe they will win elections by telling women when they unintentionally get pregnant after giving mutual pleasure to a man thus symbolically, anyway, forces women to dress like that?

MAGA exceptions to Fourth AMENDMENT: The right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizures ends when a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell and becomes a new living human organism dependent upon a female’s “person” for a period of gestation to sustain its life until live birth shall occur.,​

Says you
23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{When relationships is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

23MAY01 NFBW: Your failure to understand comes from your inability to recognize the relationship between a 10 week old fetus and the person sustaining its life is, a human relationship that involves at that stage only one human mind. The mind and associated consciousness that gives human beings our sanctity of life on a secular basis is in the possession of the mother. There are not two persons involved at that time, unless there are two persons involved it cannot be what you referred to as murder in your post 00,008.
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23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{When relationships is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

23MAY01 NFBW: Your failure to understand comes from your inability to recognize the relationship between a 10 week old fetus and the person sustaining its life is, a human relationship that involves at that stage only one human mind. The mind and associated consciousness that gives human beings our sanctity of life on a secular basis is in the possession of the mother. There are not two persons involved at that time, unless there are two persons involved it cannot be what you referred to as murder in your post 00,008.
I don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?
23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8,609
“I don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?”

23MAY01 NFBW: ok, real slow. When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

Please answer so we can move to the next level.
23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ “Democrat's official line is that it is a woman's right to choose issue and, as such, refuse any limitations whatsoever.”

23MAY01 NFBW I don’t think that. Abortion on demand or as a method of birth control must be decided before 23 weeks. After that, government has an interest in regulating the medical practice of permitting abortion solely to protect the health of the mother as first priority. .
Christian power struggle shaping up:

Other Christian groups, though, are not on board with the political message of this project.

“This kind of overt embrace of white Christian nationalism continues to pose a growing threat to the witness of the church and the health of our democracy. This pastor and this effort are trying to impose a Christian theocracy. It’s imperative that Christian leaders of all backgrounds including conservative ones speak out about this effort as a threat to our democracy and to the church," said Adam Russell Taylor, who runs the Christian organization Sojourners. Amanda Tyler of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty agreed, saying, “For years, Trump has tried to co-opt religious leaders to serve his campaign, even attempting to change long-standing tax law to allow dark money to flow through houses of worship.”
" Dealing With The Detached From Syntactical Reality "

* Terminology Of Patriarchy And Not Individualism *

The etymology is clear - per means countable by census and son means male , in fact , as a person may become a citizen , as per us 14th amendment , women are not formal citizens of the us republic and see us 19th amendment for proof .

Popularized in sixteenth-century alchemy and nineteenth-century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.

Preformationism is the formerly popular theory that animals developed from miniature versions of themselves. Sperm were believed to contain complete preformed individuals called "animalcules". Development was therefore a matter of enlarging this into a fully formed being. The term homunculus was later used in the discussion of conception and birth.

* Ridiculous Claims To Support Liberty While Despising The Root Meaning Of The Term *

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery , it is it not based in valid political science or civics principles or accurate terminology .

So, you believe women are not U.S. citizens? Did anyone ever tell you that you are racist, misogynistic and a buffoon?
23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8,609
“I don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?”

23MAY01 NFBW: ok, real slow. When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

Please answer so we can move to the next level.
You can't post without posting gibberish. Looks like you don't know how to use a discussion board.
23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ “Democrat's official line is that it is a woman's right to choose issue and, as such, refuse any limitations whatsoever.”

23MAY01 NFBW I don’t think that. Abortion on demand or as a method of birth control must be decided before 23 weeks. After that, government has an interest in regulating the medical practice of permitting abortion solely to protect the health of the mother as first priority. .
Please learn how to post properly.
23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{NFBW: When relationship is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,541 “during the first 22 weeks there is only one brain supporting life, That means there is only one conscious person in the image.” {see below}

23MAY01 NFBW #8,608 {to: 00,008} Your failure to understand comes from your inability to recognize the relationship between a 10 week old fetus and the person sustaining its life is a human relationship that involves at that stage only one human mind.
The mind and associated consciousness that gives human beings our sanctity of life on a secular basis is in the possession of the mother. There are not two persons involved at that time, unless there are two persons involved it cannot be what you referred to as murder in your post 00,008 {above}.

23MAY01 ¥ndpndntthnkr¥ #8,609 “I don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?”

23MAY01 NFBW #8,610 When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8,614
“You can't post without posting gibberish. Looks like you don't know how to use a discussion board.”

23MAY01 2246 NFBW {to: 08,614} There is a unique relationship between a 10 week old fetus and it’s biological mother that cannot be murder if the mother kills the fetus.

Perhaps a picture will help.

00044 Nov 25, 2021 ¥ Red Storm Rising ¥ #44


Only one person in the graphic for 22 weeks., because there is only one functioning brain.
Don't have anything better to do with your life, do you? How long did it take just to make this one post?
One post ? Shhhhhahhh, we've been putting up with this leftist knuckleheads bunch of twisting and turning, along with his triggered long politicized rant's for far to long now.... He's working so very very hard though, and that's saying something I guess. ROTFLMBO 🤣

Welcome aboard the chit show. 🔥
" Natural Freedoms And A Greater State Of An Individual "

* Classic Dumb Founding Of Shoot The Messenger *

So, you believe women are not U.S. citizens? Did anyone ever tell you that you are racist, misogynistic and a buffoon?
An etymology of the term per son may imply that women are not citizens , unless perhaps an arcane and scientifically false premise were interjected , with a conjecture that sperm of the male includes a completely formed individual which simply inflates - a homonculus that is based in preformationism folklore , which is a staple of sanctimonious sacrosanct rhetoric to dismiss stages of development by abortion anti-choice pundits .

There is much evidence that the term per son is indicative of patriarchy and that women may not be categorical citizens is us republic , and to correct the diction and advance principles of an e pluribus unum credo in a us republic , and to espouse independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , the term person should be replaced with individual in vernacular and lexicon .
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23Feb09 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8 “I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare". {{NFBW: When relationship is mother/fetus and if m kills f there is no murder possible.”

Apr 28, 2023 NFBW #8,541 “during the first 22 weeks there is only one brain supporting life, That means there is only one conscious person in the image.” {see below}

23MAY01 NFBW #8,608 {to: 00,008} Your failure to understand comes from your inability to recognize the relationship between a 10 week old fetus and the person sustaining its life is a human relationship that involves at that stage only one human mind.
The mind and associated consciousness that gives human beings our sanctity of life on a secular basis is in the possession of the mother. There are not two persons involved at that time, unless there are two persons involved it cannot be what you referred to as murder in your post 00,008 {above}.

23MAY01 ¥ndpndntthnkr¥ #8,609 “I don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?”

23MAY01 NFBW #8,610 When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

23MAY01 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #8,614
“You can't post without posting gibberish. Looks like you don't know how to use a discussion board.”

23MAY01 2246 NFBW {to: 08,614} There is a unique relationship between a 10 week old fetus and it’s biological mother that cannot be murder if the mother kills the fetus.

Perhaps a picture will help.

00044 Nov 25, 2021 ¥ Red Storm Rising ¥ #44


Only one person in the graphic for 22 weeks., because there is only one functioning brain.
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What an absolute garbagefest of unreadable insane format nonsense and the content is worse.

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