Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

DudleyS230228-#358 DudleySmith • When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. •••• They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.

“No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. “Thomas Jefferson​

rightnow909211207-#1 “well, I think the great whore is "organized religion" which in God's eyes probably is not terribly organized, at least not organized around CHRIST and His Precious Words”

kjw47211207-#21 to: -20 kjw47 • Yes they are. 99.9% of all religion on earth makes up the whore of babylon. Jesus started a single religion. Even Gods chosen back then rejected Jesus so God cut them off-Matt 23:37-38) Out of his great love, even though they hated Jesus, left the door open to them--They must accept Jesus as the one sent to them from God-The Messiah, they have outright refused for over 1950 years. ••••• One religion on earth -listens and obeys Jesus. They are easy to spot-Jesus said they would be hated if they followed him.

beagle9210904-#16 • By making them look cool or like hero's and such, these sect's or gullable groups or individual's follow it all like sheep following a bad lead..

NFBW: James Madison DID NOT mean “religion per se” when he used the word “sect” singular or plural.

...Freedom arises from the multiplicity of sects, which pervades America and which is the best and only security for religious liberty in any society. For where there is such a variety of sects, there cannot be a majority of any one sect to oppress and persecute the rest. [James Madison, spoken at the Virginia convention on ratifying the Constitution, June 1778] 220826^ad<​
NFBW: When DudleySmith wrote “When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. “ in post 0358 he was making it all up and now is in hiding from the abortion rights debate it seems,


“No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. “Thomas Jefferson

Which of course doesn't mean 'ban all Christian symbols and prayers from public places.' And again you, same as the rest, only cite one or two 'Founders', and in this case one who wasn't even at the Constitutional Convention at all. lol
DudleyS230228-#358 DudleySmith • When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. •••• They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.

“No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. “Thomas Jefferson​

rightnow909211207-#1 “well, I think the great whore is "organized religion" which in God's eyes probably is not terribly organized, at least not organized around CHRIST and His Precious Words”

kjw47211207-#21 to: -20 kjw47 • Yes they are. 99.9% of all religion on earth makes up the whore of babylon. Jesus started a single religion. Even Gods chosen back then rejected Jesus so God cut them off-Matt 23:37-38) Out of his great love, even though they hated Jesus, left the door open to them--They must accept Jesus as the one sent to them from God-The Messiah, they have outright refused for over 1950 years. ••••• One religion on earth -listens and obeys Jesus. They are easy to spot-Jesus said they would be hated if they followed him.

beagle9210904-#16 • By making them look cool or like hero's and such, these sect's or gullable groups or individual's follow it all like sheep following a bad lead..

NFBW: James Madison DID NOT mean “religion per se” when he used the word “sect” singular or plural.

...Freedom arises from the multiplicity of sects, which pervades America and which is the best and only security for religious liberty in any society. For where there is such a variety of sects, there cannot be a majority of any one sect to oppress and persecute the rest. [James Madison, spoken at the Virginia convention on ratifying the Constitution, June 1778] 220826^ad<​
NFBW: When DudleySmith wrote “When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. “ in post 0358 he was making it all up and now is in hiding from the abortion rights debate it seems,


The problem with that is God doesn't accept freedom of religion--Those that oppose his will do.
NFBW230228-#7,412 beagle9 has not told me if he believes that “Deism” as described is evil and a detriment to civilized society?
beagle9230228-#7,418 to: -6 • and the point is that "no one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ". Period

NFBW: Deism is a rational belief in God that has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus (a divine) Christ. I am a law abiding citizen in every possible way who believes that Jesus Christ has become a politically charged vote getting prop in a scam that organizes white Christians like you against law-abiding citizen like me based on religion aroused unreasonable passions in
Like you beagle9 DudleySmith and Clyde 154 against law abiding citizens like me because you are victims of a progressive society that refuses to accept a belief that access to God comes through a Christian political prop.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; U.S. Constitution​

Clyde154220826-#184 Clyde 154 • can't present the text in the US Constitution that erects a wall stopping people from having a free exercise of religion
NFBW220826-#185 to: -1 • I never have and it will never ever presented a text in the US Constitution that erects a wall stopping people from having a free exercise of religion or no religion at all. I have no idea what the hell you are writing about. It doesn’t exist in the US Constitution. Is that clear?

Here is Madison’s preferred text of the first amendment free exercise clause That he presented during the constitutional convention

"The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed”​
What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not. [Pres. James Madison,A Memorial and Remonstrance, addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785]​
Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution. [James Madison, A Memorial and Remonstrance,addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785] 220826^aa<​
No national religion be established is what the papers say huh ?.. Hmmmm...... What, except maybe for a "religion" as in the one that a leftist like you might want for the federal government to establish and protect for you, and it being situated at a centrally controlled government head, otherwise in order to protect your so called (religion) ??

Religion can be anything, and we all know what the leftist religion's are.
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DudleyS230228-#358 DudleySmith • When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. •••• They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion

NFBW: Freedom of conscience is a “right”
In addition to a right to privacy for a woman being pregnant of 24 weeks or less to be able to choose to reject giving birth to a not quick child.

Yet you DudleySmith suggest as a matter of general debate that freedom of conscience or “religious liberty” does not exist in the states and therefore abortion shall be banned in states where a white Christian majority has the votes to impose their much vociferous “religious belief” that an unborn person is equal in rights to a person who has been born and therefore shalt not be terminated during a pregnancy.

I posted eloquent words from the father of our Constitution as follows:

NFBW230301-#7,421 • James Madison DID NOT mean “religion per se” when he used the word “sect” singular or plural.
...Freedom arises from the multiplicity of sects, which pervades America and which is the best and only security for religious liberty in any society. For where there is such a variety of sects, there cannot be a majority of any one sect to oppress and persecute the rest. [James Madison, spoken at the Virginia convention on ratifying the Constitution, June 1778] 220826^ad<​
NFBW: On the topic of abortion DudleySmith , why do you believe that a white Christian majority in a state like Texas Mississippi or Alabama should be able to deny “religious liberty” and thus her freedom of conscience to a woman when she becomes pregnant?

END2303020412 CALIFORNIA where religious liberty continues to exist
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NFBW230301-#7,421 • James Madison DID NOT mean “religion per se” when he used the word “sect” singular or plural.

...Freedom arises from the multiplicity of sects, which pervades America and which is the best and only security for religious liberty in any society. For where there is such a variety of sects, there cannot be a majority of any one sect to oppress and persecute the rest. [James Madison, spoken at the Virginia convention on ratifying the Constitution, June 1778] 220826^ad<

lol that merely verifies what I said, but your limited literacy has failed you, as usual. And, the Constitutional Convention wasn't until 1787, so you have the wrong convention anyway. lol Also it is not law, but merely Washington's opinion. You apparently now expanded the number of Founders you think there are to three ...
pknopp said: Separation of Church and State isn't in the Constitution.​
DudleyS230228-#358 • It does separate churches from the Federal govt. It doesn't separate them from state govts., and it doesn't separate Christianity, a religion, from either the Federal or state govts.

NFBW: Do you specifically mean DudleySmith that a white Christian majority “church” in a state has a right to impose Catholic “protected life begins at conception” morality on a Jewish woman who according to her faith and religious tradition (that preceded Christianity btw) is entitled to her belief that “life begins at first breath or earlier when ensoulment takes place” just because a pregnant Jewish Woman is part of a religious minority living in a heavily white Christian church dominated Republucan controlled state?

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I've always been clear on abortion.
NFBW: Clearly irrational and supported by a big lie regarding our founding father’s being Christians.

Bob Blaylock said: A creature that denies God is in no position to accuse anyone else of being irrational.

NFBW221025-#505 • Please pay attention. I do not deny God. I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists. • Jefferson and Adams wrote much about their opinion that revealed religion such as the Catholic Church and subsequent Protestantism, Calvinism were irrational. if It was good enough for those two founding father presidents it’s good enough for me.

NFBW: Adams was a Unitarian. Washington had ties to the Masonic Temple:

Citing Washington America was founded as a “good citizen” Nation.

Post #14

In order to document the extent that the minor Christian nationalists like Correll ding Andylusion must lie to push their intolerant national ChrIstian identity Campaign we should review the original generation of American Presidents focusing Only on what they said not whether we are able to identify them as Christian in the way that 21st Century white Evangelical Christians define their personal Christianity today.

Post ECN#9 Washington to the Hebrew Congregation:

“........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790
That, and the fact that it's just an opinion, and not law.
God had 1 single religion-OT=Judaism--Jesus started 1 single religion he is with-- 1Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods1 truth,) no division. = a true mark of the 1 religion Jesus is with --not the 40,000 trinity religions who fail that true mark 100% because they are a mass of confusion.
No national religion be established is what the papers say huh ?.. Hmmmm...... What, except maybe for a "religion" as in the one that a leftist like you might want for the federal government to establish and protect for you, and it being situated at a centrally controlled government head, otherwise in order to protect your so called (religion) ??

Religion can be anything, and we all know what the leftist religion's are.

He must be talking about all those Hindus and Buddhists who were trying hard to make themselves the state religion.
God had 1 single religion-OT=Judaism--Jesus started 1 single religion he is with-- 1Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods1 truth,) no division. = a true mark of the 1 religion Jesus is with --not the 40,000 trinity religions who fail that true mark 100% because they are a mass of confusion.

Jesus didn't start a religion, he was a Jewish Rabbi. You don't really know much about it, you just know the NT doesn't agree with you and you need to rewrite it to suit yourself. Pretty common around here.
NFBW: Clearly irrational and supported by a big lie regarding our founding father’s being Christians.

Bob Blaylock said: A creature that denies God is in no position to accuse anyone else of being irrational.

NFBW221025-#505 • Please pay attention. I do not deny God. I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists. • Jefferson and Adams wrote much about their opinion that revealed religion such as the Catholic Church and subsequent Protestantism, Calvinism were irrational. if It was good enough for those two founding father presidents it’s good enough for me.

NFBW: Adams was a Unitarian. Washington had ties to the Masonic Temple:

Citing Washington America was founded as a “good citizen” Nation.

lol still can't cite another Founder but one of the three, after all these posts making up bullshit and bizzare strawmen. You haven't named a single Founder who wasn't a Christian yet.
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pknopp said: Separation of Church and State isn't in the Constitution.​
DudleyS230228-#358 • It does separate churches from the Federal govt. It doesn't separate them from state govts., and it doesn't separate Christianity, a religion, from either the Federal or state govts.

NFBW: Do you specifically mean DudleySmith that a white Christian majority “church” in a state has a right to impose Catholic “protected life begins at conception” morality on a Jewish woman who according to her faith and religious tradition (that preceded Christianity btw) is entitled to her belief that “life begins at first breath or earlier when ensoulment takes place” just because a pregnant Jewish Woman is part of a religious minority living in a heavily white Christian church dominated Republucan controlled state?


Did you ever actually read any of my posts? Can you name all the Founders, all the churches they belonged to, who said and voted for what at the Constitutional Convention, the one you couldn't even get the date right on?
I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists.

lol you aren't rational. If you were you be a lot more accurate about our history and wouldn't be making up absurd claims, just because you hate the Xians and their annoying habit of rejecting perverts and sociopaths and their whims.
Jesus didn't start a religion, he was a Jewish Rabbi. You don't really know much about it, you just know the NT doesn't agree with you and you need to rewrite it to suit yourself. Pretty common around here.
Its you who dont know facts. At Matthew 23-Jesus tells the Israelite religious leaders off, he tells them they are cut off of being Gods chosen 23:38-39) unless they do verse 39. They have outright refused for over 1950 years, they never will do it. Yes Jesus came to help Israel-they rejected him( the same as rejecting God) Since God sent him. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen=a new religion. Acts 24:5) A sect of who? = the Nazarene=Jesus' new religion.
NFBW230302-#7,430 I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists.

DudleyS230302-#7,436 lol you aren't rational. If you were you be a lot more accurate about our history and wouldn't be making up absurd claims, just because you hate the Xian

NFBW: This was not absurd:

NFBW: Adams was a Unitarian. Washington had ties to the Masonic Temple:
Are you prepared to explain DudleySmith what is wrong or absurd about that?

Its you who dont know facts. At Matthew 23-Jesus tells the Israelite religious leaders off, he tells them they are cut off of being Gods chosen 23:38-39) unless they do verse 39. They have outright refused for over 1950 years, they never will do it. Yes Jesus came to help Israel-they rejected him( the same as rejecting God) Since God sent him. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen=a new religion. Acts 24:5) A sect of who? = the Nazarene=Jesus' new religion.

Rubbish, Jesus was a religious Jew, and began his ministry at the 33, the correct age for rabbis to begin teaching. His bible was the Old Testament, and they taught and preached in the synagogues. He was baptized according to Jewish traditions and preached from the Jewish canon, as did all the Apostles. The non-Christian Jews invented their own cult beginning with Ezra and after the fall of the temple and eventually fabricated a rabbinical cult run by the Pharisees. By the 2nd Century A.D. they were an entirely separate cult from the Hebrewism of Moses. Like I said, you don't know squat. Nazarenes weren't a 'sect', it is a general term for 'rebels', derived from a word that existed long before the Christians; Christians represented a return to the original written Torah of Moses, not a break from it.
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NFBW230302-#7,430 I just told you I am a rational theist in the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists.

DudleyS230302-#7,436 lol you aren't rational. If you were you be a lot more accurate about our history and wouldn't be making up absurd claims, just because you hate the Xian

NFBW: This was not absurd:

Are you prepared to explain DudleySmith what is wrong or absurd about that?


And you still can't name a single Founder who wasn't a Christian. So far you've named four Founders. lol five out of six? You've named zero out of four so far who weren't Christians. Next you will claim Thomas Paine, who wasn't a Founder at al, but you will need to pretend he was in order to puff up your tiny numbers of claims.

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