Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

08249a NFBW230409-#8,249 to: -1 Your response to that question when first asked by Blues Man it was because a woman has another person inside her body and she cannot murder a person.

beagle9230410-#8,258 to: -9 Show where I said "murder" boy.... Stop manipulating my post

NFBW: When you vote for team Trump/Jesus you want a government that will stop women in an unwanted pregnancy from killing the innocent person from the moment of conception and thereafter.

If a person kills another person it is murder is it not ¥ beagle9 ¥ ?

If you are saying induced abortion prior to 23 weeks gestation is not murder then why I the hell are voting
08261 continued

If you are saying beagle9 that induced abortion prior to 23 weeks gestation is not murder of an innocent person then why in the hell are you voting for team Trump/Jesus lawmakers and their supporters who claim that team Biden/Jesus voters are all baby killers?
NFBW personally posted on Mar 20, 2023

07821 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #7,821 to: -1 • BackAgain • Abortion takes that innocent preborn life. You support that taking of life for a variety of reasons.

07822 NFBW #7,822 to: -1 “I don’t support abortion - you are a liar

07212 NFBW #7,212 to: -1 • My position is that I am personally opposed to an abortion involving one of my sperm cells, which is my personal decision based on my conscience. However, my personal choice in life on the matters of abortion are not to be imposed on people, law-abiding people, whom of which I have no personal relationship.

05876 NFBW #5,876 • Abortion causes a human life to die. That is why I personally oppose it in my relationships for my entire life but it is none of my fucking business what Herschel Walker and all his fucking pregnant girlfriends do about it. It is never my business or the government’s business.
END2303202355 forTHErecord

Samofvt230410-#8,259 ¥ Samofvt ¥ to: -64 Personally, I am pro-choice.

NFBW: Personally, I have impregnated the same woman twice, producing two wonderful daughters, and I am a rational theist (in the mold of Washington/Jesus Adams Jefferson Madison/Jesus and Monroe Franklin, Paine and Allen/Jesus) and I am presently on Team Biden/Jesus; formerly on teams Obama/Jesus and Clinton/Jesus. and voted for team Clinton Kerry and McGovern/Jesus. I was born during the administration of Eisenhower/Jesus. I personally opposed and protested the War in Vietnam under the Administrations of Johnson/Jesus and Nixon/Jesus.

I am on the record here personally to allow no choice except to save the life of the mother fully between my wife and her doctor. I am adamantly opposed to the government having a choice in my wife’s pregnancy as if she is nothing more than an incubator for a right wing religion based fascist state.

Apparently Mr “pro-choice” Samofvt , I personally value all human life much more than you.

I have made my personal moral code as a matter of my conscience to be with only a woman who is willing to assume the risk to her life and body if she were to become pregnant as a result of having the pleasures of sex together as one. My mama taught me that is a responsibility and duty of being a man.


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00005 MaryL230113-#5 “What is the difference between abortion or infanticide?”

NFBW230410-#8,254 to: -8249 My answer to your question 00005 ¥ MaryL ¥ at the top of this message is in few words / It is our super human brain.

NFBW: I would like to see ¥ @Samo ¥ revise his pathetic remark to one that shows he has sufficient integrity to seek context when citing others.

"Idiot". Is that your answer to every argument against your position?

"you people"...sounds racist

Personally, I am pro-choice...a very serious choice that should have limits.

Why are anti-history, anti-fact, and anti-life people like yourself focused so much on selfishness? There is another life at stake besides the woman's, in my experience.

The real problem is that we have not taught our young boys and girls that THAT ACT that burns with desire is the ACT OF CREATING LIFE. Great pleasure. Sure. Incentive.

But in your world, all people (man, woman, and child --- including unborn fetus) are just animals.

No, I say. We are more than just animals. Teach young men and women that their actions have meaning. But the government-funded abortion clinics (Planned Parenthood) make too much money and teach that you can have pleasure without understanding life. They can afford to spend money to corrupt the minds of people like you, not to mention our youth, into thinking this abortion-first policy is okay.

To survive what is to come, we need everyone to be present here and now. Having and caring for a new life is life-changing for the caregiver and promotes the new life they care for.

Life is precious.
I am not "anti life" whatever the fuck that means.

I am in fact pro individual rights. I know I have absolutely no authority to tell anyone what they can or cannot do to their own bodies. Why do you want to usurp a person's sovereignty over his or her own body?

And tell you what why don't you offer to raise all the children that might be aborted? if their lives are so precious to you? Whether you like it or not it is not your choice to decide what anyone does to throe own body
00005 MaryL #5 “What is the difference between abortion or infanticide?” +8249

08159 NFBW #8,159 to: -13 “Americans of Jewish faith . . . . vote for pro-choice DEMS and it is an article of many of Jewish religion that life begins at first breath.”

08253 Monk- #8,253 “The self determination element of individualism includes progeny that is not to be dictated by sanctimonious collective psychopathy .”

08254 NFBW #8,254 to: -8249 “It is our super human brain”

08260 Samo #8,260 to: -6 This fucker thinks . . . . we do not need to learn from 1000's and 1000's of years of history...he thinks we can make shit up and come up with some new theory. I rest my case.

NFBW: For thousands of years, ¥ Samofvt ¥ the Jewish people have been able to distinguish between abortion, rights and infanticide, because they believe life begins at first breath.

After the very first moment that we all took our first breath, we have a valued human right to life and right to not be murdered while we are infants and until natural or accidental death.

I am not making any shit up. Team Biden/Jesus stands for the continuation of common law (see Monk- quote) being used in our legal system. Team Trump/Jesus seek to toss out common law to suit a right wing autocratic agenda in which weakening our centuries old democracy is a step toward autocracy and the subjugation of women when pregnant in the name of saving brainless fetal life is part of the propaganda as a means.

08259 Samo #8,259 to: -64 There is another life at stake besides the woman's, in my experience.”

NFBW: As a male gender of the human species, what experience do you ¥ Samofvt ¥ have when the life at stake (1) has no brain or consciousness and (2) was inside your body with potential to do you harm or even cause you to die?

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00005 MaryL #5 “What is the difference between abortion or infanticide?” +8249

08254 NFBW #8,254 to: -8249 “My answer to your question 00005 ¥ MaryL¥ “ It is our super human brain.”” +6

08260 Samo #8,260 to: -6 There you go. This fucker thinks he has a "super human brain" +4

08264 NFBW #8,264 to: -4 “I would like to see ¥ Samofvt ¥ revise his pathetic remark to one that shows he has sufficient integrity to seek context when citing others.

NFBW: IT IS A FACT that ¥ Samofvt ¥ lied in 08260 because my use of the phrase "super human brain" was in response to MaryL 00005. The difference between abortion or infanticide is the difference between a human infant that has no brain and a human infant that has a brain capable of consciousness and controlling an individual’s nervous system sufficiently to sustain human life.

If anyone kills the latter (has a brain) it is infanticide aka murder; and state has a constitutional interest to protect and to punish the killer(s)

When a woman kills the “infant” she carries prior to 23 or 24 weeks gestation it is an abortion. The state has no interest or Constitutional right or mandate to intervene. And there is no moral dilemma in a secular civil society in the aborted fetus case.

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08249a NFBW230409-#8,249 to: -1 Your response to that question when first asked by Blues Man it was because a woman has another person inside her body and she cannot murder a person.

beagle9230410-#8,258 to: -9 Show where I said "murder" boy.... Stop manipulating my post

NFBW: When you vote for team Trump/Jesus you want a government that will stop women in an unwanted pregnancy from killing the innocent person from the moment of conception and thereafter.

If a person kills another person it is murder is it not ¥ beagle9 ¥ ?

If you are saying induced abortion prior to 23 weeks gestation is not murder then why I the hell are voting
If it's not illegal, then unfortunately it's not murder, otherwise this is per our current legal standard's and system, so no it's not illegal so it's not murder by those legal standard's, but hopefully that will be changing in the people's minds in the future, otherwise once they are "hopefully" rehibilitated along the way..........

Now for (example) like in the case where a positive test has occurred, the heartbeat is present, the baby is kicking, movement is present, and the ultrasound reveals the little human being living inside, then it should absolutely not be aborted IMHO..

After it is scientifically proven that an unborn baby is developing, and is alive within the womb, otherwise from the most earliest of stages of detectability of course, and after having a realization that a pregnancy has occured, then it shouldn't be that a woman would or should seek to find a way to end her pregnancy via the state helping her to do so or not by any other methods of choice given her or that she might contemplate, because at that very point she became a mother herself in life..... What an awesome thing..

The miracle of being with child, and then child birth is a sacred and celebratory thing, and not a nightmare instead.

Our French Revolution

VDH: We are in a Jacobin revolution of the sort that in 1793-94 nearly destroyed France.

NFBW: That is nonsense . 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus is losing and is desperate, fumbling and lost since Dobbs rearranged the debate all on their own,

VDH: hard-left ideologues. .. altering, hijacking, existing institutions to force agendas … that do not earn majority support.

NFBW: Biggest culture war issue is abortion rights. 6 of 20 American want abortions to be legal consistent with Roe v Wade GenZ is 80 percent for legal abortion. RAINBOW 🌈 TEAM Biden/Jesus going for a shut out in ‘24.

VDH; They want fiscal sobriety,

NFBW: opposite happened under four years of 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus

VDH: woke military

NFBW: 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus wanted to give Ukraine land to Vladi VDH IS DRUNK

VDH: Racialists … are turning America toward a Balkanized war-of-all-against-all.

NFBW: 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus Jack-booted TENN-3 out of Tennessee House in bjatant Racist “know your place N——-“ VDH needs to STFU about whites being victims of racism . It’s s absurd. HOLY shit on this intellectual.

VDH: They engage in stunts like tearing up the State of the Union address on national television.
NFBW : 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus are pansy assed fucking snowflakes.

VDH: With impunity they mob the homes …

NFBW: Not to mention 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus laid siege to the US Capitol while Trump sat in the White House lunch room hoping they stop the steal without Mike Pence and he becomes president with Pence dangling from the gallows.

VDH: Election Day was made irrelevant.

NFBW: 🌈 TEAM Biden/Jesus won a free and fair election plus the popular vote. It’s a pattern that 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus cannot win the popular vote anymore.

VDH: Statues are toppled, careers Trotskyized.

NFBW: Only white supremacists on 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus give a shit about Cuvil War traitor stayed.

VDG: Biological males suddenly have hijacked women’s sports—destroying five decades of women’s hard-won efforts to achieve equal treatment and respect in athletics.

NFBW: How about giving a woman equal treatment with men when the woman gets pregnant. No government ever has taken an interest in men’s healthcare.

VDH: As the country collapses under leftist nihilism, the revolution’s last gasp is to destroy Trump—by empowering him. That is, the leftist legal vendetta is designed to win him just enough empathy to be nominated the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, but then to keep on indicting, gagging, and hemorrhaging him legally until Election Day 2024.

NFBW: Sounds like Q-Anon WANNABE

Trump was the first president to be impeached twice, to be tried by the Senate as a private citizen, and to have his private home raided by the FBI. Now he is the first president to have been indicted, effectively ending America’s moral authority abroad.

NFBW: Such Bullshit.

VDH: The choice is ours.
NFBW: Unless you are a pregnant woman living in a 🗯️ WHITE TEAM Trump/Jesus run state.
Victor Davis Hanson has absolutely NAILED it.

NFBW: VDH never mentions in his 5000 word, straight, white man’s whine, (1) Abortion (2) Ukraine (3) gun safety, (4) Jan6

It’s obviously a head in the sand complaint about not living in the fifties anymore.

VDH is a Neocon who wanted Dubya to invade Iraq really really bad. He wrote this in 2006.

WILL IRAQ BE A SUCCESSFUL OR FAILED WAR? Seen in the history of past wars, the American effort to remove Saddam and seed democracy in the Middle East seems little short of miraculous. A successful military action has been carried out 7,000 miles from home. This has been done at far less human and material cost than almost any prior comparable U.S. war.​
A powerful, multi-pronged effort to eliminate the nexus of Arab autocracy and Islamism (the conditions that germinated bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terror) now continues to gain ground.​

I would not give a rusty penny for a neocon Iraq invader’s thoughts.
08199 BluesM #8,199 to: -2 “Why do you want a say in the decisions another person makes over their own body?”

08258 beagl #8,258 to: -9 Show where I said "murder" boy.... Stop manipulating my post

08269 beagl #8,269 to: -8 so it's not murder by those legal standard's, but hopefully that will be changing in the people's minds in the future, otherwise once they are "hopefully" rehibilitated along the way..........

NFBW: to: 08269 I do not need to have my mind rehabilitated by white men who vote for Trump and would force women to submit their liberty to any government that seeks to favor rights to the unborn, brainless fetuses living inside their bodies.

Why do you want a say in the decisions another person makes right now over their own body if they are not committing murder of the unborn under current law when they get an abortion prior to 24 weeks gestation when most abortions are performed.

You accused me in 08258 of manipulating your post because I characterized your position to be that “a woman has another person inside her body and she cannot murder a person.”

In 08269 you tell me ¥ beagle9 “it's not murder by those legal standard's, but you hope that will be changing in the people's minds in the future,

How can I make any other conclusion than it is your hope that in the future you want women who abort their fetuses to be charged with murder and prosecuted by the state

00002 Lysistrata #2 The evangelicals have done all they can to rid Christianity of the teachings of Jesus, on which it is supposedly based, and drag the Christian faith into the mud. . . . Their version of Christianity is completely stripped of any sense of sacredness, beauty, and goodness.

00011 BackA #11 “I still believe that Iraq (Hussein) did have a stash of WMDs”

00243 BackA #243 to: -16 “It {red mirage} may not be proof that the election was stolen. But is obviously evidence that something is fishy.”

NFBW: When Republican leaders after 911 wanted to invade Iraq, they needed a BIG LIE to believed and widely spread. Of course they had the loyal poor, uneducated, and easy to command evangelicals chomping on the bit to swallow it.

I Hear ¥ BackAgain ¥ is not religious. But as an operator and useful idiot of the rightwing propaganda machine he can do little to affect elections with only one vote as a religious “none” without believing what evangelicals are made to believe. So we get post 00011 his public belief in the WMD LIE and the idea that there was evidence of something “fishy” in Pennsylvania on election night in post 00243
00003b kyzr #3 Republicans need to take the win in the USSC and drop all discussion about abortion. •••• Abortion is a STATE, not a FEDERAL issue, as per the US Constitution. •••• The more Republicans talk about abortion, the more voters they lose.

00005b playtime #5


NFBW: It is way too late to MAKE REPUBLICANS GREAT AGAIN Trump and hillbilly white Christians just won’t let it go until they run it into the ground.

" Clarification Through Extension Of Explanation For Adequate Scopes "

* Amended Corrected With For Without And Obviation Of The Same *

" Over Generalizations Best Reviewed Through Informed Consent "

* Stop Blaming Abortion Anti-Choice For The Negligence Of Abortion Choice Advocates *

It is technically clear that a zygote , or embryo or fetus is with constitutional and that any perceived offenses against a fetus are in fact offenses against the mother , wherefore sentences appropriate for the offense can be applied , and yet the abortion choice trope was guided by incompetence and even unable to echo a whimper of the notion .
It is technically clear that a zygote , or embryo or fetus is without constitutional protections and that any perceived offenses against a fetus are in fact offenses against the mother , wherefore sentences appropriate for the offense can be applied , and yet the abortion choice trope was guided by incompetence and even unable to echo a whimper of the notion .

* Concentration On Good Support Frustration Venting *
" Over Generalizations Best Reviewed Through Informed Consent "

* Stop Blaming Abortion Anti-Choice For The Negligence Of Abortion Choice Advocates *

To presume that the abortion choice leadership did not want to pursue equitable doctrine , for a live birth requirement with a citizen , presumes that the abortion choice leadership actually understood it .
The abortion choice leadership remained complacent and arrogant with its 9th amendment wright to privacy premise and public narrative ; the abortion choice leadership remained dismissive of admonition that privacy was secondary , incidental and consequential from us 14th amendment , which ultimately prohibits states from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement of a citizen to receive it .

As the abortion anti-choice trope continued fervently to fanatically fund an infiltration of austere roles with its traitorous agents for its seditious fashion , an informed consent of the public faltered , and the informed consent of the public continues to falter , as fee press rules are guided by contributions to disseminate the entertainment of propaganda .
Magnanimous anxieties .

* Demand Compelling Conditioning For Answers Questions *
" Over Generalizations Best Reviewed Through Informed Consent "

* Stop Blaming Abortion Anti-Choice For The Negligence Of Abortion Choice Advocates *

The entirety of abortion choice leadership and jurisprudence exemplified despicable , disgraceful , incompetence , such that sedition of dobbs occurred without mention or explanation of blackmun's obvious constitutional conclusions , " logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not ... prior to live birth . " .

Silenced sew far , silence .

* Of Us 10th Amendment By Us 14th Amendment , States Are Prohibited From Protecting A Wright To Life Without A Live Birth Requirement *
The sedition of dobbs conjectures that as abortion is not explicitly enumerated in us constitution , then by us 10th amendment the determination of legality for abortion is not prohibited to states ; however , by equitable doctrine and a live birth requirement of a citizen from us 14th amendment , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it .

The sedition of dobbs conjectures that as abortion is not explicitly enumerated in us constitution , then by us 10th amendment the determination of legality for abortion is not prohibited to states ; however , by equitable doctrine and a live birth requirement of a citizen from us 14th amendment , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it .

Consequently , the equal protection of negative liberties clause of us 9th amendment applies and limits the authority of collective governance in public policy to safety and security .

Consequently , the equal protection of negative liberties clause of us 9th amendment limits populism , for democracy as tyranny by majority over principles of individualism , so that us republic remains consistent with a credo of e pluribus unum .
08199 BluesM #8,199 to: -2 “Why do you want a say in the decisions another person makes over their own body?”

08258 beagl #8,258 to: -9 Show where I said "murder" boy.... Stop manipulating my post

08269 beagl #8,269 to: -8 so it's not murder by those legal standard's, but hopefully that will be changing in the people's minds in the future, otherwise once they are "hopefully" rehibilitated along the way..........

NFBW: to: 08269 I do not need to have my mind rehabilitated by white men who vote for Trump and would force women to submit their liberty to any government that seeks to favor rights to the unborn, brainless fetuses living inside their bodies.

Why do you want a say in the decisions another person makes right now over their own body if they are not committing murder of the unborn under current law when they get an abortion prior to 24 weeks gestation when most abortions are performed.

You accused me in 08258 of manipulating your post because I characterized your position to be that “a woman has another person inside her body and she cannot murder a person.”

In 08269 you tell me ¥ beagle9 “it's not murder by those legal standard's, but you hope that will be changing in the people's minds in the future,

How can I make any other conclusion than it is your hope that in the future you want women who abort their fetuses to be charged with murder and prosecuted by the state

If you want to go live in Africa (if you are black and calling it your homeland) or hell wherever your ancestor's are from, then get to it already. Why ? It's because we here in America of all races and origins for whom call ourselves American's, will live here in the (United States of America), as American's that choose our law's and standard's by being agreed upon by the majority in order to create a more perfect union........Better yet we strive for a civilized SOCIETY that is in harmony with God's will, and we are always ready to learn and obey that will to the very best of our mortal abilities.

Nothing else matters.

I tire of your damned racism.
00087 Lasta #97 to: -34 “And you {JimH52} are in the cults that are destroying this country. The abortion cult, . . . “

NFBW: Can you Lastamender explain how, when or why, you are of an opinion that
when each law abiding citizen who is carrying a 9 to 13 week unwanted fetus and privately decides to terminate it, she is destroying the county?

NFBW: This is what you get from Trump appointed Christian cult federal judges - fucking unconstitutional absurdity!
“Women also perceive the harm to the informed-consent aspect of the physician-patient relationship,” wrote U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump nominee known for his anti-abortion views.​

He cited a study that found “fourteen percent of women and girls reported having received insufficient information” about the side effects of abortion and wrote that “Plaintiff physicians’ lack of pertinent information on chemical abortion harms their physician-patient relationships because they cannot receive informed consent from the women and girls they treat in their clinics.”​
Read the whole link
U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is harming women from the bench He needs to be removed right away.

You have no respect for life. I really don't want to talk to you more than I have to.
What life are you ‘respecting’ at 11 weeks gestation inside a woman’s body when there is only ONE functioning brain? You have manufactured two physical brains when a woman is carrying a fetus/ZEF from conception to 22 weeks so you can flex your moral mouth muscle superiority over six out of ten Americans who “respect’ the life and actual ‘value’ of all women as equals to men.

Who do respect more Lastamender ????? It’s fair to ask this question? A fetus with no brain or consciousness of self prior to 22 weeks gestation or a fellow human being who gets pregnant unintentionally and is of no relationship to you other than being a living human being and a citizen of the United States of America where freedom of conscience used to be secure the past fifty years. Thanks to Dobbs the American voters in the younger generation will see your fake hocus pocus conjecture of respect for brainless life for what it is. Absurd and out of touch with hunan normal moral reality.

NFBW230225-#326 When René Descartes was a young fetus inside his momma’s belly he was quoted as saying “I don’t think therefore I am not”
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Can we find it in the US Constitution? If so where? If not...

We can't have anything in the way of killing babies.

thank you for nothing

sort of like an unborn fetus

You have no respect for life.

I pray for you.

I deeply wish the demon-possessed like that one would go away,


NFBW: click link ti see Redfish post 00328

NFBW230225-#326 When René Descartes was a young fetus inside his momma’s belly he was quoted as saying “I don’t think therefore I am not”

View attachment 760300 230225^ab

NFBW: I said from zero to twenty weeks which is that period of fetal development whereas Descartes was not capable of thought because his thalamocortical connections from the sense organs to his brain were not yet established.

Assuming that consciousness is mainly localized in the cortex, consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established. The emergence of consciousness: Science and ethics - PubMed. 230225^aaa<​
CPlus6230201-#502 to: -1 “ …. understanding that personhood is very much the center of the dispute, and asserting the status quo you like and others do not like is not an argument in favor of said status quo.”

NFBW: Fetal personhood from the moment of conception or anytime prior to live birth will never become status quo in the United States of America. It’s a matter of freedom of conscience and specifically not a matter of majority rule.

Had extremist white Christian’s in their heyday during the fifties, tried to amend the Constitution by violating the fundamental spirit of the Constitution whereas the law abiding individual is protected from government intrusion and from the tyranny of the majority; then yes perhaps maybe a zygote would be a protected person and we’d all be celebrating our “mom and dad were fucking date” .

but that was last chance ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ The Sixties won! Praise the Lord!

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