Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

MeriW220130-#142 “The Church is here to help us draw closer to God. Government is here to grow and protect a nation. Let each do one job well.”

NFBW: Do you consider yourself closer to God Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

In America where Judaism has a tiny fraction of adherents when compared to the very large political coalition of anti-abortion adherents to Christianity; do you agree Meriweather that government is here to protect minority individuals like pro-choice Jews from being forced to adhere to laws a political religious majority seeks to impose on them. Is it right for majority Christians to Impose a belief that life begins at conception upon Jewish people by banning access to medical procedure that there is no reason all women should have access.,

MeriW220130-#142 “The Church is here to help us draw closer to God. Government is here to grow and protect a nation. Let each do one job well.”

NFBW: Do you consider yourself closer to God Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

In America where Judaism has a tiny fraction of adherents when compared to the very large political coalition of anti-abortion adherents to Christianity; do you agree Meriweather that government is here to protect minority individuals like pro-choice Jews from being forced to adhere to laws a political religious majority seeks to impose on them. Is it right for majority Christians to Impose a belief that life begins at conception upon Jewish people by banning access to medical procedure that there is no reason all women should have access.,

ROTFLMBO 🤣.... Every god ??? ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

You are pathetic... Not sure why anyone would entertain your idiocy here(?), but oh well people gotta waste their time on something... LOL.
NFBW: Catholics like Meriweather and beagle9 I am absolutely certsin believe that every “god-created human life” begin at conception? Why did Beagle9 misquote my words as if I was bring up polygamy and then LOL like an idiot at his/her own stupidity. I wrote: ( every “god-created human life” ) and then beagle9 revised it to read ( every god )

“MeriW220130-#142 “The Church is here to help us draw closer to God. Government is here to grow and protect a nation. Let each do one job well.””

NFBW221219-#6,441 “Do you consider yourself closer to God Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

NFBW: I ask you then, beagle9 with a correct reading of my words; Do you consider yourself closer to God beagle9 than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

May we get a direct and honest answer from you beagle9 ?????


Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

The USSC put the decision in the people's hands, allowing them to be able to decide rather than be dictated to.

This has freaked leftist sheep, who are not used to self-governance after their indoctrination, completely out... much that
- The DOJ has targeted Conservatives while protecting leftist extremists and domestic terrorists

- Women's centers, pro-life HQs, and churches have been defaced, damaged, firebombed, and burned. Over 140 churches have been burned / damaged since June.

- The DOJ has made almost zero arrests, even when a small domestic terrorist group braffed about firebombing a church on social media. They refused to enforce laws designed to protect the lives of the Justices.

- Elected Democrats publicly threatened the lives of USSC Justices, called for violence against them, incited another attempted political assassination, undermined them, and called for actual insurrection.

- Media and politicians doxxed the Justices, put their and their families' in danger, forced several to have to relocate because if the danger.

These Democrats were criminally irresponsible, committed acts of domestic terrorism, sedition, and even treason.

Saying 'they lost their minds' doesn't even come close to describing it.
NFBW: Do you consider yourself closer to God @Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?
Are you aware that many Jews consider the Almighty joining the couple in conceiving? Further, that Jewish women are less likely than Catholic women to have an abortion; that in fact, Protestant women are less likely than Catholic women to abort? Close friends of mine had abortions. They did not tell me before, but were so miserable after the fact that they needed a friendly ear and arms for comfort and assurance.

Jewish belief is that soul and body are united at first breath. However, there is no doubt human life is still present in the womb. When did that human life begin to grow? At conception.
NFBW221219-#6,441 “Do you consider yourself closer to God @Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?
Belief on when a soul enters the body has little--perhaps nothing--to do with one's relationship with the Almighty. A better argument might be whether Jewish women are closer to God than Catholic women, as most Catholic women eat pork.
“MeriW220130-#142 “The Church is here to help us draw closer to God. Government is here to grow and protect a nation. Let each do one job well.””
My politics are mostly Libertarian. No good government should promote death. No strong government needs to. A government can be against certain behaviors without criminalizing them.

Frankly, I see government as a cesspool. We should be teaching our children that it is, and that every strong person needs to look within for matters of right and wrong never to government. Government will always take that broad road the Bible warns us against, because a broad road is where they will find votes. Telling the populace that it is okay to make weak, selfish, cowardly decisions and be a weak, cowardly, selfish people is how government stays in power. For awhile.
In America where Judaism has a tiny fraction of adherents when compared to the very large political coalition of anti-abortion adherents to Christianity; do you agree @Meriweather that government is here to protect minority individuals like pro-choice Jews from being forced to adhere to laws a political religious majority seeks to impose on them. Is it right for majority Christians to Impose a belief that life begins at conception upon Jewish people by banning access to medical procedure that there is no reason all women should have access.,
The government is not here to support death. The government is not here to virtue signal either for the majority or the minority. The federal government is here to make decisions on how this nation interacts with other nations.
" Review Of Absent Minded Conclusions "

* Over Stepping Assumption Entitlement *

Catholics site these two Biblical verses which support life begins at conception.

  • “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
  • For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)
Reiterating an altruism from the perspective of hue mammon kind , that its genetic perpetuity and sophisticates states capable of sentience , sapience and introspection should exist through out eternity , a presumption that every instance of hue mammon kind should or must exist in perpetuity throughout eternity so that hue mammon kind may exist in perpetuity throughout eternity is false .

Hence , jeremiah 1:5 only presupposes that some find opportunity through fate while others do not , and the conjecture of magnanimity and determinism where one or some are known before being born and set apart to be appointed is a conjecture of artistic license .

As for creating an inmost being knit together in the womb would seem to imply that it is not instantaneous and that a physical capacity for sentience that is required for cognitive objection , that is to mind .

* Spheres Stirring *
The basic teaching on Original Sin is that humans are born with the propensity to sin. With two late-term miscarriages/deaths in my family, the two babies may have been born with the usual human propensity, but they returned to God before any sin could be committed.
Even though hue mammon apes are omnivores , the preface of carnal knowledge is that hue mammon ape also has canines and veracity of the carnivorous .

As for the syncretism of sin mythology and celestial deities , the orientation and influence of those bodies within the lives of hue mammon kind is seldom categorized as wholly deleterious , so why would the nearest and most influential celestial deity , the lunar moon , be ascribed a quality against which hue mammon must struggle against if it is to overcome mortality so as to live forever ?

* Esoteric Feat Of Souls *
Therefore, the closest Catholic teaching comes is that the body of the miscarried infant returns to the earth, while his/her soul returns to God.
Ones soles are at the bottom of their feet .

According to the catharsis , since nothing can be separate from itself , by nature of nature how does gawd perceive choices available to those born with dysfunctional abnormalities , and how does gawd perceive a choice to abort those with dysfunctional abnormalities ?

* Turning Inside Out *
Arguing over what happens when may be thought provoking, but ultimately fruitless. Catholic teaching is that life is God's greatest gift to us, and that life begins at conception. Since life is believed to be our greatest gift, treating it as anything other than a treasure is unthinkable to those who believe both that life is the greatest gift and that it begins at conception (based on the verses in Psalms and Jeremiah).

Hope this helps with understanding Catholic thought/beliefs.
The teaching that biological life began before , during and after conception would be more valid ; however , when biological life begins , or whether biological life exists at all is not in the interests of a state , rather a state interest is limited to whether an individual is entitled to a wright to life .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen and any sentenced to death has had its wright to life removed and is then subject to the natural freedoms that exist within nature and is dispatched accordingly .

Now , the catholic church does maintain a public position that abortion and capital punishment end a biological hue mammon life and are opposed to both , unlike the national right ( sic ) to life which does not maintain a public position that capital punishment is not natural death .

Thus , as of yet , none of the sanctimonious anthropocentric sycophants for absolution of hue mammon ape from a universal scale of exploitation have provided answer as to why they are against abortion but are for capital punishment .
Okay, that is the most bullshit evil vile disgusting retarded insane thing I've read on here in a while.

"Homicide doesn't take life, because we'll just make more humans."

Truly galaxy brain take over here...

Fine then - let's sum your perspective up: "human life is meaningless and you'll just be replaced anyway. So when someone kills you, we shouldn't give a fuck, no one should go to jail, it's fine, you meant nothing, and the planet's doomed anyway so who cares. Caring is evil."

Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Fuck you. Disgusting. Awful. Not a rational thought in your addled brain.

Why did you pro-aborts just make it your mission in life to be the worst examples of humanity possible? Is that your ACTUAL argument? The nonsense you are saying can't be an argument, but the idea that humans exist who are this stupid and this evil as you are - is that your argument that human life has no value and destroying it is fine?
What about birth control? Maybe these whores should use condoms.
NFBW: Catholics like Meriweather and beagle9 I am absolutely certsin believe that every “god-created human life” begin at conception? Why did Beagle9 misquote my words as if I was bring up polygamy and then LOL like an idiot at his/her own stupidity. I wrote: ( every “god-created human life” ) and then beagle9 revised it to read ( every god )

“MeriW220130-#142 “The Church is here to help us draw closer to God. Government is here to grow and protect a nation. Let each do one job well.””

NFBW221219-#6,441 “Do you consider yourself closer to God Meriweather than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

NFBW: I ask you then, beagle9 with a correct reading of my words; Do you consider yourself closer to God beagle9 than a Jewish woman who believes that every “god-created human life” begins at first breath, as opposed to your Catholic belief that every “god-created human life” begins at conception?

May we get a direct and honest answer from you beagle9 ?????

First off you keep mis-spelling the word God, otherwise if you are referring to the great king of kings who resides upon the great white throne in heaven. You keep using the little g in describing God. It is always with a capital G to you boy.
First off you keep mis-spelling the word God, otherwise if you are referring to the great king of kings who resides upon the great white throne in heaven. You keep using the little g in describing God. It is always with a capital G to you boy.
Can't give a single, solitary fuck about your gawd. Keep your government out of my crotch, and mind your own fucking business.
MeriW221217-#6,437 “Therefore, the closest Catholic teaching comes is that the body of the miscarried infant returns to the earth, while his/her soul returns to God. “

NFBW: Is it possible (since you have resorted to guessing) that a Jewish woman who has a miscarriage is of the original Judeo-Christian belief that the miscarried soulless infant returns to the earth because Gid waits until birth to impart a new soul un
Into only newborn babies when they take their first breath.

Back in February:

MeriW220206-#376Again, not a religious belief. A belief that life is the ideal “
NFBW220206-#377 I believe that life is the ideal. I do not believe that life begins at the moment that the Catholic Church believes it begins. I do not believe in your religion.
MeriW220206-#390 “I believe what science tells us about the beginning of life.” But then, I teach science.

NFBW: Here
Is is the question - What science or conclusive scientific observation tells you Meriweather that that the body of the miscarried infant returns to the earth and then his/her soul returns to God? What science tells you that there is no soul in a miscarried fetus as many of the Beeñcc

I believe that life is the ideal. I do not believe that life begins at the moment that the Catholic Church believes it begins. I do not believe in your religion.
What's your point? It seems you are saying that unless a baby/fetus takes a breath, it is not a life. Is that correct? If so, it follows that your belief is whatever it is you prevent from taking its first breath, it is not yet a life. It might have a heart beat, even brain waves, nerves that feel, but no first breath means it is not a living being? It is more like a clump of cancer cells?

If so, the issue I see with the philosophy is that a clump of cancer cells never has the potential of taking a breath, whereas the fetus/baby does. Your philosophy seems to be it is okay to take the life of a human body as long as that life has no soul?

There have always been atheists in my family. Their belief is that there is no soul, ever, in the human body. Many of these atheists are against abortion on the basis this is the only life available to us.

What is your version of life as the ideal? A life without a baby? And how great is it you found a people of God who believes the soul joins the body at its first breath. Your philosophy seems to be it is fine to end a life if it has no soul. If so, your argument is not with me, it is with atheists who are against abortion. They, too, see life starting at conception.
" Populism Propaganda Poster Child Fore Crazed Zee Ease "

* Neophyte Terminology Of Disingenuous Prone Principled To Sensationalize *

And babble.
To babble is a preposition relating a characteristic of a baby which has been born .

The us republic is based on a credo of e pluribus unum which espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by live birth to receive them .
" Populism Propaganda Poster Child Fore Crazed Zee Ease "

* Neophyte Terminology Of Disingenuous Prone Principled To Sensationalize *

To babble is a preposition relating a characteristic of a baby which has been born .

The us republic is based on a credo of e pluribus unum which espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by live birth to receive them .
Let’s go to the universal translator to convert your post into something coherent.

The two holder headnotes? Just gibberish.

The definition of babble is ok as far as it goes. Of course, it fails to capture the modern meaning and full intent of the word.

Your last paragraph mis-spells “US”. It ought to in fact be “U.S.” It is an otherwise incorrect statement. Our republic is not based on a motto. “E Pluribus Unum,” properly understood, refers to many individual States joining together to form one nation. The balance of that paragraph is also way off base.

Our republic, at least as designed, certainly respects individualism. It is the right of the individual that our Constitution most profoundly seeks to protect. It doesn’t embrace any negative liberties. Obama was simply wrong. It instead limits government authority in order to safeguard the liberties of the People.

And it says exactly nothing about rights only coming to exist at birth.
MeriW221220-#6,454 What's your point? It seems you are saying that unless a baby/fetus takes a breath, it is not a life. Is that correct?

NFBW: No. That is not correct . it is a life beginning at conception in a lifespan continuum until death. It is a separate individual human life that will die when a woman decides to terminate it.

I go where the following scientists go and common sense that life begins at conception: But beyond science it is a mystery for mortal humans as to exactly when God-given or god-given life begins.

NFBW221207-#6,196 I argue very precisely; A new genetically distinct human organism* comes into existence at conception and begins it’s development however it will be up to the states and/or Congress to decide the right to life status of a “developing” and “distinct human organism” vs a fully developed pregnant human being with an already established right to life by virtue of having universal societal recognition of the FACT that she was born on a specific date and she continued developing biologically into a fully developed human being.

* Robert P George is my scientific source
for use of these two scientific words organism plus development

“Whether produced by fertilization or cloning, the human embryo is a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information.” About the Author Robert P. George is a member of the President's Council on Bioethics. He is also a professor of jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University.​
and ……
"…human development begins at fertilization…" write embryologists Keith Moore and T.V. N. Persaud in The Developing Human (7th edition, 2003), the most widely used textbook on human embryology.​

NFBW: To answer your question, Meriweather my point was to ask you this question that is framed in the following exchange:

NFBW220206-#377 I believe that life is the ideal. I do not believe that life begins at the moment that the Catholic Church believes it begins. I do not believe in your religion.
MeriW220206-#390 “I believe what science tells us about the beginning of life.” But then, I teach science.

NFBW: Here Is is the question - What science or conclusive scientific observation tells you Meriweather that that the body of the miscarried infant returns to the earth and then his/her soul returns to God?

I believe that life is the ideal. I do not believe that life begins at the moment that the Catholic Church believes it begins. I do not believe in your religion.
So why are you telling me this? About three-quarters to one-fifth of the world is not Catholic. About one-fifth to one-quarter is. You are not Catholic. So what? Why should I care when you believe life begins? You are nothing to me. What makes me something to you? Why do you care about my beliefs?
I am sorry I am late to this conversation.

A. One reason I support abortion ban is that it makes misandrists go really mad.

B. One reason I oppose abortion ban is that it costs Republicans many points. If it was not for abortion ban, we would have had Red Wave 2022.

B. overweighs A. by a large margin. Republicans really can not afford an abortion ban.
MeriW221220-#6,454 Many of these atheists are against abortion on the basis this is the only life available to us.

NFBW: Who are the “us” at the end of your paragraph? Is that a group that is limited to your personal relationships?

And I’d really appreciate if you could answer my earlier question if you have an answer?

NFBW: What science or conclusive scientific observation tells you Meriweather that that the body of the miscarried infant returns to the earth and then his/her soul returns to God?


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