Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

More on Truth and why the Left and those on The Right who delight in and promote lies imperil their immortal souls to eternal damnation!

So let me get this straight. A good Christian can support a guy who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, pays off porn stars to not talk about sleeping with him, and has walked out on two wives?

I'm just trying to get this straight, guy... you are willing to swallow anything because he might ban abortion or gay marriage for you? Or that he hates Mexicans just like Jesus did?
Collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be, in itself, a crime, so why would the FBI be investigating it? If there were no specific crimes being investigated, then any warrants obtained would have been violations of the Fourth Amendment since the FBI had no jurisdiction. Clearly, the FBI/Justice acted improperly by opening a criminal investigation without any evidence of a crime.

1) Actually, collusion would be a crime, especially since we don't know what the Russians were promised in exchange for their help.
2) Obstructing justice is a crime. Let's not forget, getting a blow job from Monica wasn't a crime, but lying about it was.
you are either being paid or you are a liar... or you are intentionally obtuse....

Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier

But the FBI/Justice found it necessary to misrepresent the Steele dossier in order to get a surveillance warrant, meaning they had nothing of value on Page before committing that crime to get the warrant.

Specifically how was it misrepresented? We don't because a whole lot of stuff was left out.
Internal Justice documents showed the Department was skeptical about the Steele dossier but that was not presented to the Court. The application for a warrant is presented to the Court under oath, so withholding relevant information from the Court amounts to perjury. That's why we need a special commission to investigate the FBI/Justice to see just how high up this corruption goes.

Pay special attention to these dates:

FACT # 1. The Dossier file wasn't handed over to the FBI until, January, 2017
FACT # 2.
In the last sentance of the Nunes memo, it states: "That the Russian investigation started in July, 2016 and that the center of attention was George Papadopolous. George Papadoplous came out of nowhere, and his name is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Dossier File. He has pleaded guilty, and is now working with Robert Mueller.
FACT # 3. Carter Page--most recent FISA warrant. September 2016--however one was issued on him in 2013 also.

The release of Nunes memo--confirms that the FBI was investigating Russian collusion long before they ever received the DOSSIER file. It also confirms that the information contained in the Dossier file about Carter Page is CORRECT.

Links to the above:
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics (George Papadoplous a bigger problem than Manafort.)
Carter Page - Wikipedia (Page testified that he did meet with Russian agents on that trip to Moscow during the campaign)
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump (The incident regarding Carter Page & Russians in 2013.)

Now if I were Rod Rosenstein and had a bunch of House Republicans calling me to help them FABRICATE conspiracy stories I would have not just threatened them with Obstruction of Justice, I would have gone down there and kicked their ass's.

Collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be, in itself, a crime, so why would hat the FBI be investigating it? If there were no specific crimes being investigated, then any warrants obtained would have been violations of the Fourth Amendment since the FBI had no jurisdiction. Clearly, the FBI/Justice acted improperly by opening a criminal investigation without any evidence of a crime.

of course that would be a crime. Foreign nationals aren't even allowed to donate to our campaigns? And we know Donald made at least one policy concession to Vladimir even before the election.

what are you talking about?

that is besides the point, however, as they weren't investigating the campaign. THEY WERE INVESTIGATING CARTER PAGE ---- the Russian asset.
Collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be, in itself, a crime, so why would the FBI be investigating it? If there were no specific crimes being investigated, then any warrants obtained would have been violations of the Fourth Amendment since the FBI had no jurisdiction. Clearly, the FBI/Justice acted improperly by opening a criminal investigation without any evidence of a crime.

1) Actually, collusion would be a crime, especially since we don't know what the Russians were promised in exchange for their help.
2) Obstructing justice is a crime. Let's not forget, getting a blow job from Monica wasn't a crime, but lying about it was.
No, there is no statute that makes collusion a crime. There is no rational basis for claiming obstruction of justice. The FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate anything that is not a crime, and the only crime involved in the investigation was the hacking of the DNC server, so there was never a legitimate legal basis for the investigation in the first place and the Comey-Mueller witch hunt should never have happened in the first place and Rosenstein's letter authorizing the Mueller fishing expedition was an abuse of authority, making the investigation, witch hunt, a miscarriage of justice and ending it would be an obstruction of a miscarriage of justice.
But the FBI/Justice found it necessary to misrepresent the Steele dossier in order to get a surveillance warrant, meaning they had nothing of value on Page before committing that crime to get the warrant.

Specifically how was it misrepresented? We don't because a whole lot of stuff was left out.
Internal Justice documents showed the Department was skeptical about the Steele dossier but that was not presented to the Court. The application for a warrant is presented to the Court under oath, so withholding relevant information from the Court amounts to perjury. That's why we need a special commission to investigate the FBI/Justice to see just how high up this corruption goes.

Pay special attention to these dates:

FACT # 1. The Dossier file wasn't handed over to the FBI until, January, 2017
FACT # 2.
In the last sentance of the Nunes memo, it states: "That the Russian investigation started in July, 2016 and that the center of attention was George Papadopolous. George Papadoplous came out of nowhere, and his name is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Dossier File. He has pleaded guilty, and is now working with Robert Mueller.
FACT # 3. Carter Page--most recent FISA warrant. September 2016--however one was issued on him in 2013 also.

The release of Nunes memo--confirms that the FBI was investigating Russian collusion long before they ever received the DOSSIER file. It also confirms that the information contained in the Dossier file about Carter Page is CORRECT.

Links to the above:
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics (George Papadoplous a bigger problem than Manafort.)
Carter Page - Wikipedia (Page testified that he did meet with Russian agents on that trip to Moscow during the campaign)
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump (The incident regarding Carter Page & Russians in 2013.)

Now if I were Rod Rosenstein and had a bunch of House Republicans calling me to help them FABRICATE conspiracy stories I would have not just threatened them with Obstruction of Justice, I would have gone down there and kicked their ass's.

Collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be, in itself, a crime, so why would hat the FBI be investigating it? If there were no specific crimes being investigated, then any warrants obtained would have been violations of the Fourth Amendment since the FBI had no jurisdiction. Clearly, the FBI/Justice acted improperly by opening a criminal investigation without any evidence of a crime.

of course that would be a crime. Foreign nationals aren't even allowed to donate to our campaigns? And we know Donald made at least one policy concession to Vladimir even before the election.

what are you talking about?

that is besides the point, however, as they weren't investigating the campaign. THEY WERE INVESTIGATING CARTER PAGE ---- the Russian asset.
Of course there is no crime of collusion in itself. The two parties would have had to colluded to commit and act that was a crime for collusion to be a crime, and the only crime involved in the witch hunt is the hacking of the DNC server, so unless the FBI/Justice is investigating whether the Trump campaign hacked the DNC server, there is not and never was a legitimate legal basis for any investigation of the Trump campaign, transition team or administration.
No, there is no statute that makes collusion a crime. There is no rational basis for claiming obstruction of justice. The FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate anything that is not a crime, and the only crime involved in the investigation was the hacking of the DNC server, so there was never a legitimate legal basis for the investigation in the first place and the Comey-Mueller witch hunt should never have happened in the first place and Rosenstein's letter authorizing the Mueller fishing expedition was an abuse of authority, making the investigation, witch hunt, a miscarriage of justice and ending it would be an obstruction of a miscarriage of justice.

No, guy, Colluding with Russia is a bigger crime than lying about a blow job, which is what you guys insisted really was an impeachable offense.
No, there is no statute that makes collusion a crime. There is no rational basis for claiming obstruction of justice. The FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate anything that is not a crime, and the only crime involved in the investigation was the hacking of the DNC server, so there was never a legitimate legal basis for the investigation in the first place and the Comey-Mueller witch hunt should never have happened in the first place and Rosenstein's letter authorizing the Mueller fishing expedition was an abuse of authority, making the investigation, witch hunt, a miscarriage of justice and ending it would be an obstruction of a miscarriage of justice.

No, guy, Colluding with Russia is a bigger crime than lying about a blow job, which is what you guys insisted really was an impeachable offense.
lol There is no statute that makes colluding with Russia a crime unless the two parties are colluding to commit a crime, and the only crime involved in all of this is the hacking of the DNC server. It is not clear whether you have been suckered by the Democratic Party or if you are trying to sucker other people.
lol There is no statute that makes colluding with Russia a crime unless the two parties are colluding to commit a crime, and the only crime involved in all of this is the hacking of the DNC server. It is not clear whether you have been suckered by the Democratic Party or if you are trying to sucker other people.

Okay,, buddy, I think I'll take the word of lawyers over you.
lol There is no statute that makes colluding with Russia a crime unless the two parties are colluding to commit a crime, and the only crime involved in all of this is the hacking of the DNC server. It is not clear whether you have been suckered by the Democratic Party or if you are trying to sucker other people.

Okay,, buddy, I think I'll take the word of lawyers over you.
No lawyer can point to any statute that makes collusion a crime, however if you want a legal opinion, and we both know you don't, try this one from a distinguished lawyer who voted for both Obama and Clinton.

No lawyer can point to any statute that makes collusion a crime, however if you want a legal opinion, and we both know you don't, try this one from a distinguished lawyer who voted for both Obama and Clinton.

Dershawitz also claims up and down OJ didn't do it. You pay him enough money, he'll claim anything.

If you really don't think a candidate conspiring with a foreign power is a real problem, I'm not sure what to say to you.
No lawyer can point to any statute that makes collusion a crime, however if you want a legal opinion, and we both know you don't, try this one from a distinguished lawyer who voted for both Obama and Clinton.

Dershawitz also claims up and down OJ didn't do it. You pay him enough money, he'll claim anything.

If you really don't think a candidate conspiring with a foreign power is a real problem, I'm not sure what to say to you.
So now you are saying it's a problem but no longer that it is a crime. The problem with that is that FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate behaviors that are not crimes. So after slandering Dershowitz, it turns out you agree with him.
Specifically how was it misrepresented? We don't because a whole lot of stuff was left out.
Internal Justice documents showed the Department was skeptical about the Steele dossier but that was not presented to the Court. The application for a warrant is presented to the Court under oath, so withholding relevant information from the Court amounts to perjury. That's why we need a special commission to investigate the FBI/Justice to see just how high up this corruption goes.

Pay special attention to these dates:

FACT # 1. The Dossier file wasn't handed over to the FBI until, January, 2017
FACT # 2.
In the last sentance of the Nunes memo, it states: "That the Russian investigation started in July, 2016 and that the center of attention was George Papadopolous. George Papadoplous came out of nowhere, and his name is NOT mentioned anywhere in the Dossier File. He has pleaded guilty, and is now working with Robert Mueller.
FACT # 3. Carter Page--most recent FISA warrant. September 2016--however one was issued on him in 2013 also.

The release of Nunes memo--confirms that the FBI was investigating Russian collusion long before they ever received the DOSSIER file. It also confirms that the information contained in the Dossier file about Carter Page is CORRECT.

Links to the above:
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics (George Papadoplous a bigger problem than Manafort.)
Carter Page - Wikipedia (Page testified that he did meet with Russian agents on that trip to Moscow during the campaign)
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump (The incident regarding Carter Page & Russians in 2013.)

Now if I were Rod Rosenstein and had a bunch of House Republicans calling me to help them FABRICATE conspiracy stories I would have not just threatened them with Obstruction of Justice, I would have gone down there and kicked their ass's.

Collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government would not be, in itself, a crime, so why would hat the FBI be investigating it? If there were no specific crimes being investigated, then any warrants obtained would have been violations of the Fourth Amendment since the FBI had no jurisdiction. Clearly, the FBI/Justice acted improperly by opening a criminal investigation without any evidence of a crime.

of course that would be a crime. Foreign nationals aren't even allowed to donate to our campaigns? And we know Donald made at least one policy concession to Vladimir even before the election.

what are you talking about?

that is besides the point, however, as they weren't investigating the campaign. THEY WERE INVESTIGATING CARTER PAGE ---- the Russian asset.
Of course there is no crime of collusion in itself. The two parties would have had to colluded to commit and act that was a crime for collusion to be a crime, and the only crime involved in the witch hunt is the hacking of the DNC server, so unless the FBI/Justice is investigating whether the Trump campaign hacked the DNC server, there is not and never was a legitimate legal basis for any investigation of the Trump campaign, transition team or administration.

We consider hacking into any public or private commuter in this country a FELONY. There's plenty of people in prison over it today. Because we consider cyber attacks to be the 21st CENTURY act of war--this will be considered Treason.

This about is a 1000 times worse than Watergate because it involves a foreign adversary.

Trump and his surrogates were being watched and electronically monitored by several different foreign intelligence sources since 2015. This had nothing to do with the Dossier file.

first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.

It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information. The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets.
Over several months, different agencies targeting the same people began to see a pattern of connections that were flagged to intelligence officials in the US."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February, 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

And it wasn't real smart of Trump to get on National T.V. and admit that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, which he under investigation for.

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So now you are saying it's a problem but no longer that it is a crime. The problem with that is that FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate behaviors that are not crimes. So after slandering Dershowitz, it turns out you agree with him.

Not saying that at all. I'm sure you can find something to indict these guys for, and colluding with an enemy country REALLY IS A CRIME.

Will they call it "collusion"? Probably not. They'll call it obstruction of justice or perjury (can't wait until they get Trump in front of that grand jury!!! pure comedy!) or taking a bribe from a foreign power.

But Dershashitz who never met a guilty man he didn't love, why stop now.

Me, I'd like to know what the Russians were promised for their help.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Yes I so believe Gregg Jarrett. NOT. How Fox and Hannity and his guests spread false rumors. Carter Page was under investigation long before the Duck chose to run, and also when Page was questioned, the Duck said he didn't know Page, toooo funny.
If he was under investigation already, why did you side need a FISA warrant?
He wasn't a terrorist

Who's side? It is the FBI, they are on USA side....

The question is simple... It has been proven that the Russians are heavily involved in the US Election in trying to get Trump elected. There are members in the Trump Campaign that definitely facilitated this and pleaded guilty to acting in Russia's behalf.

Now lets just say in the next election if the EU pumped in millions to social media and hacking operations to run a propaganda operation in favour of the Democratic Nominee, would the Trumptsters be happy with that... You are in favour of Russia doing it why not EU?

And if you let Russia & EU do it... Who is not allowed to do it? China, North Korea, Iran.... Sorry but the Trumpsters and sympathisers (not all GOP) are willing to sell out the country for perceived power granted to them by Putin...
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

now if trumps camp had done ANY ONE OF THESE THINGS that the obama camp did, the left would be dancing in the aisles for the xmas present to get him impeached. yet when your side does it, it's ok.

it can never be ok to break the law in these matters and i don't care which side is trying to do it. break out the law, read what it says and if someone broke that law, jail.


no more excuses, no more whining and no more "but they made me do it!" crap.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Yes I so believe Gregg Jarrett. NOT. How Fox and Hannity and his guests spread false rumors. Carter Page was under investigation long before the Duck chose to run, and also when Page was questioned, the Duck said he didn't know Page, toooo funny.
If he was under investigation already, why did you side need a FISA warrant?
He wasn't a terrorist

Who's side? It is the FBI, they are on USA side....

The question is simple... It has been proven that the Russians are heavily involved in the US Election in trying to get Trump elected. There are members in the Trump Campaign that definitely facilitated this and pleaded guilty to acting in Russia's behalf.

Now lets just say in the next election if the EU pumped in millions to social media and hacking operations to run a propaganda operation in favour of the Democratic Nominee, would the Trumptsters be happy with that... You are in favour of Russia doing it why not EU?

And if you let Russia & EU do it... Who is not allowed to do it? China, North Korea, Iran.... Sorry but the Trumpsters and sympathisers (not all GOP) are willing to sell out the country for perceived power granted to them by Putin...
heavily involved? like how? thousands of facebook accounts? 0.01% of overall traffic in a day was GO TRUMP!

sorry but the haters got their blinders shoved so far up their own ass they'll believe anything to justify putting the hate there to begin with.
So now you are saying it's a problem but no longer that it is a crime. The problem with that is that FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate behaviors that are not crimes. So after slandering Dershowitz, it turns out you agree with him.

Not saying that at all. I'm sure you can find something to indict these guys for, and colluding with an enemy country REALLY IS A CRIME.

Will they call it "collusion"? Probably not. They'll call it obstruction of justice or perjury (can't wait until they get Trump in front of that grand jury!!! pure comedy!) or taking a bribe from a foreign power.

But Dershashitz who never met a guilty man he didn't love, why stop now.

Me, I'd like to know what the Russians were promised for their help.
lol So now you're saying Mueller will call whatever crime he finds collusion. That's what Beria said to Stalin, show me the man and I'll show you the crime. That's what happens in places like Russia or Turkey of Iran, but that's not what is supposed to happen in the US. You may be a loyal Democrat but clearly you are not a loyal American. The FBI/Justice is only has jurisdiction to investigate crime, not everything that might somehow lead to the discovery of a crime. There was no legitimate legal basis for the investigation in the first place unless the FBI/Justice believed the Trump campaign hacked the DNC.
Let's get back to basics here. Mr. Rosenstein tried to power trip over committee members. He will rue that day.
If he did, fuck that guy.

I don't trust ANYBODY in the IC right now. They need SERIOUS oversight FROM ALL SIDES (Dem/GOP/Trump/Media).

Too many secrets. Too much room for abuse.

If we weren't off playing world police all the motherfucking time, it wouldn't be so much of a problem to release all the info.
So now you are saying it's a problem but no longer that it is a crime. The problem with that is that FBI/Justice has no jurisdiction to investigate behaviors that are not crimes. So after slandering Dershowitz, it turns out you agree with him.

Not saying that at all. I'm sure you can find something to indict these guys for, and colluding with an enemy country REALLY IS A CRIME.

Will they call it "collusion"? Probably not. They'll call it obstruction of justice or perjury (can't wait until they get Trump in front of that grand jury!!! pure comedy!) or taking a bribe from a foreign power.

But Dershashitz who never met a guilty man he didn't love, why stop now.

Me, I'd like to know what the Russians were promised for their help.

So, they'll just make up a crime to indct him for, and you're OK with that?

You just proved you're a despicable douchebag who doesn't give a rats ass about justice or the law. All you care about is ailing Trump.

Nazi dirtbags like you are the reason this country is so fucked up.

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