Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
"In the wake of the firing of FBI Director James Comey, whose recent testimony on Hillary Clinton's emails was so flawed and incompetent that his underlings immediately issued a clarification to the Senate Judiciary Committee, virtually every non-Republican #NeverTrumper (plus Sen. John McCain, who has some good reasons to hate Trump) has called for The Donald's head on a platter. And this was all before the tantalizing possibility of a "Comey memo" detailing various attempts by Trump to shut down an investigation of possible ties between former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and Russian operatives."

"If we are going to survive not just the Trump years but eventually get around to kick-starting the 21st century, we're going to have become smarter media consumers and demand more from both our politicians and the press.

All This Impeachment Talk Is Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome

The media are cheerleaders for the left. They are not government watchdogs like the FIRST AMMENDMENT intended.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Which one...Drinking or smoking pot tonight.
The Democrats want the investigation and the Republicans are giving it to them.

Trump has been against the investigation since day one- whether he now feels forced to into an investigation or the Deputy DOJ has decided on his own- up to this very day- Trump has tried to quash the investigation into Russia's attempt to hack our election.
So what? Trump's been public about it;

So what? Trump has been public about his desire to stop the investigation into Russia's attempt to hack our election.

As an American- I am glad Russia's role in trying to influence our election is being investigated.

What about you?
The Left is Officially Phucked Now.

With Comey who covered up every single Crime the Obama Administration Committed and covered for Clinton despite being shamed in to investigating her, they could have had what they wanted: A never ending Investigation with no evidence where The FBI itself, the NSA, Treasury and NSI all said there was no Collusion but Comey would have kept the so called Investigation GOING well in to 2018 and beyond.

Instead now they Phucked themselves and their Fake Narrative will soon come to an end. 18 months of surveillance and 4 investigations and NOTHING, and now when this turns out the same and the Investigation is finally closed both the Leftist Media and The DemNazi Party's Credibility will Be Permanently and Irreparably Damaged!

And it will be well deserved. And Karma will visit The Left after it's all said and done.

Congratulations Lefty. You finally bit off more than you can chew!


LOL- you Trumpsters

We welcome Mueller's leadership of the investigation.

Despite Trumps best efforts to fuck himself over- I actually hope that Trump- and his campaign- didn't collude with Russia- and i hope that will be one of the things the investigation concludes.

But I do expect that this investigation will reveal the depth of Russia's efforts to influence our election- something Trump and you Trumpsters have been claiming never happened since last summer.
Republicans keep saying there is no Collusion so what in the tarnation are they investgating? Republicans say it's butthurt but Special Councils don't investigate feelings.
What is the evidence there was collusion?

Did you even wonder that Trump is not really smart person?

Take a look at this picture. Do you see anything wrong?
Kislyak is the center of this controversy, cozing with Kislyak, day after he fired Comey, he barred US media in the Oval Office but let the Tass Russian news media inside--------- meaning keep kissing Putin ass.
Then he was mad because the Russian published this picture. Why not distance himself fromRussian connections for the time being till it cools down?

If Trump is defending himself from Russian connections----------- Why in the world he would do something this dumb?

Oh do not worry, the Democrats have killed any relations with Russia for a thousand years! Good job democrats.
Everyone who was actually in the room says WaPo story about Trump revealing classified info to Russians is false

"They ran with a story using nothing but anonymous sources who were not present in the meeting. That left every single White House official who was present to come forward independently to correct the Post's reporting. There were three of them - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell. All three say the Post's story is false."

If the sources are anonymous…how do you know they were not present—since you don’t know who they were?
Because if they were present the others in the room would be able to identify them.

If Trump is denying any collusions--------Why in the world he would do something like that?

I can assure you that ALL of his close advisers are shaking their heads.
The Left is Officially Phucked Now.

With Comey who covered up every single Crime the Obama Administration Committed and covered for Clinton despite being shamed in to investigating her, they could have had what they wanted: A never ending Investigation with no evidence where The FBI itself, the NSA, Treasury and NSI all said there was no Collusion but Comey would have kept the so called Investigation GOING well in to 2018 and beyond.

Instead now they Phucked themselves and their Fake Narrative will soon come to an end. 18 months of surveillance and 4 investigations and NOTHING, and now when this turns out the same and the Investigation is finally closed both the Leftist Media and The DemNazi Party's Credibility will Be Permanently and Irreparably Damaged!

And it will be well deserved. And Karma will visit The Left after it's all said and done.

Congratulations Lefty. You finally bit off more than you can chew!


LOL- you Trumpsters

We welcome Mueller's leadership of the investigation.

Despite Trumps best efforts to fuck himself over- I actually hope that Trump- and his campaign- didn't collude with Russia- and i hope that will be one of the things the investigation concludes.

But I do expect that this investigation will reveal the depth of Russia's efforts to influence our election- something Trump and you Trumpsters have been claiming never happened since last summer.

The Left is Officially Phucked Now.

With Comey who covered up every single Crime the Obama Administration Committed and covered for Clinton despite being shamed in to investigating her, they could have had what they wanted: A never ending Investigation with no evidence where The FBI itself, the NSA, Treasury and NSI all said there was no Collusion but Comey would have kept the so called Investigation GOING well in to 2018 and beyond.

Instead now they Phucked themselves and their Fake Narrative will soon come to an end. 18 months of surveillance and 4 investigations and NOTHING, and now when this turns out the same and the Investigation is finally closed both the Leftist Media and The DemNazi Party's Credibility will Be Permanently and Irreparably Damaged!

And it will be well deserved. And Karma will visit The Left after it's all said and done.

Congratulations Lefty. You finally bit off more than you can chew!


LOL- you Trumpsters

We welcome Mueller's leadership of the investigation.

Despite Trumps best efforts to fuck himself over- I actually hope that Trump- and his campaign- didn't collude with Russia- and i hope that will be one of the things the investigation concludes.

But I do expect that this investigation will reveal the depth of Russia's efforts to influence our election- something Trump and you Trumpsters have been claiming never happened since last summer.


So you hope that Trump did collude with Russia...
Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
And your proof that Russia did the hacking is what libtard?
Leave Trump out of it, lets get one thing cleared up first, Russia tried to interfere with our election. we can still try and have a better relationship with them, first we need to be clear Russia not a democracy, Putin not our friend.
Maybe we will find out the truth about whether or not Trump likes to urinate on Russian whores, or vice versa....whatever that LEAKED "INTELLIGENCE" file said about TRUMP.

Was it that Trump liked to pee on whore, or did he liked getting peed on by whores, or both?

Mueller's investigation should clear that up.
The evidence of how SHITHEAD PODESTA clicked on a spear phishing link from a SPAM e-mail will be particularly amusing.

Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.

Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
And your proof that Russia did the hacking is what libtard?

You were contard who asked about Russia trying to influence our election- and I answered:

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
And your proof that Russia did the hacking is what libtard?

You were contard who asked about Russia trying to influence our election- and I answered:

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
Get back to us when you figure out that obama using taxpayer money to influence israel's election was wrong!
Can some libtard explain the difference in Russia trying to influence our election and obama trying to influence Israel's election?

I don't know any libtards- but as a liberal I can explain the difference to a poor idiot contard like you.

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
And your proof that Russia did the hacking is what libtard?

You were contard who asked about Russia trying to influence our election- and I answered:

Russia broke American law by illegally hacking American web systems.
President Obama offered an opinion on who he thought would be a better candidate in Israel.

Why you contards think that Russia breaking American laws to try to influence our election is okay really baffles me.
Get back to us when you figure out that obama using taxpayer money to influence israel's election was wrong!
Get back to us when you stop wanting to try to divert attention away from Russia trying to hack our election.

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