Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
I can get with that. Thoughts?
Absolutely! Since I'm not at all convinced Trump's campaign did anything purposely, I wasn't all that vested in having a Special Counsel, but it just seemed like the practical thing to do, since SO many people were not trusting the investigations as they were. Leaking like a sieve, led by bloviating politcians, then the FBI director summarily fired--it was just not inspiring confidence anywhere.
When I turned on the news last night it was just "breaking" and I have to say, the relief on CNN was palpable. Everyone's blood pressure dropped about 25 points right then and there. People started talking in normal tones of voice. Now if that is what it took to calm down people and cool the climate, I think it was a "cheap" fix. No one will be hurt that shouldn't be, and maybe everyone can get back to what they're SUPPOSED to be doing. Focus, people.
Word to the wise for Democrats after Mueller appt: Don’t let Podesta beat you to the best criminal lawyer!

Tip for Special Counsel Robert Mueller: Depose John Podesta FIRST, before he can coordinate with others.

Special Counsel Mueller needs to look at the four outside jobs Huma had while being paid by State Dept.

hey Mueller: Important Q for ppl on Hillary campaign coaching her to lie about missing emails: What did they know and when did they know it?

Maybe Special Counsel Mueller can give Huma immunity on the outside jobs, but of course he'll have to decide that.

Special Counsel Mueller will need to interview Russians for info on the corrupt Uranium deal/Clinton Foundation quid pro quo.

We know Debbie Wasserman Schultz guilty of criminal STUPIDITY, but was keeping nomination from Bernie an actual crime? Mueller will decide.

Special Counsel Mueller will also have to get Mark Penn & Jennifer Palmieri under oath. DEMOCRATS: GET YOUR LAWYERS *TONIGHT.*
How often is a special counsel appointed against a sitting president in history? This appears to be a really big fucking deal as Nixon and Clinton had one appointed for their crimes.
Iran-Contra, as well. It doesn't necessarily lead to impeachment.
People who have most to worry about with appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller: Hillary, Loretta Lynch, John Podesta, Bill Clinton…
Comey was building a case, smart ass. He knew that the Comrade was on the way to hanging himself. He will get desperate and give the FBI more evidence, as Mueller gets closer to the truth.
Comey himself said there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. Now where was the crime and where is the case?
The unforgivable crime is that Trump wants Fair Trade and for Americans to have jobs.

Until he fired Comey, the President hadn't interfered with the investigation. Firing Comey was obstruction of justice. That is an impeachable offence.

Oh yeah - taking bribes from the Chinese (trade marks), selling access to the President (Mar-a-Lago initiation fees), making money from foreign governments (Trump's international properties are being booked by foreign governments, domestic properties by corporations looking to curry favour), hiring family members (Kuchner and his Ivanka), and on and on.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about working people, or their jobs. He's still manufacturing his ugly suits off-shore. Job creation is dropping, as is the stock market.

People have woken up to the reality that Trump is unfit for the office, and incompetent, dishonest and untrustworthy. And the possibility exists that he has mental issues as well.

Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired. A never ending political investigation with Zero Evidence will now come to and end conducted by fair minded people and the Dems will get slaughtered in 2018 having their only weapon finally taken away from them.

The False Narrative will die an ugly death and The Leftist Fascist Media and Radical Jihadist LEFT with it!
Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired.
That is patently false. Please provide a link to anyone in the WH saying that.
We'll just keep investigating it until it's true, how's that? While pretending that an accusation carries an assumption of guilt. Like that? God you people really are that stupid.

People will go to prison. It won't be Trump.
Lying during sworn congressional testimony is committing perjury a federal offense

FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn’t Obstruct Investigations

BREAKING: FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn't Obstruct Investigations - GotNews
SO Comey lied to congress or did he lie in his memo?
View attachment 127189

Lmfao a girl after my own heart.

Comey himself said there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. Now where was the crime and where is the case?
The unforgivable crime is that Trump wants Fair Trade and for Americans to have jobs.

Until he fired Comey, the President hadn't interfered with the investigation. Firing Comey was obstruction of justice. That is an impeachable offence.

Oh yeah - taking bribes from the Chinese (trade marks), selling access to the President (Mar-a-Lago initiation fees), making money from foreign governments (Trump's international properties are being booked by foreign governments, domestic properties by corporations looking to curry favour), hiring family members (Kuchner and his Ivanka), and on and on.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about working people, or their jobs. He's still manufacturing his ugly suits off-shore. Job creation is dropping, as is the stock market.

People have woken up to the reality that Trump is unfit for the office, and incompetent, dishonest and untrustworthy. And the possibility exists that he has mental issues as well.

Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired. A never ending political investigation with Zero Evidence will now come to and end conducted by fair minded people and the Dems will get slaughtered in 2018 having their only weapon finally taken away from them.

The False Narrative will die an ugly death and The Leftist Fascist Media and Radical Jihadist LEFT with it!
Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired.
That is patently false. Please provide a link to anyone in the WH saying that.
We'll just keep investigating it until it's true, how's that? While pretending that an accusation carries an assumption of guilt. Like that? God you people really are that stupid.

People will go to prison. It won't be Trump.
coming from the hillary-witch hunters, this is awesome.
I can't wait for Mueller to release his findings on THE RUSSIANS supplying Podesta with children to molest.

That deposition will be a blast to read.
The unforgivable crime is that Trump wants Fair Trade and for Americans to have jobs.

Until he fired Comey, the President hadn't interfered with the investigation. Firing Comey was obstruction of justice. That is an impeachable offence.

Oh yeah - taking bribes from the Chinese (trade marks), selling access to the President (Mar-a-Lago initiation fees), making money from foreign governments (Trump's international properties are being booked by foreign governments, domestic properties by corporations looking to curry favour), hiring family members (Kuchner and his Ivanka), and on and on.

Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about working people, or their jobs. He's still manufacturing his ugly suits off-shore. Job creation is dropping, as is the stock market.

People have woken up to the reality that Trump is unfit for the office, and incompetent, dishonest and untrustworthy. And the possibility exists that he has mental issues as well.

Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired. A never ending political investigation with Zero Evidence will now come to and end conducted by fair minded people and the Dems will get slaughtered in 2018 having their only weapon finally taken away from them.

The False Narrative will die an ugly death and The Leftist Fascist Media and Radical Jihadist LEFT with it!
Comey was obstructing justice dumbass. That is why he was fired.
That is patently false. Please provide a link to anyone in the WH saying that.
We'll just keep investigating it until it's true, how's that? While pretending that an accusation carries an assumption of guilt. Like that? God you people really are that stupid.

People will go to prison. It won't be Trump.
coming from the hillary-witch hunters, this is awesome.
Hillary broke the law and wasn't charged. Trump hasn't broken the law, and comey is lying. Tell me, how do you think that will pan out in an investigation?

You idiots are being played. You are dealing your masters right into prison, and Trump is laughing his ass off at how willingly you shoot yourselves in the feet.
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No, those steps have been reached through the investigation. There has to be a certain amount of evidence already found to even warrant such actions.

What's the purpose of a grand jury again?
The Iran Contra investigation went on for 7 years without a ounce of evidence. These things are often political.
Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”

The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.

I-told-you-so. :banana: After all the hulaballoo the past couple days of demanding a Special Counsel and getting it, Nancy Facelift sez that Mueller is not bi-partisan enough. WTF, how is serving under both Bush (R) and Obama (D) not
bi-partisan? No one can ever appease a brain dead liberal puke. I don't know what Princess Maxine or Elijah "Scrotum Head" Cummins has said so far, but it will be stoopid.
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.

I-told-you-so. :banana: After all the hulaballoo the past couple days of demanding a Special Counsel and getting it, Nancy Facelift sez that Mueller is not bi-partisan enough. WTF, how is serving under both Bush (R) and Obama (D) not
bi-partisan? No one can ever appease a brain dead liberal puke. I don't know what Princess Maxine or Elijah "Scrotum Head" Cummins has said so far, but it will be stoopid.

She has to say that in case the Dems don't like the results of the investigation. Then they can claim MUELLER lied.
"In the wake of the firing of FBI Director James Comey, whose recent testimony on Hillary Clinton's emails was so flawed and incompetent that his underlings immediately issued a clarification to the Senate Judiciary Committee, virtually every non-Republican #NeverTrumper (plus Sen. John McCain, who has some good reasons to hate Trump) has called for The Donald's head on a platter. And this was all before the tantalizing possibility of a "Comey memo" detailing various attempts by Trump to shut down an investigation of possible ties between former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and Russian operatives."

"If we are going to survive not just the Trump years but eventually get around to kick-starting the 21st century, we're going to have become smarter media consumers and demand more from both our politicians and the press.

All This Impeachment Talk Is Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome

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