Robert Baer: Don't Forget Mousavi's Bloody Past


Feel the breeze
Jun 17, 2009
Robert Baer: Don't Forget Mousavi's Bloody Past world/article/0,8599,1905477,00. html?xid=rss-world

Thursday, Jun. 18, 2009

(Baer, a former CIA field officer assigned to the Middle East,
is'sintelligence columnist and the author of See No Evil and,
most recently, The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower)

Before we go too far down the road cheering the forces of Iranian democracy, let's
not forget that its public face, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, has American blood on his hands.
He was Iran's Prime Minister during most of the 1980s, a time when the country was
waging a terrorist campaign against the U.S.

Earlier this week, I received an e-mail from a Lebanese who was present at the creation
of the country's Iranian-backed, Shi'ite militia Hizballah in 1982 and on familiar terms
with its most radical and violent members. He wrote: "Are you people crazy backing Mousavi,
a patron of Hizballah's terrorist wing?"(See behind-the-scenes pictures of Mir-Hossein

Indeed, Mousavi, Prime Minister from 1981 to 1989, almost certainly had a hand in the
planning of the Iranian-backed truck-bombing attacks on the U.S. embassy in April 1983
and the Marine barracks in October of that same year. Mousavi, as my Lebanese contact
reminded me, dealt directly with Imad Mughniyah, the man largely held responsible for
both attacks. (Mughniyah was assassinated in Damascus last year.) The Lebanese said
Mughniyah had told him over and over that he, Mughniyah, got along well with Mousavi
and trusted him completely. >>>MORE>>>

Iran and her PEOPLE are the enemy of the US... Not JUST the present government, the president of which was one of those who took the US Embassy Hostage in 79...

Of course, for people to understand this, they'll have to watch the Mushroom cloud over Israel, which a certain result from Iran obtaining nukes... with which many reading this will be prefectly fine.

But I doubt that initially, at least they'll be too fine with a similar cloud rising above NY, very possibly at the same moment... but soon enough, they'll collectively come to conclude that such is "America's chickens, coming home, to roost..."

All of which demonstrates that those people, despite their walking amongst the Americans, are just as much, in every sense, the enemy of America.

But hey... what's the worst that can come of it? Right?

Iran and her PEOPLE are the enemy of the US... Not JUST the present government, the president of which was one of those who took the US Embassy Hostage in 79...

Of course, for people to understand this, they'll have to watch the Mushroom cloud over Israel, which a certain result from Iran obtaining nukes... with which many reading this will be prefectly fine.

But I doubt that initially, at least they'll be too fine with a similar cloud rising above NY, very possibly at the same moment... but soon enough, they'll collectively come to conclude that such is "America's chickens, coming home, to roost..."

All of which demonstrates that those people, despite their walking amongst the Americans, are just as much, in every sense, the enemy of America.

But hey... what's the worst that can come of it? Right?

Ah, now you've got to watch it, the rhetoric now, since there is a new administration.
Can't say war on terror's now "overseas contingency operations."
And can't say Islamic jihadists, you have to say "radicals." (Or freedom fighters if you
don't mind them blowing in via our northern and southern borders but who want to
wage war here). Oh - SORRY. I'm being politically incorrect.

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