Right Wingers have completely forgotten about the Trump Dossier with it's sex and Russian Connetions


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

We haven't forgotten Phony......it was proven bullsh**, and it is YOU people who don't want to talk about Russia, because it is all falling apart........or haven't you noticed what is actually happening, lol!
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The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

We haven't forgotten Phony......it was proven bullsh**, and it is YOU people who don't want to talk about Russia, because it is all falling apart........or haven't you noticed what is actually happening, lol!
Proven bullsh!t? You wish.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

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The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

I love this in your signature line:

GOWDY: [...] Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.

When asked if she herself sent out classified material. Comey said there was classified material. But he never said she sent it. If you are truly into conspiracy, you could say Republicans sent her classified material and it was all a set up. Anyone with her email could have sent classified material to her.
Remember, Colin Powell and Condi Rice? Neither turned over a single email after being ordered to. Did Republicans care? Rules are for Democrats. We know that. Everyone agrees.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

Actually, it isn't forgotten. The rub is that basically everyone involved in producing the dossier is getting sued. They've been busy trying to prevent the British Spy from being deposed, and so far have failed miserably. The really funny thing is that can't prove the truth without supporting evidence, and if they had the supporting evidence they wouldn't need to try and suppress the deposition, they could just present the evidence to the Judge and get the lawsuits dismissed in a day or two.

The guy who runs "Fusion GPS" calls his business "Journalism for rent".

So no, nobody has forgottten that slanderous piece of garbage, and a lot of people are going to own the life savings of others because of it.

Key figure behind million-dollar Trump 'dossier' to face questions

For a wider view try this link. Fusion GPS on the hot seat in closed Senate Judiciary hearing - Hot Air

No, we haven't forgotten, and I'm enjoying the slow squirm of the people who foisted it on the world.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".
That's ok....Special Counsel Mueller hasn't forgotten.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

Actually, it isn't forgotten. The rub is that basically everyone involved in producing the dossier is getting sued. They've been busy trying to prevent the British Spy from being deposed, and so far have failed miserably. The really funny thing is that can't prove the truth without supporting evidence, and if they had the supporting evidence they wouldn't need to try and suppress the deposition, they could just present the evidence to the Judge and get the lawsuits dismissed in a day or two.

The guy who runs "Fusion GPS" calls his business "Journalism for rent".

So no, nobody has forgottten that slanderous piece of garbage, and a lot of people are going to own the life savings of others because of it.

Key figure behind million-dollar Trump 'dossier' to face questions

For a wider view try this link. Fusion GPS on the hot seat in closed Senate Judiciary hearing - Hot Air

No, we haven't forgotten, and I'm enjoying the slow squirm of the people who foisted it on the world.
He spent ten hours today in the Senate Judiciary hearing. He turned over more than 40,000 pages of documents. He gave the Senate his contacts and research information.

Sorry Sparkles, that doesn't sound like someone committing slander. Like Trump accusing Obama of bugging his phones. THAT'S slander.
This sounds more like the sharing of information.

You know, like when the Trump team began colluding with Russia. Where the money came from. How close was the Trump team and Putin. He said he stands by his work. He asks the committee to release the transcript and he calls the Dossier a "blueprint for investigation".

Now, why do you think Trump is so mad at McConnell? Because Mitch isn't protecting the Orange B!tch.

Grassley said that he wouldn't release the testimony until Glenn Simpson had a chance to review his ten hours of testimony.

Guess what? Glenn said "publish it". That they stand behind their professional research.

Trump-dossier author reveals sources to FBI

Key figure behind million-dollar Trump 'dossier' to face questions

According to people briefed on the developments, Steele has met with the FBI and provided agents with the names of his sources for the allegations in the dossier.


So far, no one has been able to disprove anything in the dossier which alleges that the Russians have been cultivating Trump for five fuking years and that they have plenty on him. Enough to make him do whatever they want.

Go ahead right wingers. Keep saying "fake news" but I guess we'll see.

In the mean time, here is Chuck Grassley's Twitter. Write him and ask him to keep his word.

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The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

That's because as a fictional account it is poorly written, not very amusing, and is lacking a realistic plot. How anyone was willing to pay for that crap is beyond me., It says a lot that they think so lowly of your intellectual capacity that they released it in the first place. But then, you're stupid, so they hit the mark with you at least.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".
I have the illustrated version and I read it whenever I take a dump.
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

I love this in your signature line:

GOWDY: [...] Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.

When asked if she herself sent out classified material. Comey said there was classified material. But he never said she sent it. If you are truly into conspiracy, you could say Republicans sent her classified material and it was all a set up. Anyone with her email could have sent classified material to her.
Remember, Colin Powell and Condi Rice? Neither turned over a single email after being ordered to. Did Republicans care? Rules are for Democrats. We know that. Everyone agrees.

Wait, did you just claim that it was Republicans who sent classified materials to Hillary's private servers? The servers that Hillary hid from GOP Congressional investigators? That might very well be the dumbest thing you've ever said here, R-Derp and that says a lot because MAN have you said some dumb things!
The head of the firm that did the investigation that put together the Trump Dossier has spent the entire day behind closed doors deep in conversation with the Senate Investigation Committee.

Can't help but wonder what is being disclosed. Forget the Golden Showers and the Sex with Hookers, this is all about "follow the money".

I love this in your signature line:

GOWDY: [...] Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.

When asked if she herself sent out classified material. Comey said there was classified material. But he never said she sent it. If you are truly into conspiracy, you could say Republicans sent her classified material and it was all a set up. Anyone with her email could have sent classified material to her.
Remember, Colin Powell and Condi Rice? Neither turned over a single email after being ordered to. Did Republicans care? Rules are for Democrats. We know that. Everyone agrees.

Wait, did you just claim that it was Republicans who sent classified materials to Hillary's private servers? The servers that Hillary hid from GOP Congressional investigators? That might very well be the dumbest thing you've ever said here, R-Derp and that says a lot because MAN have you said some dumb things!

You posted what I said: If you are truly into conspiracy, you could say Republicans sent her classified material and it was all a set up. Anyone with her email could have sent classified material to her.

What the fuk is wrong with you?

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