Right-Wing Pastor Warns Of Massacre Coming At Texas Border


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"End Times conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles used Friday’s edition of his “TruNews” program to warn that heavily armed drug cartels are poised to invade Texas and carry out a mass slaughter of American citizens. Wiles blamed the supposed looming invasion on former President Barack Obama and billionaire philanthropist George Soros. “I fear a massacre is coming. A massacre of Americans on the Texas border -- If this happens, I’m going to Texas to fight because there’s nothing left."

“When is [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott going to act?” Wiles asked. “When is he going to send troops to the border and order them to open fire? “It will be the second Alamo, and the fight will be on. “Get ready,” Wiles warned. “Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

“Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

For your sake fake Pastor Wiles, I hope so....because folks like you have been jerking off to fantasies of indiscriminately shooting people of color for decades...totally normal among reactionary right-wingers like him.....and of course when you point this out, that makes you Communist or something.....they push this bullshit and then wonder why a guy would go to El Paso and try to murder as many brown people as he could...So...since the belief is that drug cartels will come invade Texas and murder everyone and the US govt will do nothing...what is Pastor Wiles waiting for? Go down there and get to shooting...or shut the fuck up...
Preachers say a lot of crazy crap.
Yea...and sometimes it has dire consequences...actually, lots of times.....plenty of wars occurred because of "preachers" saying crazy crap....

And plenty of people died because of "preachers" saying crazy crap.....


"End Times conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles used Friday’s edition of his “TruNews” program to warn that heavily armed drug cartels are poised to invade Texas and carry out a mass slaughter of American citizens. Wiles blamed the supposed looming invasion on former President Barack Obama and billionaire philanthropist George Soros. “I fear a massacre is coming. A massacre of Americans on the Texas border -- If this happens, I’m going to Texas to fight because there’s nothing left."

“When is [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott going to act?” Wiles asked. “When is he going to send troops to the border and order them to open fire? “It will be the second Alamo, and the fight will be on. “Get ready,” Wiles warned. “Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

“Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

For your sake fake Pastor Wiles, I hope so....because folks like you have been jerking off to fantasies of indiscriminately shooting people of color for decades...totally normal among reactionary right-wingers like him.....and of course when you point this out, that makes you Communist or something.....they push this bullshit and then wonder why a guy would go to El Paso and try to murder as many brown people as he could...So...since the belief is that drug cartels will come invade Texas and murder everyone and the US govt will do nothing...what is Pastor Wiles waiting for? Go down there and get to shooting...or shut the fuck up...

Oh really? Seems to me that people of color are indiscriminately shooting people of color all over the inner cities. That the ratio of blacks to whites is almost 3 to 1 shootings. Yet here you are, a typical racist prick trying to blame others for your people's failure....


"End Times conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles used Friday’s edition of his “TruNews” program to warn that heavily armed drug cartels are poised to invade Texas and carry out a mass slaughter of American citizens. Wiles blamed the supposed looming invasion on former President Barack Obama and billionaire philanthropist George Soros. “I fear a massacre is coming. A massacre of Americans on the Texas border -- If this happens, I’m going to Texas to fight because there’s nothing left."

“When is [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott going to act?” Wiles asked. “When is he going to send troops to the border and order them to open fire? “It will be the second Alamo, and the fight will be on. “Get ready,” Wiles warned. “Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

“Something big is coming on the border of Texas, and it’s coming soon.”

For your sake fake Pastor Wiles, I hope so....because folks like you have been jerking off to fantasies of indiscriminately shooting people of color for decades...totally normal among reactionary right-wingers like him.....and of course when you point this out, that makes you Communist or something.....they push this bullshit and then wonder why a guy would go to El Paso and try to murder as many brown people as he could...So...since the belief is that drug cartels will come invade Texas and murder everyone and the US govt will do nothing...what is Pastor Wiles waiting for? Go down there and get to shooting...or shut the fuck up...

I think he is a nut. Extremism is never a good idea but it is his right to spout off his crazy and we are free to point it out.
Oh really? Seems to me that people of color are indiscriminately shooting people of color all over the inner cities. That the ratio of blacks to whites is almost 3 to 1 shootings. Yet here you are, a typical racist prick trying to blame others for your people's failure....

View attachment 560223
Nice deflection......

I bet you when a black pastor starts pushing conspiracies about the need to go shoot up white folks -- you won't be saying "well, white people mostly kill other white people..so"
I think he is a nut. Extremism is never a good idea but it is his right to spout off his crazy and we are free to point it out.
So right now we have a biological war going on at our southern borders where the Progressive Marxists are encouraging, diseased individuals to enter our country and then with the aid of the current admin, being flown in the middle of the night throughout the US. When the government goes full Republican, i am going to make a suggestion that when the illegals are rounded up, they are put into the yards of the Democrats that invited them to come and the Democrat voters. Let you progs deal with them....
Nice deflection......

I bet you when a black pastor starts pushing conspiracies about the need to go shoot up white folks -- you won't be saying "well, white people mostly kill other white people..so"
Dont like the facts huh? Figures.. as facts to a prog slave is like garlic to a vampire....
Nice deflection......

I bet you when a black pastor starts pushing conspiracies about the need to go shoot up white folks -- you won't be saying "well, white people mostly kill other white people..so"

White folks aren't smuggling drugs and people across the border. Neither do they sell those drugs to black people. It's always the other way around.
Oh really? Seems to me that people of color are indiscriminately shooting people of color all over the inner cities. That the ratio of blacks to whites is almost 3 to 1 shootings. Yet here you are, a typical racist prick trying to blame others for your people's failure....

View attachment 560223
Yet it has not a damn thing to do with the border or the false profit.
I wonder why the cartels would waste their valuable time in conducting massacres ? It doesnt make sense doing that when they could be selling their products in that state. In fact they would likely be Killing their customer base.

Generally that is seen as a BAD THING for any business.

I would say that what is needed is a FUCKING BIG WALL. but the problem with that is that the cartels are sneaky bastards who would burrow undernath or get a ladder over the top. In fact they may just fly into texas and join up with the other cartel communities to wreak carnage.

They could also buy some drones and conduct the massacres from poolside. Why go to Texas when you dont have to.

Just my thoughts of course. Im not saying the padre is a dick.

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