Right on cue, Biden administration asks SCOTUS to allow border patrol to cut Texas's razor wire


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to allow federal Border Patrol agents to cut through or move razor wire installed on the U.S.-Mexico border by Texas as part of a contentious effort by the state to prevent illegal border crossings.

Biden is now trying to control freak the SCOTUS so he can asshole Texas to death with drug traffikers and let-em-go sex molesters cross the border so they can bring little kids over here to get them raped for free while Biden pockets money like the kid pimp he has turned himself into. :puke:
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

I'm not understanding what's happening here. Just yesterday Reuters was saying the U.S. will "reopen four legal U.S.-Mexico border crossings on Thursday as high levels of illegal immigration have receded and freed up personnel."


But Biden wants to cut wire on the Texas border and let more through? WTF??
The Democrats claimed they were building a border wall, now they are cutting fencing?

And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

Another gift to Trumps campaign.

Europe is going in another direction, they know what unmitigated illegal immigration does to a nation. Maybe they want to finally control Texas with a Democrat.
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

celery stick joe wants to cut holes in the wire so his illegal aliens can enter the USA at will
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

If only Biden paid as much attention to poor US citizens living in inner city kill zones as he does illegal border invaders. Seems like Democrat priorities are wrong, eh?
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

If only Biden paid as much attention to poor US citizens living in inner city kill zones as he does illegal border invaders. Seems like Democrat priorities are wrong, eh?

Dimocrats want to flood the country with needy third-worlders who will be their future voters.
The U.S. citizens who are not voting for them, they could care less about.
Biden swore to "protect and defend" the Constitution of the United States when he took the oath office.
He should be removed from the ballot for breaking his oath of office.
He is not enforcing our immigration laws for his own political benefit.

affirm: "I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
And as I've said many times on these boards, just like death and taxes, Democrats will ALWAYS work to flood our country with the third-world.
Texas wants to secure it's border, and Biden says 'no no no'!!!!

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border​

Yeah, The Biden team went to Mexico, coming out opening the borders and wanting to cut razor wire while California decided to give all illegals free healthcare. But they aren't for open borders.
I'm not understanding what's happening here. Just yesterday Reuters was saying the U.S. will "reopen four legal U.S.-Mexico border crossings on Thursday as high levels of illegal immigration have receded and freed up personnel."


But Biden wants to cut wire on the Texas border and let more through? WTF??
He is determined to break with his promise when he took the oath of office of POTUS which includes "to provide for the common defense." His opening borders to hostile nations is a breach of his oath of office, and trust me, we will take care of ourselves since he is so damn disinterested in keeping his oath of office which he forgot all about, apparently.

Edit: I just checked, and this year of 2024 the United States of America will be 248th years old on July 4, 2024. And since Civil War, this is the first time in our history that we have an executive branch that isn't protecting the citizens of Texas. The border from Brownsville to El Paso is the length of the River between the two cities which is around 1248 miles. Since Biden opened the border to enemies of of the United States when he took office, Texas has had to protect itself. Now, he's ordered the US Border Patrol to take out the barrier we had to put up since he cancelled the wall that was being built to keep drug traffickers and child sex traffickers out of our state. This nation lost 100,000 lives per year of the Biden border policy disaster due to fentanyl that was weaponized to kill Americans From the Mexico sync with China from a lab in Mexico. Last month we had a surge of Chinese people crossing the border illegally along with people we don't even know who they are or where they are from more than 100 countries. That isn't right and it is against the agreement Texas had in our charter the day we became a State of the USA. Some of the illegals came here to murder Jewish communities that have been in the United States over a hundred years before July 4, 1776 when we became a nation. In the last year of the revolutionary war, Haim Solomon, a Jew, financed General George Washington's army that was in tatters and living in freezing weather at Valley Forge.

Texas was an Independent Republic that joined the United States on December 29, 1845. The 50 States and When They Were Admitted to the US Biden must want Texas to cecede, and Americans better prevent him from messing with Texas lives along the border that face threats every day of the year since Biden opened the Border. Who in the hell does Biden think he is....GOD? Well, he ain't God in Texas, he's turning other states against Texas with his disinterest in lives of Texas people who raise livestock, wheat, and grains on their property, and they serve the American people with the best beef on the planet. We will defend our own in Texas if other states allow that stinkin' pantywaist liar president of ours to avoid protecting our own people on the Texas border from foreign criminals one and all he's been so generous to invite while we pay for his little pet rock project. :cranky:
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Yeah, The Biden team went to Mexico, coming out opening the borders and wanting to cut razor wire while California decided to give all illegals free healthcare. But they aren't for open borders.

Every single illegal in this country, that are not going to be sent back, need to be informed about the free healthcare they can get in California.

Spread the information on any message board you come across.

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