Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

Was just watching FOX in the break room and apparently some folks voting a straight Rep ticket in Texas had Hillary's name appear at the top of the ballet.

No cheating huh??? Wonder how that happened. LOL

You saw it on Fox? Got a link?

Texas Vote Switching


Nope. It was just on though on FOX and friends.

Ah, on their opinion show not the news. Shocking. :rolleyes:

Oh so because you figure its opinion it didn't happen??

Color me shocked.
Texas Rigged? Reports Of Voting Machines Switching Votes To Hillary In Texas | Zero Hedge

Oh and make sure you read what Lisa wrote. She and her husband both voted early. Her write up is at the bottom. Doubt she's an opinion piece. LOL

That is not a news organization either. Comments are not a news organization. I'm going to guess you don't listen to NPR either.

Rigging An Election? It's Not So Easy, Voting Law Expert Says
Funny, in my link, the instructions say if you don't have ID you will be given a unique voter identification number, the is no mention of requiring ID to vote.

And I told you those requirements are in the NVRA. The form you linked to is a NATIONAL form. ID requirements vary from state to state.

Do I need to show proof of identification when I vote if I registered using the National Form?

If you are voting for the first time in your state and are registering by mail, Federal law may require you to show proof of identification the first time you vote. This proof of identification includes the following (or if voting by mail, a COPY of the following):

  • A current and valid photo identification; OR

  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address.
Federal law does not require you to show proof of identification at the polling place or when voting by mail if (1) you provided COPIES of the above with your National Mail Voter Registration Form; (2) your voter registration form has been verified by an election official; or (3) you are entitled by federal law to vote by absentee ballot. Please note that individual states may have additional voter identification requirements.

It says federal law MAY require, and a utility bill as identification, REALLY? Virtually every illegal in the country pays utility bills of some nature, that's not proof of citizenship.

No, they aren't usually on the bills. In order to get a public utility you have to go through a credit check which requires providing a social security number and having your credit checked. People here illegally aren't going around establishing credit.

People who are here illegally are not registering to vote on purpose. They do, on occasion, register accidentally. In my ten years as a registrar I've had to send two letters to Immigration in San Francisco for two individual registered to vote in my county who were trying to get their citizenship. The first man got registered through no fault of his own. He actually said "no" to the question "are you a citizen" but it was missed by the registration staff. He never voted in the 6 years he was registered to vote. The 2nd young man came here as a child and registered during a drive in his High School. He also never voted.

Let me ask you a question. How many people are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one person from casting a vote they are not entitled to cast? We know that restrictive voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, the poor and the elderly. Anywhere from 1% to 12% of voters don't have the type of ID required to vote in some states and yet voter fraud is closer to 0% than 1%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters in order to stop one case of fraud? (and not even one case, more like one quarter of one case)

You might have a point if you weren't so wrong. I recently rented a house for my mother-in-law. We set up the city utilities and there was no SSN required, not credit check, all new applicants had to pay the same $350.00 deposit. I know for a fact there are illegals living in the city and paying the same water bills. And for about the 4th time in the thread I'll point to the WI mall shooter as the latest example, non-citizen, registered and voted in 3 elections, and wasn't caught till he committed another crime. How many people did he disenfranchise? Can you say 1 for every race he voted in.

The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.
Voter Fraud is very common. Arrests and prosecutions aren't.
Last edited:
And I told you those requirements are in the NVRA. The form you linked to is a NATIONAL form. ID requirements vary from state to state.

Do I need to show proof of identification when I vote if I registered using the National Form?

If you are voting for the first time in your state and are registering by mail, Federal law may require you to show proof of identification the first time you vote. This proof of identification includes the following (or if voting by mail, a COPY of the following):

  • A current and valid photo identification; OR

  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address.
Federal law does not require you to show proof of identification at the polling place or when voting by mail if (1) you provided COPIES of the above with your National Mail Voter Registration Form; (2) your voter registration form has been verified by an election official; or (3) you are entitled by federal law to vote by absentee ballot. Please note that individual states may have additional voter identification requirements.

It says federal law MAY require, and a utility bill as identification, REALLY? Virtually every illegal in the country pays utility bills of some nature, that's not proof of citizenship.

No, they aren't usually on the bills. In order to get a public utility you have to go through a credit check which requires providing a social security number and having your credit checked. People here illegally aren't going around establishing credit.

People who are here illegally are not registering to vote on purpose. They do, on occasion, register accidentally. In my ten years as a registrar I've had to send two letters to Immigration in San Francisco for two individual registered to vote in my county who were trying to get their citizenship. The first man got registered through no fault of his own. He actually said "no" to the question "are you a citizen" but it was missed by the registration staff. He never voted in the 6 years he was registered to vote. The 2nd young man came here as a child and registered during a drive in his High School. He also never voted.

Let me ask you a question. How many people are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one person from casting a vote they are not entitled to cast? We know that restrictive voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, the poor and the elderly. Anywhere from 1% to 12% of voters don't have the type of ID required to vote in some states and yet voter fraud is closer to 0% than 1%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters in order to stop one case of fraud? (and not even one case, more like one quarter of one case)

You might have a point if you weren't so wrong. I recently rented a house for my mother-in-law. We set up the city utilities and there was no SSN required, not credit check, all new applicants had to pay the same $350.00 deposit. I know for a fact there are illegals living in the city and paying the same water bills. And for about the 4th time in the thread I'll point to the WI mall shooter as the latest example, non-citizen, registered and voted in 3 elections, and wasn't caught till he committed another crime. How many people did he disenfranchise? Can you say 1 for every race he voted in.

The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.
It says federal law MAY require, and a utility bill as identification, REALLY? Virtually every illegal in the country pays utility bills of some nature, that's not proof of citizenship.

No, they aren't usually on the bills. In order to get a public utility you have to go through a credit check which requires providing a social security number and having your credit checked. People here illegally aren't going around establishing credit.

People who are here illegally are not registering to vote on purpose. They do, on occasion, register accidentally. In my ten years as a registrar I've had to send two letters to Immigration in San Francisco for two individual registered to vote in my county who were trying to get their citizenship. The first man got registered through no fault of his own. He actually said "no" to the question "are you a citizen" but it was missed by the registration staff. He never voted in the 6 years he was registered to vote. The 2nd young man came here as a child and registered during a drive in his High School. He also never voted.

Let me ask you a question. How many people are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one person from casting a vote they are not entitled to cast? We know that restrictive voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, the poor and the elderly. Anywhere from 1% to 12% of voters don't have the type of ID required to vote in some states and yet voter fraud is closer to 0% than 1%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters in order to stop one case of fraud? (and not even one case, more like one quarter of one case)

You might have a point if you weren't so wrong. I recently rented a house for my mother-in-law. We set up the city utilities and there was no SSN required, not credit check, all new applicants had to pay the same $350.00 deposit. I know for a fact there are illegals living in the city and paying the same water bills. And for about the 4th time in the thread I'll point to the WI mall shooter as the latest example, non-citizen, registered and voted in 3 elections, and wasn't caught till he committed another crime. How many people did he disenfranchise? Can you say 1 for every race he voted in.

The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.
No, they aren't usually on the bills. In order to get a public utility you have to go through a credit check which requires providing a social security number and having your credit checked. People here illegally aren't going around establishing credit.

People who are here illegally are not registering to vote on purpose. They do, on occasion, register accidentally. In my ten years as a registrar I've had to send two letters to Immigration in San Francisco for two individual registered to vote in my county who were trying to get their citizenship. The first man got registered through no fault of his own. He actually said "no" to the question "are you a citizen" but it was missed by the registration staff. He never voted in the 6 years he was registered to vote. The 2nd young man came here as a child and registered during a drive in his High School. He also never voted.

Let me ask you a question. How many people are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one person from casting a vote they are not entitled to cast? We know that restrictive voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, the poor and the elderly. Anywhere from 1% to 12% of voters don't have the type of ID required to vote in some states and yet voter fraud is closer to 0% than 1%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands of voters in order to stop one case of fraud? (and not even one case, more like one quarter of one case)

You might have a point if you weren't so wrong. I recently rented a house for my mother-in-law. We set up the city utilities and there was no SSN required, not credit check, all new applicants had to pay the same $350.00 deposit. I know for a fact there are illegals living in the city and paying the same water bills. And for about the 4th time in the thread I'll point to the WI mall shooter as the latest example, non-citizen, registered and voted in 3 elections, and wasn't caught till he committed another crime. How many people did he disenfranchise? Can you say 1 for every race he voted in.

The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.
You might have a point if you weren't so wrong. I recently rented a house for my mother-in-law. We set up the city utilities and there was no SSN required, not credit check, all new applicants had to pay the same $350.00 deposit. I know for a fact there are illegals living in the city and paying the same water bills. And for about the 4th time in the thread I'll point to the WI mall shooter as the latest example, non-citizen, registered and voted in 3 elections, and wasn't caught till he committed another crime. How many people did he disenfranchise? Can you say 1 for every race he voted in.

The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?
The WI shooter was naturalized and voted out of stupidity not malicious forethought.

3 votes is not disenfranchising 1-12% of voters. 3 votes is less than 1%. When you have fewer than 1% of the electorate that doesn't the necessary ID, then put your ridiculous restrictions in place that do nothing to stop fraud.

He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.
He was not naturalized, he was a resident alien, huge difference. How many other ignorant ones are out there canceling citizens votes that have been caught yet? You can't answer that question so you have no idea what the actual percentage might be. Admit it and we'll be done.

Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.
Not enough to sway elections and no where near 1-12%. Why are you willing to disenfranchise thousands to maybe stop one person?

Gun grabbers use your logic.

Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.
Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

If out of 1 billion votes cast, 100,000 were fraudulent votes, it would still be statistically irrelevant. Does that mean we should let it happen, since it wont effect the outcome? The thing is, you leftist don't care about fraud because somehow its always in your favor. You want the fraud to continue, and you know very well, that numbers are much higher, just not provable... at least not yet.
Like I said, you have no way of KNOWING that as a certainty. And you lack the integrity to admit it. I'm done.

Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?
Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?

And I answered you gun grabber, not very many.

How many mass shooters are out there? Guess we better grab all the guns, 'cause you never know. Gun grabber logic.
Yes we do know. There have been actual studies. Out of 1 billion votes cast, 31 incidences of fraud. That's statistically irrelevant. And numerous studies have looked at ID and the conclusion is anywhere from 1-12% of voting age Americans don't have a valid photo ID with their current name and address on it.

Of course "your'e done"....I just destroyed your argument with one you actually understand. You're arguing like a gun grabber.

If out of 1 billion votes cast, 100,000 were fraudulent votes, it would still be statistically irrelevant. Does that mean we should let it happen, since it wont effect the outcome? The thing is, you leftist don't care about fraud because somehow its always in your favor. You want the fraud to continue, and you know very well, that numbers are much higher, just not provable... at least not yet.

Nobody said anything about "letting it happen". What they are saying is that you don't disenfranchise thousands to stop dozens. And it's not the ID that is the problem, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the ID required that disenfranchises people.
So how do studies account for those, like the WI shooter, who haven't been caught?

Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?

And I answered you gun grabber, not very many.

How many mass shooters are out there? Guess we better grab all the guns, 'cause you never know. Gun grabber logic.

How many mass shootings have gone undetected for years? Come on knucklehead, you want to go there, let's go.
Wow, one guy. If it was rampant, more would be caught. It's not...but you don't care if you disenfranchise thousands if you get one guy...just like gun grabbers.

Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?

And I answered you gun grabber, not very many.

How many mass shooters are out there? Guess we better grab all the guns, 'cause you never know. Gun grabber logic.

How many mass shootings have gone undetected for years? Come on knucklehead, you want to go there, let's go.

What does that matter? You want to disenfranchise thousands to stop dozens. Gun grabbers want to take guns from law abiding citizens to stop mass shootings. You're both equally wrong.
Still deflecting from the question, carry on. One guy is used to represent millions in studies and polling, yet here you dismiss him. Hypocrite.

There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?

And I answered you gun grabber, not very many.

How many mass shooters are out there? Guess we better grab all the guns, 'cause you never know. Gun grabber logic.

How many mass shootings have gone undetected for years? Come on knucklehead, you want to go there, let's go.

What does that matter? You want to disenfranchise thousands to stop dozens. Gun grabbers want to take guns from law abiding citizens to stop mass shootings. You're both equally wrong.

You claim only dozens, prove that claim. You claim thousands are being disenfranchised, yet voting continues to set records for participation, even in the States that have ID requirements. Show me one example were a States participation has declined due to ID requirements.
There wasn't a question. There was just you saying "but, but the WI shooter". That's one guy not 1-12% of the population.

That one guy is not alone, a female illegal was just caught here in TX, she registered and voted multiple times before getting caught. Now answer my question, how many more are out there like them?

And I answered you gun grabber, not very many.

How many mass shooters are out there? Guess we better grab all the guns, 'cause you never know. Gun grabber logic.

How many mass shootings have gone undetected for years? Come on knucklehead, you want to go there, let's go.

What does that matter? You want to disenfranchise thousands to stop dozens. Gun grabbers want to take guns from law abiding citizens to stop mass shootings. You're both equally wrong.

You claim only dozens, prove that claim. You claim thousands are being disenfranchised, yet voting continues to set records for participation, even in the States that have ID requirements. Show me one example were a States participation has declined due to ID requirements.

Yes, thousands would be disenfranchised if the restrictive types of ID the GOP run states implement we're in place in all states. Fortunately, many states take the right to vote seriously and don't set out to disenfranchise voters like many GOP run states do.

It has already been proven that voter fraud is extremely rare.

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