Rick Warren on Starbucks Cups


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
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Puyallup, WA
Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose-Driven Life, is getting a quote on the side of Starbucks cups. The quote:

"You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny."

gop_jeff said:
Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose-Driven Life, is getting a quote on the side of Starbucks cups. The quote:

"You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny."


wow - because last weekend i had a cup which had a poem about being gay, and how wonderful a gay life is (supposed to be).

I don’t like it one DAMN BIT!

Mr. . Truett Cathy of Chick-fil-A, is one of the most Christian business owners I know of. I’ve even flown his son Kim around on business. Yes, they close on Sunday and focus on faith and family which I think is admirable, but they don’t push their beliefs in yer face on the side of a cup. Instead they live them.

I think this is disgusting, and a disrespectful attempt to use religion for business purposes by Starbucks.

It’s low, Very Low..

That’s my opinion.
Mr. P said:
I don’t like it one DAMN BIT!

Mr. . Truett Cathy of Chick-fil-A, is one of the most Christian business owners I know of. I’ve even flown his son Kim around on business. Yes, they close on Sunday and focus on faith and family which I think is admirable, but they don’t push their beliefs in yer face on the side of a cup. Instead they live them.

I think this is disgusting, and a disrespectful attempt to use religion for business purposes by Starbucks.

It’s low, Very Low..

That’s my opinion.

Just out of curiousity, what opinion do you have of quotes about homosexuality, conservative politics, education, etc. on Starbucks cups?
Ferrara Pan, who make Lemonheads and Red Hots candy have propaganda on the flaps. When you open the box it says "Say no to drugs!" I always thought that was bullshit because they probably sell half their stock to potheads who get the munchies and eat that stuff.
gop_jeff said:
Just out of curiousity, what opinion do you have of quotes about homosexuality, conservative politics, education, etc. on Starbucks cups?
Well, first I don’t go to Starbucks, their way over priced. Second what they put on their cups is their business.
My problem is them using religion as a marketing tool. Anything else (For the most part) is fair game.

IMO, the religious community should be outraged about this, not happy about it.
Mr. P said:
Well, first I don’t go to Starbucks, their way over priced. Second what they put on their cups is their business.
My problem is them using religion as a marketing tool. Anything else (For the most part) is fair game.

IMO, the religious community should be outraged about this, not happy about it.

How about the New Orleans Saints? San Diego Padres?
That is one quote of 63 famous writers, scientists, musicians, athletes, politicians etc. Just a problem with the religous angle?
Mr. P said:
Well, first I don’t go to Starbucks, their way over priced. Second what they put on their cups is their business.
My problem is them using religion as a marketing tool. Anything else (For the most part) is fair game.

IMO, the religious community should be outraged about this, not happy about it.

I almost never go to Starbucks either - only when I have to meet with someone. So we are in agreement there.

I really don't care if he's on the Starbucks cups or not. Rick Warren is arguably one of the most influential evangelicals out there, and it's not like Christians are all of a sudden going to buy Starbucks just in hopes of getting a Rick Warren quote cup.
Mr. P said:
Yep, it was 1994, I just can't forget it..Dunkin Donuts coffee for me if I'm out.

donuts make evreything tatse better....oh by the way....dunkin donuts buys their coffee from starbucks :eek:
gop_jeff said:
I almost never go to Starbucks either - only when I have to meet with someone. So we are in agreement there.

I really don't care if he's on the Starbucks cups or not. Rick Warren is arguably one of the most influential evangelicals out there, and it's not like Christians are all of a sudden going to buy Starbucks just in hopes of getting a Rick Warren quote cup.
True, but you have to admit this IS an attempt to attract their business.
And that is what I have a problem with, the use of religious belief/s for business profits. That's why I said it's low and why all the religious community should be up in arms about it. They aren't, because IMO they can't see the hijacking going on, yet.
Mr. P said:
True, but you have to admit this IS an attempt to attract their business.
And that is what I have a problem with, the use of religious belief/s for business profits. That's why I said it's low and why all the religious community should be up in arms about it. They aren't, because IMO they can't see the hijacking going on, yet.

I totally understand your point, and I agree with the first part. However, I think a lot of Christians will be happy about it because now Starbucks is broadcasting a Christian message on their cups, which gets people thinking/talking about God, which Christians favor.
gop_jeff said:
Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose-Driven Life, is getting a quote on the side of Starbucks cups. The quote:

"You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny."


I must say, it's an odd quote. A little heavy handed.
gop_jeff said:
I totally understand your point, and I agree with the first part. However, I think a lot of Christians will be happy about it because now Starbucks is broadcasting a Christian message on their cups, which gets people thinking/talking about God, which Christians favor.
Yes I know Jeff..

Folks allowed the KKK to swing the confederate flag around too.
It (the flag) is poison now because of it, it shouldn't be. Not saying that will be the result of this campaign. But, I still think it's wrong to let it go unchecked.

You know I’m not the most religious church going member around. If this enrages me in it’s blatant use of GOD to profit, it damn sure should enrage the devote believers.
This is wrong man, just wrong.
Rick Warren in my opinion is bring us closer to the Revelations church that was "watered-down" with the world or worldly.

He has applied a worldly, corporate, approach to the main-stream Christian church.

Christ didn't come to earth so that we the church would be a bunch of fired-up do'er's for Him. He was supposed to be the motivating power in and through us.

Psalms 46:10......Cease Striving And Know That I'm God!

The church that I have been a member of since the 70's has totally embraced Rick Warren's approach, and members are gradually leaving. Warren wants the church to mimic worldly enticements in the area of music, and methodologies that are just reminiscent of "raw raw" motivational-corporate techniques.

Anyone care to buy a Rick Warren key chain, t-shirt, etc?

Just look at the Christian church of Acts in the New Testament, and then look at Rick Warren's model of Christ's church, and see if you can find anything similar?

In fact, the really telling book isn't his "Purpose Driven Life", but the one for the clergy to read, called, "The Purpose Driven Church.". You will really have an eye-opener if you read that one. No longer is the church intended for the Christian for fellowship, worship, encouragement, and prayer, but in Warren's model, it's a capture zone for the unsaved, via worldly music, theatrical drama, and all kinds of entertainment. Amway, here we come!
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