Rich Kazakhs Revive Polygamy as Women Seek Poverty Escape


Nov 4, 2013
More evidence that the persistence of modern western feminist initiatives/ideals tend to depend heavily on the presence of western levels of affluence. Without a large government providing aid and regulation for women to give women jobs and a guaranteed living standard, along with a strong economy, this is a the result.

As the economy declines, rigid patriarchy will reemerge in the West.

"Given the choice between love and money, Samal, a tall, curly-haired 23-year-old woman from a village in southern Kazakhstan, would take the cash.

People ride an escalator at the luxury Esentai Mall in Almaty. The gulf between rich and poor in Kazakhstan, holder of about 2 percent of the world’s oil, “exploded” after the Soviet Union fell in 1991 and hasn’t closed since, according to Gulmira Ileuova, head of the Center for Social and Political Research Strategy in Almaty.

Struggling to pay rent and tuition on her salary as a waitress in Almaty, the Kazakh commercial capital, Samal says she’d drop her boyfriend in a heartbeat if a wealthy older man offered to make her his second wife.

“Becoming a tokal would be a fairy tale,” Samal says during a break at the cafe where she works, using the Kazakh word for the youngest of two wives, who traditionally gets her own apartment, car and monthly allowance.

The gulf between rich and poor “exploded” in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium supplier and the second-largest oil producer in the former Soviet Union, after independence in 1991 and the gap hasn’t closed, said Gulmira Ileuova, head of the Center for Social and Political Research Strategy in Almaty. President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in power for more than two decades, undertook a state asset-sale program in the 1990s that enriched a group of insiders at everyone else’s expense, Ileuova said by phone on Nov. 27."

Read Here: Rich Kazakhs Revive Polygamy as Women Seek Poverty Escape - Bloomberg

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