Rich Californians balk at limits: ‘We’re not all equal when it comes to water’


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2015
This is disgusting.
RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIF. — Drought or no drought, Steve Yuhas resents the idea that it is somehow shameful to be a water hog. If you can pay for it, he argues, you should get your water.

People “should not be forced to live on property with brown lawns, golf on brown courses or apologize for wanting their gardens to be beautiful,” Yuhas fumed recently on social media. “We pay significant property taxes based on where we live,” he added in an interview. “And, no, we’re not all equal when it comes to water.”

Yuhas lives in the ultra-wealthy enclave of Rancho Santa Fe, a bucolic Southern California hamlet of ranches, gated communities and country clubs that guzzles five times more water per capita than the statewide average. In April, after Gov. Jerry Brown (D) called for a 25 percent reduction in water use, consumption in Rancho Santa Fe went up by 9 percent.

But a moment of truth is at hand for Yuhas and his neighbors, and all of California will be watching: On July 1, for the first time in its 92-year history, Rancho Santa Fe will be subject to water rationing.

“It’s no longer a ‘You can only water on these days’ ” situation, said Jessica Parks, spokeswoman for the Santa Fe Irrigation District, which provides water service to Rancho Santa Fe and other parts of San Diego County. “It’s now more of a ‘This is the amount of water you get within this billing period. And if you go over that, there will be high penalties.’ ”
Continued Here: Rich Californians balk at limits We re not all equal when it comes to water - The Washington Post
TLDR: I'm wealthy, fuck you, I'll waste water all I want.
Even though agriculture is the big culprit, it's a disturbing look into the mindset of the wealthy in reference to California.
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The mindset of the wealthy who fund democrook party candidates.

Of course that's the point of funding criminally insane authoritarian sociopath's political careers. What better tool could you have than a fascist asshole with government authority in your pocket?

The mindset of the wealthy who fund democrook party candidates.

Of course that's the point of funding criminally insane authoritarian sociopath's political careers. What better tool could you have than a fascist asshole with government authority in your pocket?

Both parties serve the interests of capitalists, however, one party throws out some bones.
Though I despise socialism and all of its repetitious flaws, I also despise the arrogant, entitled rich people.
Both parties serve the interests of capitalists, however, one party throws out some bones.


One party is fragmented with some who pander to capitalists, some who work for fascists, and some who genuinely try to keep a free market system alive that will benefit everyone who wants to be prosperous (capitalists).

One party throws out table scraps to servile imbeciles who believe they're entitled to shit they're not willing to work for because someone convinced them they have the right to shit provided by other people's labor as if the natural order of things is that humans pretend to be ants working for a common collective.

Lemme clue you in on a little sumptin' here "dude".


If you want to consider yourself to be some insignificant drone working to make the mound bigger for the messiah, go right ahead. Don't expect the rest of the world to consider everyone "equal". That's absolute horse shit. At the very bottom of society in American we have some people who through no fault of their own have disabilities that make it impossible for them to fend for themselves and I have no problem doling out a small % of my check for them.

Their standard of living would be significantly better if it wasn't for the assholes who greatly outnumber them who either have no real disability at all, or have self inflicted disability. Then you have druggies, whores, thieves, perverts, sociopaths that didn't go to Harvard, sociopaths that didn't go to Attica, and sociopaths that made it to congress.

I am not equal to them.

Then you have people from whatever background who worked hard through schools and in their careers who made good choices and got wealthy young.

I am not equal to them either.

Sure some of them look down on me, but fuck 'em. Some of them employ me because they don't know how to use a screwdriver or they don't want to. I employ people to change my oil. I can do it myself but I don't want too. I look at some of those clowns with their faces tattooed and I wonder how they keep their trailers air conditioned.

I don't want to be "equal", I just want to be left alone to either seek my fortune in life and not be taxed at %40 (or more) or fail and end up emmigrating to a third world country where my $800/month SSI Check can provide a tolerable standard of living.

It disgusts me how leftist pukes demonize and revile "the rich". They say the same bullshit as hitler, but merely change one word.
Makes sense to me. The average home in Rancho Santa Fe is set on 4 acres. That's one home with 4 people in it.

4 acres would normally be enough for about 20 houses- with 4 people per house- you'd need water for about 100 people.

Seems to me that they are already doing their part. Not to mention the massive property taxes they pay.....

Socialism = fear + envy
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The mindset of the wealthy who fund democrook party candidates.

Of course that's the point of funding criminally insane authoritarian sociopath's political careers. What better tool could you have than a fascist asshole with government authority in your pocket?

Both parties serve the interests of capitalists, however, one party throws out some bones.

Dems segregate race and ethnicity while trying to herd each into his own little group so they can speak down to you. You love it.
The water will be rationed. Whether the rationing comes from pricing, or from government handing out the equivalent of coupons is irrelevant. But there is a rationing mechanism that will come inot play.
The issue is: do you want the free market deciding it, so people who value water more get more of it, or do you want gov't giving it away to their cronies based on political considerations?
I'll take the former, thank you.
This is disgusting.
RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIF. — Drought or no drought, Steve Yuhas resents the idea that it is somehow shameful to be a water hog. If you can pay for it, he argues, you should get your water.

People “should not be forced to live on property with brown lawns, golf on brown courses or apologize for wanting their gardens to be beautiful,” Yuhas fumed recently on social media. “We pay significant property taxes based on where we live,” he added in an interview. “And, no, we’re not all equal when it comes to water.”

Yuhas lives in the ultra-wealthy enclave of Rancho Santa Fe, a bucolic Southern California hamlet of ranches, gated communities and country clubs that guzzles five times more water per capita than the statewide average. In April, after Gov. Jerry Brown (D) called for a 25 percent reduction in water use, consumption in Rancho Santa Fe went up by 9 percent.

But a moment of truth is at hand for Yuhas and his neighbors, and all of California will be watching: On July 1, for the first time in its 92-year history, Rancho Santa Fe will be subject to water rationing.

“It’s no longer a ‘You can only water on these days’ ” situation, said Jessica Parks, spokeswoman for the Santa Fe Irrigation District, which provides water service to Rancho Santa Fe and other parts of San Diego County. “It’s now more of a ‘This is the amount of water you get within this billing period. And if you go over that, there will be high penalties.’ ”
Continued Here: Rich Californians balk at limits We re not all equal when it comes to water - The Washington Post
TLDR: I'm wealthy, fuck you, I'll waste water all I want.
Even though agriculture is the big culprit, it's a disturbing look into the mindset of the wealthy in reference to California.

Affluenza is a huge problem among the one percent. They really do think they're better than the other 99% and deserve to be treated that way...even if it means they have pretty green grass while the rest of us are "letting it mellow".
Affluenza is a huge problem among the one percent. They really do think they're better than the other 99% and deserve to be treated that way...even if it means they have pretty green grass while the rest of us are "letting it mellow".
That's what happens when you're surrounded 24/7/365 by people who don't have the balls to tell you "no".

Water in CA will be like bread in the USSR and for the exact same reason: socialism fails 100% of the time
What the fuck are you talking about? California, nor the USSR had collective ownership of production, and it truly is embarrassing that you would attempt to say that California is "socialist"

I'm a social/fiscal conservative, and even I can see that when there's a drought and rations are necessary that the wealthy don't get to go exempt. In times of fiscal hardship everyone should chip in. When water's scarce and the poor and middle class are struggling you don't don't get to pretend that you're above it.
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