Revolution vs. Civil War


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We here these terms every day now. The Left had been saying for a long time they want a "revolution" and the right says they want a "civil war" At least both sides understand that their philosophies are not compatible.

But how do we interpret what is really being conveyed here in all the hysteria?

For me, the right simply wants to return to Constitutional law. They don't view the US as systemically flawed to the point of having to completely eradicate the Constitution like the Left does. That is the true call for revolution. It is a call to overthrow a group of rich, white, slave owners and the country they started. But what they refuse to see is that the Constitution is a document that champions men's rights under God and later used to justify abolishing slavery. They refuse to acknowledge that white men went to war with their brothers to free slaves. They refuse to even acknowledge that America is not systemically racist today despite electing a black man twice to the Oval Office and now a black woman as VP. In fact, half of Americans now favor such things as doing away with the First Amendment and freedom of speech so that people don't ever get "offended". But this is from the crowd that disdains a Constitution that restricts their government from impeding on the rights of their subjects.

So those that call for revolution are really saying, we want whatever political power that is in power today to do away with the Constitution and start over. What they are really saying is those in power now is the only thing that can save us today. The call is to do away with human freedoms because centralized planners know best and are best capable for handling Pandemics, global warming, over population, etc. Their view is that saving the Earth, or what they view as saving the Earth, is more important than individual rights that lead to problems within society. Yes, they want revolution, but at the cost of your individual freedom.

But the political powers are what is steering things. They will be the ones who stir the pot for Revolution and allow such propaganda on Facebook and Twitter, while Big Tech censors calls for a Civil War. And the sickening part is, what the powers that be will prevail. The notion that the people have the power is but a myth on either side. The decisions have already been made for us as the Reset button will soon be pressed.
We here these terms every day now. The Left had been saying for a long time they want a "revolution" and the right says they want a "civil war" At least both sides understand that their philosophies are not compatible.

But how do we interpret what is really being conveyed here in all the hysteria?

For me, the right simply wants to return to Constitutional law. They don't view the US as systemically flawed to the point of having to completely eradicate the Constitution like the Left does. That is the true call for revolution. It is a call to overthrow a group of rich, white, slave owners and the country they started. But what they refuse to see is that the Constitution is a document that champions men's rights under God and later used to justify abolishing slavery. They refuse to acknowledge that white men went to war with their brothers to free slaves. They refuse to even acknowledge that America is not systemically racist today despite electing a black man twice to the Oval Office and now a black woman as VP. In fact, half of Americans now favor such things as doing away with the First Amendment and freedom of speech so that people don't ever get "offended". But this is from the crowd that disdains a Constitution that restricts their government from impeding on the rights of their subjects.

So those that call for revolution are really saying, we want whatever political power that is in power today to do away with the Constitution and start over. What they are really saying is those in power now is the only thing that can save us today. The call is to do away with human freedoms because centralized planners know best and are best capable for handling Pandemics, global warming, over population, etc. Their view is that saving the Earth, or what they view as saving the Earth, is more important than individual rights that lead to problems within society. Yes, they want revolution, but at the cost of your individual freedom.

But the political powers are what is steering things. They will be the ones who stir the pot for Revolution and allow such propaganda on Facebook and Twitter, while Big Tech censors calls for a Civil War. And the sickening part is, what the powers that be will prevail. The notion that the people have the power is but a myth on either side. The decisions have already been made for us as the Reset button will soon be pressed.

Do you think the constitution has shortcomings? Should the Senate be able to simply never give a presidential nominee a floor vote?

Also I don't seem to recall much opposition here to executive orders over the last 4 years.
We here these terms every day now. The Left had been saying for a long time they want a "revolution" and the right says they want a "civil war" At least both sides understand that their philosophies are not compatible.

But how do we interpret what is really being conveyed here in all the hysteria?

For me, the right simply wants to return to Constitutional law. They don't view the US as systemically flawed to the point of having to completely eradicate the Constitution like the Left does. That is the true call for revolution. It is a call to overthrow a group of rich, white, slave owners and the country they started. But what they refuse to see is that the Constitution is a document that champions men's rights under God and later used to justify abolishing slavery. They refuse to acknowledge that white men went to war with their brothers to free slaves. They refuse to even acknowledge that America is not systemically racist today despite electing a black man twice to the Oval Office and now a black woman as VP. In fact, half of Americans now favor such things as doing away with the First Amendment and freedom of speech so that people don't ever get "offended". But this is from the crowd that disdains a Constitution that restricts their government from impeding on the rights of their subjects.

So those that call for revolution are really saying, we want whatever political power that is in power today to do away with the Constitution and start over. What they are really saying is those in power now is the only thing that can save us today. The call is to do away with human freedoms because centralized planners know best and are best capable for handling Pandemics, global warming, over population, etc. Their view is that saving the Earth, or what they view as saving the Earth, is more important than individual rights that lead to problems within society. Yes, they want revolution, but at the cost of your individual freedom.

But the political powers are what is steering things. They will be the ones who stir the pot for Revolution and allow such propaganda on Facebook and Twitter, while Big Tech censors calls for a Civil War. And the sickening part is, what the powers that be will prevail. The notion that the people have the power is but a myth on either side. The decisions have already been made for us as the Reset button will soon be pressed.

Do you think the constitution has shortcomings? Should the Senate be able to simply never give a presidential nominee a floor vote?

Also I don't seem to recall much opposition here to executive orders over the last 4 years.
All of man's endeavors have short comings.

For example, the Founders did not specify what they meant by the General Welfare clause in the Constitution that Left wingers have used to expand government exponentially. Then again, Madison, who wrote the damned thing, later commented on the General Welfare clause and repudiates the Left wing notion it should be used to expand government exponentially.

James Madison, (1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President

James Madison Quote
“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison
The mention of the general Welfare in the Preamble was intended to serve as a limit in effect on the use of those delegated powers.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect. A limit of the power granted under that clause. It does not empower the congress to spend tax money for any and all purpose arbitrarily on a pretense or even a belief that it is for the general welfare, and certainly not to Individuals and localities.

Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification.

All who ratified the Constitution were in agreement on the limited and limiting meaning of ''general welfare'' in the Taxing Clause.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton contended for the first time in 1791 ("Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States") in favor of a broader interpretation of this clause than he had formerly espoused and broader than that which Madison, with Hamilton's agreement, had presented in 1788 in The Federalist (especially number 41) as reflecting the controlling intent of the Framing Convention, which Madison and Jefferson consistently supported. Hamilton did not claim, however, that this clause gives to the Federal government any power, through taxing-spending, so as in effect to control directly or indirectly anything or anybody, or any activities of the people or of the State governments. Despite his assertion that this clause gives Congress a separate and substantive spending power, Hamilton cautioned expressly (Report on "Manufactures," 1791) that it only authorizes taxing and spending within the limits of what would serve the "general welfare" and does not imply a power to do whatever else should appear to Congress conducive to the "general welfare" that it does "not carry a power to do any other thing not authorized in the Constitution, either expressly or by fair implication."

See also the Supreme Court's 1936 decision ascertaining and defining the original, controlling intent. That would be the 1936 Carter case.

"Congress, entirely apart from those powers delegated by the Constitution, may enact laws to promote the general welfare, have never been accepted but always definitely rejected by this court."

It also decided that the Framing Convention "made no grant of authority to Congress to legislate substantively for the general welfare (citing 1936 Butler case) and no such authority exists, save as the general welfare may be promoted by the exercise of the powers which are granted."

The American people have never amended the Constitution so as to change the limited and limiting meaning of the words "general Welfare" in the Taxing Clause, as originally intended by The Framers and Adopters in 1787-1788.

I'm gonna go ahead and call checkmate ahead of time so the usual suspects know not to waste their time.
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Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
You could say that we changed electing Trump, and regressed going back to Biden as well but you won't.

You are ignoring the 600 pound gorilla in the room which is, what should the role of government be in relation to our freedoms?

For example, the Left wants to do away with the First and Second Amendments, do you? Should government further curtail our freedoms?
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry.
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
You could say that we changed electing Trump, and regressed going back to Biden as well but you won't.

You are ignoring the 600 pound gorilla in the room which is, what should the role of government be in relation to our freedoms?

For example, the Left wants to do away with the First and Second Amendments, do you? Should government further curtail our freedoms?
The point on the spectrum at which government is involved in our lives exists based on where we choose to put it as a country.

So, as I said, the question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.

Hysteria, hyperbole and ignorant assumptions are counter-productive in that process.
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry. it, so you’re ashamed to note the “things” you speak of?
You’ve become way too predictable.
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry. it, so you’re ashamed to note the “things” you speak of?
You’ve become way too predictable.
I just don't give a shit about your opinion. If you want to think it's important to me, neat.
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry. it, so you’re ashamed to note the “things” you speak of?
You’ve become way too predictable.
I just don't give a shit about your opinion. If you want to think it's important to me, neat.

Hey’re posting in an open discussion forum, you do this to voice your opinion and hear the opinions of others. Did you forget how this shit works?
You said “things”...don’t be scared, what are these things?
The point on the spectrum at which government is involved in our lives exists based on where we choose to put it as a country.
So, as I said, the question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
Hysteria, hyperbole and ignorant assumptions are counter-productive in that process.

Burn your state flag ... that's who's ripping you off ...
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry. it, so you’re ashamed to note the “things” you speak of?
You’ve become way too predictable.
I just don't give a shit about your opinion. If you want to think it's important to me, neat.

Hey’re posting in an open discussion forum, you do this to voice your opinion and hear the opinions of others. Did you forget how this shit works?
You said “things”...don’t be scared, what are these things?
The neat thing about posting in an open discussion forum is that I'm not required to enable nutters or play their nutter games.

I can just observe their behaviors and belch out my opinion when I feel like it!

How cool is that!
Hey’re posting in an open discussion forum, you do this to voice your opinion and hear the opinions of others. Did you forget how this shit works?
You said “things”...don’t be scared, what are these things?

That cat has a really creepy sense of his own self-importance. It's kind of hard to put your finger on it, but it gives me the heebie jeebies. A real weirdo.
Things will continue to change and evolve slowly. Anyone who thinks they can turn things upside down is dreaming.

The question will be whether we can work together to intelligently manage the change, or whether it will be a bumpy road, filled with wasted motion and paranoia.
“Things will continue to change and evolve slowly.”
What are these “things” you speak of?
Will these “things” be beneficial for CORE Americans?

It seems like all the “CHANGE” we’ve seen has come at the expense and compromise of CORE Americans and to the benefit of foreigners and fringe factions...I’m certain you good Americans are fed up with that bullshit....right?
Oh, you core Americans are fucked. We're going full commie. Sorry. it, so you’re ashamed to note the “things” you speak of?
You’ve become way too predictable.
I just don't give a shit about your opinion. If you want to think it's important to me, neat.

Hey’re posting in an open discussion forum, you do this to voice your opinion and hear the opinions of others. Did you forget how this shit works?
You said “things”...don’t be scared, what are these things?
The neat thing about posting in an open discussion forum is that I'm not required to enable nutters or play their nutter games.

I can just observe their behaviors and belch out my opinion when I feel like it!

How cool is that!
That’s super cool....AND you can avoid those pesky posters whom have a habit of calling you out and exposing your twisted, blurry, ambiguous bullshit as well....huh?
Fuck, this is cool.

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