Requiring wearing masks in public


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2020
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public?

This while the elite politicians and rioters do not do so?

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.

What is next, bar scan tattoos and implanting of a chip? And no, it is not for the public welfare as the large "peaceful protests" are free to violate this practice at their own discretion and nothing is done.
Over the weekend we went out to lunch...they provided out door seating only and a line had formed of about 3 couples so we stood behind them at least 10 ft away....well one of the waitresses came out and told us to put a mask on or leave....
She said it just like we left...I had fully prepared to wear a mask when shown our table and ordering but to stand out front of the restaurant no way was I going to put my mask on....she seemed pissed to even being at work so we decided we would go someplace else....
People have lost it...the media is scaring the shit out of people....
If you want to ensure infectious liberals keep a safe distance away just wear one of these:


But do be aware you may get gang-raped or beaten with a bicycle chain in a Democrat majority commune city.
If you want to ensure infectious liberals keep a safe distance away just wear one of these:

View attachment 367874

But do be aware you may get gang-raped or beaten with a bicycle chain in a Democrat majority commune city.

Or laughed at by the people who can't stand Trump. Not for wearing a MAGA mask. But for having Donald Trump that close to your mouth. :)
It never fails to bring a smile to my face.

That being said, yes, masks should be mandatory for everyone while in public. But people should be smart enough to
be able to wear them voluntarily. Without having a law, or the risk of getting fined. You should just wear it because it's
the right thing to do....But..a lot of people are just stupid.
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public?

This while the elite politicians and rioters do not do so?

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.

What is next, bar scan tattoos and implanting of a chip? And no, it is not for the public welfare as the large "peaceful protests" are free to violate this practice at their own discretion and nothing is done.
They ignore illegal immigration laws that are on the books by refusing to enforce them and then create new laws out of thin air that are not really laws and force you to follow them.

This is what happens to a post Constitutional nation of Leftists.
Over the weekend we went out to lunch...they provided out door seating only and a line had formed of about 3 couples so we stood behind them at least 10 ft away....well one of the waitresses came out and told us to put a mask on or leave....
She said it just like we left...I had fully prepared to wear a mask when shown our table and ordering but to stand out front of the restaurant no way was I going to put my mask on....she seemed pissed to even being at work so we decided we would go someplace else....
People have lost it...the media is scaring the shit out of people....
Someone posted this, but its worth reposting because it's the truth 100%


People are so fucking stupid it's sad...I have already told management where I work
If they are not going to enforce mask requirements with customers I am not wearing a mask

I've been taking pictures to document my stance
and running to management every person I see either,
not wearing a mask or wearing it under their nose...

Either everyone complies or don't tell me I have to...
stay the fuck home and hire a personal shopper

Not to mention, I'll just blame protesters and local officials
for spreading/allowing the spread of an infectious disease *cough cough*
It's become a parody. I just got back from the Vet. My puppy had her final distemper booster. You have to call from the parking lot to be permitted inside. Only one customer at a time in the lobby. For crying out loud! You have your dog on a leash, the other person has their dog on a leash. You would have to make a huge effort to get close to another person to infect them! It's a ridiculous over reaction.

Even in the exam room you have to wear a mask. What for? You aren't even allowed to be with your dog when she gets a shot! The vet tech takes her out of the room.
If you want to ensure infectious liberals keep a safe distance away just wear one of these:

View attachment 367874

But do be aware you may get gang-raped or beaten with a bicycle chain in a Democrat majority commune city.

Or laughed at by the people who can't stand Trump. Not for wearing a MAGA mask. But for having Donald Trump that close to your mouth. :)
It never fails to bring a smile to my face.

That being said, yes, masks should be mandatory for everyone while in public. But people should be smart enough to
be able to wear them voluntarily. Without having a law, or the risk of getting fined. You should just wear it because it's
the right thing to do....But..a lot of people are just stupid.

Or, a lot of people see it for what it is, a political ploy to further control the masses. Perhaps the stupid ones are the sheep who blindly comply without a thought as to what it really means.
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public?

This while the elite politicians and rioters do not do so?

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.

What is next, bar scan tattoos and implanting of a chip? And no, it is not for the public welfare as the large "peaceful protests" are free to violate this practice at their own discretion and nothing is done.
They ignore illegal immigration laws that are on the books by refusing to enforce them and then create new laws out of thin air that are not really laws and force you to follow them.

This is what happens to a post Constitutional nation of Leftists.
Business owners have always & can require shoes, shirts & mask or deny you service. It's legal against Hippies, Rednecks & Idiots. But you are free to screw up your life elsewhere. Like this Texas family reeling after 18 of them were infected with COVID-19 and three were hospitalized following a surprise birthday party.

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If you want to ensure infectious liberals keep a safe distance away just wear one of these:

View attachment 367874

But do be aware you may get gang-raped or beaten with a bicycle chain in a Democrat majority commune city.

Or laughed at by the people who can't stand Trump. Not for wearing a MAGA mask. But for having Donald Trump that close to your mouth. :)
It never fails to bring a smile to my face.

That being said, yes, masks should be mandatory for everyone while in public. But people should be smart enough to
be able to wear them voluntarily. Without having a law, or the risk of getting fined. You should just wear it because it's
the right thing to do....But..a lot of people are just stupid.

Or, a lot of people see it for what it is, a political ploy to further control the masses. Perhaps the stupid ones are the sheep who blindly comply without a thought as to what it really means.

If you wish to see dark conspiracies in an attempt to serve whatever narrative you believe, be my guest.
The people who don't comply are the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal.
If you want to ensure infectious liberals keep a safe distance away just wear one of these:

View attachment 367874

But do be aware you may get gang-raped or beaten with a bicycle chain in a Democrat majority commune city.

Or laughed at by the people who can't stand Trump. Not for wearing a MAGA mask. But for having Donald Trump that close to your mouth. :)
It never fails to bring a smile to my face.

That being said, yes, masks should be mandatory for everyone while in public. But people should be smart enough to
be able to wear them voluntarily. Without having a law, or the risk of getting fined. You should just wear it because it's
the right thing to do....But..a lot of people are just stupid.

In public?
Broward County Florida has demanded by order of ordinance that you must wear a mask when at home....INSIDE
Further more, if strangers wonder onto your property, YOU are required by ordinance to provide masks for all of them, or YOU will be fined.
If that's not enough, the County encourages neighbors to call a hotline to report violations.

It's not the innocence you think it is.
Wise people recognize this as the ground work for gun confiscations.
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public?

This while the elite politicians and rioters do not do so?

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.

What is next, bar scan tattoos and implanting of a chip? And no, it is not for the public welfare as the large "peaceful protests" are free to violate this practice at their own discretion and nothing is done.
They ignore illegal immigration laws that are on the books by refusing to enforce them and then create new laws out of thin air that are not really laws and force you to follow them.

This is what happens to a post Constitutional nation of Leftists.
Business owners have always & can require shoes, shirts & mask or deny you service. It's legal against Hippies, Rednecks & Idiots. But you are free to screw up your life elsewhere. Like this Texas family reeling after 18 of them were infected with COVID-19 and three were hospitalized following a surprise birthday party.

No, states are now mandating the wearing of masks and is a misdemeanor if you don't comply.
If you wish to see dark conspiracies in an attempt to serve whatever narrative you believe, be my guest.
The people who don't comply are the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal.

Who made you a professional virologist?
And sticking your head in the sand is not a fight.

Let me guess, you also believe Agenda21 is a myth or "conspiracy theory"......even though anyone can find it if they ever choose to think for themselves rather than be guided as a tool.
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public?

This while the elite politicians and rioters do not do so?

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.

What is next, bar scan tattoos and implanting of a chip? And no, it is not for the public welfare as the large "peaceful protests" are free to violate this practice at their own discretion and nothing is done.
Does anyone else resent the so called requirement to wear masks in public? ....

I have requested to see the legally passed law on the books and no one can show it to me.
Are you disabled in some manner which impedes your ability to look up the health and safety laws and regulations of the governing jurisdictions in which you reside? Obviously, you have a computer. I suggest you start with that tool to discover the responsibilities of your elected officials pertaining to protecting their constituents' welfare, health and safety, especially during emergencies, short and long term!

Further, your civil rights end at the tip of your nose! You have no right to infect another person with a potentially deadly disease just because your dumb ass doesn't want to follow a public emergency safety law or regulation regarding masks. You're whining like a spoiled and petulant child! Grow the fuck up!
I just got back from the local hospital. I had to have a test done. It was the dead zone. The doc said that since this started they might have had two patients that may have had it.
Two masks for liberals...
Or preferably...
Be sure to have a tight seal.
Just to be sure.
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You should just wear it because it's the right thing to do....

Who says? You? And if it is the right thing to do and REQUIRED, then why can't you find them anywhere?

What next, require everyone to stand? And if you are a paraplegic in a wheelchair, well, you're just SHIT out of luck? Stand or go away?

What comes after that Jack? THINK the right way? TALK the right way? VOTE the right way?

WE have gone from a nation of INFINITE CHOICES to ZERO.


I'm an AMERICAN, unlike you, I am for LIBERTY. ASK ME and I'll do my best, HELP ME by giving me what I need, but don't ORDER ME.
I wear a mask only when I need to. Personally I don't think they do jack shit except make some people feel better.

I do stay six feet away from everyone and so far I've been fine.

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