Republicans who used Trump's name in " vain" about his racist remarks


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Right wingers on here REFUSE to believe that their orange hero may have exposed himself with his racist remarks..But smarter republicans see it a bit differently..
You will soon hear the RINO label being bandied about

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong critic of Trump, took a hard stance against Trump's remarks at the news conference.

"Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer. I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency,".

He continued: "Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world."

Sen. John McCain, whom Trump called out at the news conference for not voting for the GOP health care bill, tweeted, "There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so"

There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

Sen. Marco Rubio, who ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread, "Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame. They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain"

The organizers of events which inspired & led to #charlottesvilleterroristattack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons. 1/6

Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame.They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain 5/6

Sen. Jeff Flake, a strong critic of Trump, tweeted, "We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period."

We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period.

Sen. Cory Gardner also used Trump's name to say he was wrong at a town hall in Colorado.

"The President was wrong," Gardner said when asked about Trump's comments blaming the left,

Sen. Jerry Moran also called out Trump by name, writing in a tweet: "White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it"

White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn't tweet but instead told NBC's "Today Show" on Wednesday that Trump's remarks were "pathetic."

"This is terrible. The President of the United States needs to condemn these kinds of hate groups," said Kasich, who ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary. "The President has to totally condemn this. It's not about winning an argument."

Rep. Ed Royce tweeted, "The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity."
The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity.

Rep. Leonard Lance tweeted, "Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP."
Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who also ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread denouncing racism: "I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville."I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville.

And Rep. Will Hurd told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" that Trump should "apologize ... Racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism of any form is unacceptable."
BIG DEAL Nat , many of that group that are doing the whining , especial 'mcstain' , graham , roobio and kasich plus more are rinos . By the way Nat , just a question but concerning both the 'kkk' and the 'nazis' aren't both legal entities in the USA ?? I'm not saying that they are good organizations , i'm just saying that i think that both are LEGAL organizations in the USA aren't they Nat ??
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Right wingers on here REFUSE to believe that their orange hero may have exposed himself with his racist remarks..But smarter republicans see it a bit differently..
You will soon hear the RINO label being bandied about

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong critic of Trump, took a hard stance against Trump's remarks at the news conference.

"Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer. I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency,".

He continued: "Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world."

Sen. John McCain, whom Trump called out at the news conference for not voting for the GOP health care bill, tweeted, "There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so"

There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

Sen. Marco Rubio, who ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread, "Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame. They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain"

The organizers of events which inspired & led to #charlottesvilleterroristattack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons. 1/6

Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame.They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain 5/6

Sen. Jeff Flake, a strong critic of Trump, tweeted, "We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period."

We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period.

Sen. Cory Gardner also used Trump's name to say he was wrong at a town hall in Colorado.

"The President was wrong," Gardner said when asked about Trump's comments blaming the left,

Sen. Jerry Moran also called out Trump by name, writing in a tweet: "White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it"

White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn't tweet but instead told NBC's "Today Show" on Wednesday that Trump's remarks were "pathetic."

"This is terrible. The President of the United States needs to condemn these kinds of hate groups," said Kasich, who ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary. "The President has to totally condemn this. It's not about winning an argument."

Rep. Ed Royce tweeted, "The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity."
The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity.

Rep. Leonard Lance tweeted, "Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP."
Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who also ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread denouncing racism: "I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville."I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville.

And Rep. Will Hurd told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" that Trump should "apologize ... Racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism of any form is unacceptable."

So people are supposed to believe your spinning hackery and not what we saw with our own eyes? There is no excuse for violence from protesters or counter protesters, whatever the opinions being espoused, you keep mollycoddling violent protesters, many more people will die. Actually, I think that's exactly what you regressives want.

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Right wingers on here REFUSE to believe that their orange hero may have exposed himself with his racist remarks..But smarter republicans see it a bit differently..
You will soon hear the RINO label being bandied about

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong critic of Trump, took a hard stance against Trump's remarks at the news conference.

"Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer. I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency,".

He continued: "Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world."

Sen. John McCain, whom Trump called out at the news conference for not voting for the GOP health care bill, tweeted, "There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so"

There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

Sen. Marco Rubio, who ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread, "Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame. They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain"

The organizers of events which inspired & led to #charlottesvilleterroristattack are 100% to blame for a number of reasons. 1/6

Mr. President,you can't allow #WhiteSupremacists to share only part of blame.They support idea which cost nation & world so much pain 5/6

Sen. Jeff Flake, a strong critic of Trump, tweeted, "We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period."

We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period.

Sen. Cory Gardner also used Trump's name to say he was wrong at a town hall in Colorado.

"The President was wrong," Gardner said when asked about Trump's comments blaming the left,

Sen. Jerry Moran also called out Trump by name, writing in a tweet: "White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it"

White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn't tweet but instead told NBC's "Today Show" on Wednesday that Trump's remarks were "pathetic."

"This is terrible. The President of the United States needs to condemn these kinds of hate groups," said Kasich, who ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary. "The President has to totally condemn this. It's not about winning an argument."

Rep. Ed Royce tweeted, "The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity."
The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity.

Rep. Leonard Lance tweeted, "Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP."
Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who also ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread denouncing racism: "I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville."I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville.

And Rep. Will Hurd told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" that Trump should "apologize ... Racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism of any form is unacceptable."
Those clowns didn't say a word when Trump was on the rise. They shut their mouths for political reasons then, and they're only opening them for political reasons now. They are scum. Barely better than Trump and the inbred trash that supported him from the beginning.
Nothing white supremacist about equivocating Antifa with the KKK.

In fact, here, from a Hawaiian: Antifa is worse than the KKK and the neo Nazi's. They all believe some horrific shit, but Antifa's bigger, has more influence, and has mainstream media backing. Fuck them the hardest. Period.
Also, during the 2016 elections, how many Hillary rallies got attacked by violent white supremacists? How many of the anti trump marches saw people being beaten in the streets by "counter protesters"?

Why don't you find me some footage of neo Nazi's and KKK members attacking any sort of political assembly, lawful or otherwise, in the last fucking decade.

I'll wait.
Also, during the 2016 elections, how many Hillary rallies got attacked by violent white supremacists? How many of the anti trump marches saw people being beaten in the streets by "counter protesters"?

Why don't you find me some footage of neo Nazi's and KKK members attacking any sort of political assembly, lawful or otherwise, in the last fucking decade.

I'll wait.
Can't since it's been standard for several decades now that when you racist bastards get together you get your asses whupped back into the shadows. Trump's got you inbreds feeling empowered, but you're still afraid of that good whupping.
Also, during the 2016 elections, how many Hillary rallies got attacked by violent white supremacists? How many of the anti trump marches saw people being beaten in the streets by "counter protesters"?

Why don't you find me some footage of neo Nazi's and KKK members attacking any sort of political assembly, lawful or otherwise, in the last fucking decade.

I'll wait.
Can't since it's been standard for several decades now that when you racist bastards get together you get your asses whupped back into the shadows. Trump's got you inbreds feeling empowered, but you're still afraid of that good whupping.

I'm not a white supremacist, you fucking dolt. I'm Hawaiian. If the KKK or the neo Nazi's had Antifa influence, I'd put them on Antifa's level. But you're right, when they step out of the shadows, the white supremacists get no support. THATS WHY THEY'RE NOT A THREAT YOU MORON. A tiny group of dumb motherfuckers who everybody knows are dumb motherfuckers do not have the power to take over the country and exterminate the jews. Get your hysterical head out of your ass.

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